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How Do You Tell Your Kid At The Game Tommorow

Big Red Rich

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Tell them the truth, don't do bad things and you won't be put in jail. But I get your point.

That's why I would like to know exactly what happened, who did what to who and who was involved in what order etc. How drunk, if at all, were they and things like that. Will any of this be in the paper etc as they weren't tried just pleaded guilty so perhaps we will never know.

I know it has been judged, but I'd like to judge for myself too.

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Tell them the truth, don't do bad things and you won't be put in jail. But I get your point.

That's why I would like to know exactly what happened, who did what to who and who was involved in what order etc. How drunk, if at all, were they and things like that. Will any of this be in the paper etc as they weren't tried just pleaded guilty so perhaps we will never know.

I know it has been judged, but I'd like to judge for myself too.

spot on, tell him that crime doesn't pay, if you get into a fight, you must be willing to deal with the result of your actions!

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That their favourate player is banged up in the slammer?

How does that sound to an 8 year old?

1. Son, somtimes the law makes big mistakes...

2. He's on holiday.

3. silly boy, he's not a City player anymore (applies to Parto)

4. A Bouncer didnt belive he was who he said he was

5. he's visiting some pals.

6. He's coaching the prison unmates becuase he's so kind.

7. he got in a fight and the Judge threw the book at him becuase FIGHTING IS BAD AND SO IS DRINKING!

I think 7 might be the most honest option

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My 7 year old is obsessed with everything city. He comes to every game and listens to every away commentary. If I lie to him he will find out within no time because he scrolls all the media outlets on tv.

How do I tell him? I tell him the truth - If you act like a thug and disgrace yourself and everyone that is counting on you then you pay the price

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How do I tell him? I tell him the truth - If you act like a thug and disgrace yourself and everyone that is counting on you then you pay the price

Couldnt have said it better myself, no point lying to the kids, otherwise then you become a liar and if they find out then they will think lying is ok.

I just told the 10 year old (city mad) child I look after and he said they could come and get locked up in his basement so the nasty gasheads don't hurt them or break their legs. :D And they would be allowed out for an hour a day in his back garden to pick up his dogs poo as punishment.

(I kinda did have to tell him that the judge wouldnt allow that)

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Tell them the truth. If you're going to act like an idiot when you've had too many and think you can get away with it because of who you are and what you do, then you've got a nasty surprise on the way. I can't imagine any of them thinking about their status as heroes in the eyes of kids when they did whatever they did, which underlines how stupid and irresponsible their actions were.

I'm going tomorrow and I'm going to get behind the team regardless of what's happened this afternoon. They were brilliant in the second half on Tuesday and we need to remember that.

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I remember being an 8 year-old and asking my Uncle why the Dolman was ripping up seats and launching them into the Away end?

"Cos they're Millwall" came his reply.

Mad times. You should think yourself lucky that he doesn't have to watch fans kicking the absolute sh1t out of each other inside the Ground anymore.

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I've just told my eight year old son - big City fan - and he said when he's grown up and he plays football he's NEVER going to nightclubs and he's NEVER going to drink. I then wrote this down and got him to sign it ... that's not punishable by law is it?! :unsure:

Remind him of this in about 10 years when he comes in bladdered for the first time :laugh: I'm sure I said something similar at that sort of age.

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I remember being an 8 year-old and asking my Uncle why the Dolman was ripping up seats and launching them into the Away end?

"Cos they're Millwall" came his reply.

Mad times. You should think yourself lucky that he doesn't have to watch fans kicking the absolute sh1t out of each other inside the Ground anymore.

I remember that

When i was nine me my dad and my twin sister were threaten by Millwall fans and there was no police around.

What cowards asking for a fight from a father and his two young daughters

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Tell them the truth, don't do bad things and you won't be put in jail. But I get your point.

That's why I would like to know exactly what happened, who did what to who and who was involved in what order etc. How drunk, if at all, were they and things like that. Will any of this be in the paper etc as they weren't tried just pleaded guilty so perhaps we will never know.

I know it has been judged, but I'd like to judge for myself too.

CAught a bit on SS news that Partridge punched brooker. Gusee that would explain his premature exit on loan.

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I remember being an 8 year-old and asking my Uncle why the Dolman was ripping up seats and launching them into the Away end?

"Cos they're Millwall" came his reply.

Mad times. You should think yourself lucky that he doesn't have to watch fans kicking the absolute sh1t out of each other inside the Ground anymore.

Dad, Dad, what are they calling the referee, sounds a bit like banker ? :me?:

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A lesson in life,hopefully.No matter who you are if you get caught breaking the law you will be punished.

Rubbish !!!!!!! - not everyone that breaks the law ends up getting punished as the criminal justice system in this country is totally corrupt and is widely regarded as being THE most corrupt in Western Europe.

Here's a very recent example of the real extent of corruption in this country's toff/snob led royalist criminal justice system.......

EIIR* versus BCFC footballers = jail for footballers that pleaded guilty from the start.

EIIR versus speeding West Mercia corrupt royalist copper = absolute discharge for copper that did not even recognize his wrong doing.

Why did the corrupt West Mercia Royalist Gestapo policeman need to be speeding at 159mph in the small hours just to test the capabilities of his Gestapo response car? That West Mercia policeman was taken to court over this offence on two occasions and on the last court appearance given an absolute discharge by the corrupt West Mercia court. That stinks of corruption when ordinary bods are sent straight to prison for achieving such speeds.

Is there no justice in this royalist tyranny?

*EIIR refers to 'Elizabeth II Regina' who is this county's unelected head of state. Head of state by 'birthright' even though she is a German descended imposter Queen.

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