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Baby Born With No Ears


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A woman has a baby but he was born with no ears. So at the party to celebrate the birth the husband says to the guests "Look whatever you do, don't mention that the baby hasn't got ears. It upsets the Mrs." So all the guest agree.

Minutes later the 1st guest walks in and says "Cor look at them feet. You wanna look after them you do!" "Well, why's that?" the mother replies. "He's going to be a footballer when he's older!" So at this point the mother gets a bit happier.

Then in walks the next guest and says "Cor look at them hands. They are great fists them! You wanna look after them!" "Well whys that?" "He's going to be a boxer when he's older!" So now the mother is delighted. Wow. A boxer or a footballer. She thought. She couldn't believ her luck and she had totally forgot about the baby not having ears.

So then in walks the third guest and says "Blimey! Look at those eyes! Those big beautiful blue eyes! They are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen! You wanna look after them!" "Well why's that?" the mother replies, feeling lucky. "He won't ever be able to wear glasses!"

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A woman has a baby but he was born with no ears. So at the party to celebrate the birth the husband says to the guests "Look whatever you do, don't mention that the baby hasn't got ears. It upsets the Mrs." So all the guest agree.

Minutes later the 1st guest walks in and says "Cor look at them feet. You wanna look after them you do!" "Well, why's that?" the mother replies. "He's going to be a footballer when he's older!" So at this point the mother gets a bit happier.

Then in walks the next guest and says "Cor look at them hands. They are great fists them! You wanna look after them!" "Well whys that?" "He's going to be a boxer when he's older!" So now the mother is delighted. Wow. A boxer or a footballer. She thought. She couldn't believ her luck and she had totally forgot about the baby not having ears.

So then in walks the third guest and says "Blimey! Look at those eyes! Those big beautiful blue eyes! They are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen! You wanna look after them!" "Well why's that?" the mother replies, feeling lucky. "He won't ever be able to wear glasses!"

made eye larf

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