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East End Barrow Boy Or Professional Football Man?


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Well last nights shameful incident will examine exactly what pacakage we have at the helm of our team!!

I'm sure that sort of thing goes on on training grounds across the country on a weekly basis! However, aired in public and in front of live tv cameras it just looks awful, and gave me one my lowest moments in 32 seasons of following City.

So now we will see what GJ's next action will be! Around a year ago following the nightclub incident, GJ put all four players involved on their "last chance".

So will the 'professional football man' step forward and take the necessary (and in my view correct) steps to ensure that Bradley Orr never pulls on a Bristol City shirt again?? (and place Louis Carey in last chance saloon)


will the 'east end barrow boy' step meekly forward and paper over the now blatently obvious cracks in team spirit with a few cockney quips and talk about moving on etc etc etc....

I await with interest!

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Did you not see the post match interviews?

No - the Bar i was in in Southsea muted the sound directly the final whilstle had blown!! Though I find it incredible that both Orr and Carey, or indeed any player was allowed to be interviewed immediately after the game given the circumstances!!

Shearer and Souness showed how this incidents should be handled post match.

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I fail to see where this symbolism is in all of this. Players get steamed up argue & show a bit of passion then referee overreacts.If it was me i would be emabrrassed by the effeminate squabbling and try to forget it as quickly as possible because looking a pansy on tv is not a cool image to portray. No head butts, straight rights jabs, hooks & no fighting occured equalling a little disagreement which could have been handled very differently thats all it was.

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No - the Bar i was in in Southsea muted the sound directly the final whilstle had blown!! Though I find it incredible that both Orr and Carey, or indeed any player was allowed to be interviewed immediately after the game given the circumstances!!

Shearer and Souness showed how this incidents should be handled post match.

Bradley is 100% commited to this Football club. He made a mistake, he put his hands up and took the blame. He showed real bottle coming out to the camera`s after the game and was in tears over what he did on national television. None of the David Beckham "please put the camera in my face I'm crying, honest." He was really sorry and really upset and down about what he had done. This does not mean what he done was right or does sorry make up for it all, but give the lad a chance he loves this club and appreciates the chance he has been given here.

He has improved incredibly since Johnson has arrived and I don't know about you but I am 100% behind Bradley Orr and hope after he serves his 3 game suspension he gets back into being first choice right back.

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Where do the labels 'professional football man' and 'east end barrow boy' come from? I don't see how either label fits the actions you've come up with.

How does winning 3-1, away from home, with ten men, with players winning penalties then allowing someone else to take them, and lots of (slightly girly and lame) hand-slapping, translate into "blatently obvious cracks in team spirit".

Wait a minute. 32 years following City? Are you Marcus Stewart?

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Bradley is 100% commited to this Football club. He made a mistake,

...should have read "made another mistake".

Look, my post isnt to necessarily condemn Bradley Orr; as you rightly say he has improved his general play. However my point is how many "mistakes" and " last chances" do you give lads who are prone to this?? The manager nailed his disicplinary flag to the mast last autumn, and i'll be interested to see if he has the ba*ls to follow it through!

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Orr should be punished but never playing for us again is massively over the top and stupid.

It's his second mistake, you say it like it's his seventh or something. He should be given a final warning, and fined, and then allowed to get on with it. So should Carey, who was equally at fault - but conspicuously absent from your post.

GJ didn't nail any flags to any masts last season, he dealt with the town boy incident sensibly and I've no doubt he will deal with this one just as well - thankfully not in the manner you suggest.

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what happened last night was obviously not acceptable. IMO though, orr didnt deserve a red card. what they did was not something anywhere near on a par with the alledged town incident. i didnt see any blows thrown, it was hand bags. GJ has dealt with it so far very well and you can tell from both players that they regret it. GJ will exact the correct fines, etc, so lets all move on.

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No - the Bar i was in in Southsea muted the sound directly the final whilstle had blown!! Though I find it incredible that both Orr and Carey, or indeed any player was allowed to be interviewed immediately after the game given the circumstances!!

Shearer and Souness showed how this incidents should be handled post match.

What bar in Southsea were you watching it in - The Festing?

It was a low moment, closely followed by 45 minutes of football that made me proud to be a City fan. As for lack of team spirit not being strong - you must be having a laugh. I've never seen it stronger and a lot of credit must go to GJ for that. We had 11 (then 10) players out there who all looked like they were willing to shed blood for the cause of BCFC. Can't remember the last time I could say that - probably 1998/99 season.

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What bar in Southsea were you watching it in - The Festing?

It was a low moment, closely followed by 45 minutes of football that made me proud to be a City fan. As for lack of team spirit not being strong - you must be having a laugh. I've never seen it stronger and a lot of credit must go to GJ for that. We had 11 (then 10) players out there who all looked like they were willing to shed blood for the cause of BCFC. Can't remember the last time I could say that - probably 1998/99 season.

No the Grovesnor Casino Bar in Osborne Road!

Ok my 'team spirit' comment was slightly mis-guided; However, I hope the 2nd half display doesnt prove to be a short term cover up for longer dressing room issues that need to be addressed.

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So will the 'professional football man' step forward and take the necessary (and in my view correct) steps to ensure that Bradley Orr never pulls on a Bristol City shirt again?? (and place Louis Carey in last chance saloon)

A totally over the top comment suggesting that Bradley Orr should never again pull on a BCFC shirt. The incident was nothing more than hand bags. :laugh: Call that fighting? :blink: The incident has been totally blown out of proportion to what really happened - the incident has been replayed on SKY TV all day and I can't understand what the fuss is/was about. Go to a Bristol Rugby game and you'll see a proper fist fight during almost every game and it's never even commented on during post match analysis.

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Orr is already on a final written.Johnson will fine him as per club rules and that will be the end of it.As it should be.Too many "Mother Theresa " types on here.

On a 'final written' then you attempt to head butt a colleague while in the office???

legs to stand on = zero!!

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A totally over the top comment suggesting that Bradley Orr should never again pull on a BCFC shirt. The incident was nothing more than hand bags. :laugh: Call that fighting? :blink: The incident has been totally blown out of proportion to what really happened - the incident has been replayed on SKY TV all day and I can't understand what the fuss is/was about. Go to a Bristol Rugby game and you'll see a proper fist fight during almost every game and it's never even commented on during post match analysis.

Fair comment - though I'm sure there would be considerable 'post match analysis' if the fist fights were between members of the same team!!!

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Attempt to headbutt? I don't think so. It was just handbags in the heat of the moment.

Where's your vilification of Carey?

As i said in my opening message Carey should be placed on the "last chance" list, which is where Orr was before last night!

My point of this thread is the code of discipline that has been stated by the manager that exists within the club. Whatever the nature of the incident last night, the same player has brought gross embarassment to this football club twice in 12 months! As has Lita to Reading; will be interesting to see the comparative outcomes!

I'm not condoning their dust up, but to compare a football match, to behaviour in the office, IMO, is wide of the mark.

You missed my point there; i was referringto the fact that the football pitch is their place of work!

Just in the same way as GJ's after match comment vs Blackpool "yes that was a bad day at the office"!

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As i said in my opening message Carey should be placed on the "last chance" list, which is where Orr was before last night!

My point of this thread is the code of discipline that has been stated by the manager that exists within the club. Whatever the nature of the incident last night, the same player has brought gross embarassment to this football club twice in 12 months! As has Lita to Reading; will be interesting to see the comparative outcomes!

Quite seperate incidents and I would be quite happy for the club to carry out the necessary discipline if this had been another nightclub / drinking incident, but it was a heated exchange between two players, in the heat of the moment. It was unprofessional, it shouldn't have happened, but it doesn't warrant the sacking of a young player.

You missed my point there; i was referringto the fact that the football pitch is their place of work!

Just in the same way as GJ's after match comment vs Blackpool "yes that was a bad day at the office"!

It is their place of work, but the acceptable behaviour on a football pitch, is very different than a 'normal' workplace, if your views were applied to egg chasers, there'd be quite a few on warnings or dismissed every season.

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