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'jimmy' Vs 'red_man_dan'


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A little background;

'red_man_dan' and myself have been housemates since our first year of university, the year that City lost in the play-off final to Brighton. We frequently disagree on anything and everything, and City is certainly no exception.

'Jimmy' believes 'red_man_dan' to be life sappingly tedious with his consistent neagtive connotational (and blatent) GJ comments;

'red_man_dan' believes that 'Jimmy' is blind toward the fact that we are underachieving as a club due to GJ's lack of managerial ability.

The Conversation;

Dan - 'Apparently Benyon had a falling out with King GJ at a reserve game last week and in Latvia, hence no striker on the bench last night. Great.'

Steve (a.k.a 'Jimmy') - 'I'm starting to think we should sack Johnson to stop you whining at me. Funny how I wasnt receiving negative manager tx on a regular basis when Tinnion alienated Coles and Doherty, or produced some awesome man management when stating 'I blame myself for picking them' in a post match interview.'

Dan - 'You wished we'd kept Coles and Doherty do you? oh my ###### god. You loved and w*nked over cockney #### disiplining drinkers when he got here, but you're talking about Tinnion 'alienating' players when he does the same to 2 of the worst playboy drinker smokers at the clubhas ever had the misfortune to employ. Hilarious.'

Steve - 'What the ###### are you on about!? No I don't think we should have kept Coles and Doherty, I was glad Tinnion did what he did, as i'm glad Johnson has done much the same. I'm not the ###### idiot overlooking one manager doing it and then lambasting the next!

Dan - 'You're a joke! GJ has done it with a promising youngster (Beynon), an experienced pro (Stewart), an ex Premiership star who's just been sold for £325,000 and an international who held his own against Brazil and Italy . . . . . Coles a drunkard and Doherty a smoking tramp pale in comparison. Neither wanted to play for BCFC, ALL under GJ wanted to play for City, making it publically known. The man's ego is pathetic, tactics, subs and transfers, pathetic. Swindon will over take us.'

Steve - 'Well ###### off and support Swindon, Cheltenham, anyone for that matter. Coles and Doherty were key players in the first team. Both had loads of experience and up until Tinnion's arrival had been 2 of our best performers. You don't like GJ, you think he's a ####, I get it. Every loss or any mistake is unforgivable whereas Tinnion equivalent wqas accepted. There were two trains of thought at the end of last season - those who thought GJ was doing and would do a good job (myself included) and those who said 'despite our form in the 2nd half of the season, GJ still has to prove himself next season' - fine, i've no problem with that what-so-ever, but those people should stay true to their word and not judge him after 7 games. Our captain and star player has just been jailed for Christs sake. Our most promising youngster was recently poached by a money bags Premiership team. Our other first team striker is out injured. The season has only just begun, we finished 7th last year after being bottom in November, some people are so fickle and wuick to forget its untrue. You state how tight a division this is but then throw your toys out of the pram when we are 2-3 wins of the pace with a quarter of the season gone.'

Dan - 'Thats the best quote ever. Thank you. 7 games. Tell me how many games was it into the season you called for Tinnions head? Oh yeah 7. And he'd finished 7th the season before, unlike GJ who finished 9th although you claim 7th. Get your facts straight monkey boy. It's ok to judge Tins after 7 games but not GJ? Good one idiot. Double standards, and after you'd claimed that of my thoughts regarding treatment of players. Funny, just funny.'

Steve - 'Once again you're talking bollocks, the notion that you are accusing me of using double standards is the only thing you should find 'hilarious'. Johnson inherited a team which virtually everyone agreed would do well to stay up, Tinnion inherited a very strong team with a solid core that had finished 3rd the previous 2 seasons (? - question mark included as I don't have the internet in my lap.) I said Tinnion wouldnt work around 4 months into his reign, then, when he wasnt sacked, said he should be given until Xmas '05 to do it his way. Feel free to check that if you like. I remember regular forum posters saying, when GJ took over, they'd be delighted if we finished a place above relegation. We had just suffered the most embarrasing defeat i've experienced as a fan of the club at Swansea, and yet, despite that and the fact the club were up shit creek, we finished 2nd (again, I think, feel free to tap away on lappy and throw stats back in my face) over the 2nd half of the season. Why don't you compare the records of Tinnion and Johnson, then consider the circumstances to which they entered the job and then try slating Johnson.'

Dan - 'Pathetic. Tinnion inherited a team who's previous record was irrelevant as it was a team full of players who, through no fault of his, did nnot want to play for him. So the teams' ability counted for very little. GJ has a team this season who was 2nd favourite to win the division, and he has done bollocks. 4-2 at home to Blackpool and they could have had 8. Brooker and Orr were avaliable for the first 5 games. The only terams we have beaten (two at home by a single goal) are 17th, 18th and 18th. Anyhow, we have different views. Fine. My initial textwas actually just letting you know a suggested reason why the club didnt have a striking option last night. I had apportioned no blame to GJ as i Know nothing about the rumoured situation, you merely assumed. The internet went off about half an hour ago, I just knew where we finished.'

Steve - 'I appreciate the text. Yes we do have different views and I have no problem with that. Can just get slightly tiresome when i'm getting negative GJ connotations shoved down my throat on a regular basis. I think we should post our tx conversation on the forum, its been most fun.'

So I did. I hope you have enjoyed this little pantomime. Feel free to take sides or make comments, you the jury's feedback is most welcome!

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A little background;

'red_man_dan' and myself have been housemates since our first year of university, the year that City lost in the play-off final to Brighton. We frequently disagree on anything and everything, and City is certainly no exception.

'Jimmy' believes 'red_man_dan' to be life sappingly tedious with his consistent neagtive connotational (and blatent) GJ comments;

'red_man_dan' believes that 'Jimmy' is blind toward the fact that we are underachieving as a club due to GJ's lack of managerial ability.

The Conversation;

Dan - 'Apparently Benyon had a falling out with King GJ at a reserve game last week and in Latvia, hence no striker on the bench last night. Great.'

Steve (a.k.a 'Jimmy') - 'I'm starting to think we should sack Johnson to stop you whining at me. Funny how I wasnt receiving negative manager tx on a regular basis when Tinnion alienated Coles and Doherty, or produced some awesome man management when stating 'I blame myself for picking them' in a post match interview.'

Dan - 'You wished we'd kept Coles and Doherty do you? oh my ###### god. You loved and w*nked over cockney #### disiplining drinkers when he got here, but you're talking about Tinnion 'alienating' players when he does the same to 2 of the worst playboy drinker smokers at the clubhas ever had the misfortune to employ. Hilarious.'

Steve - 'What the ###### are you on about!? No I don't think we should have kept Coles and Doherty, I was glad Tinnion did what he did, as i'm glad Johnson has done much the same. I'm not the ###### idiot overlooking one manager doing it and then lambasting the next!

Dan - 'You're a joke! GJ has done it with a promising youngster (Beynon), an experienced pro (Stewart), an ex Premiership star who's just been sold for £325,000 and an international who held his own against Brazil and Italy . . . . . Coles a drunkard and Doherty a smoking tramp pale in comparison. Neither wanted to play for BCFC, ALL under GJ wanted to play for City, making it publically known. The man's ego is pathetic, tactics, subs and transfers, pathetic. Swindon will over take us.'

Steve - 'Well ###### off and support Swindon, Cheltenham, anyone for that matter. Coles and Doherty were key players in the first team. Both had loads of experience and up until Tinnion's arrival had been 2 of our best performers. You don't like GJ, you think he's a ####, I get it. Every loss or any mistake is unforgivable whereas Tinnion equivalent wqas accepted. There were two trains of thought at the end of last season - those who thought GJ was doing and would do a good job (myself included) and those who said 'despite our form in the 2nd half of the season, GJ still has to prove himself next season' - fine, i've no problem with that what-so-ever, but those people should stay true to their word and not judge him after 7 games. Our captain and star player has just been jailed for Christs sake. Our most promising youngster was recently poached by a money bags Premiership team. Our other first team striker is out injured. The season has only just begun, we finished 7th last year after being bottom in November, some people are so fickle and wuick to forget its untrue. You state how tight a division this is but then throw your toys out of the pram when we are 2-3 wins of the pace with a quarter of the season gone.'

Dan - 'Thats the best quote ever. Thank you. 7 games. Tell me how many games was it into the season you called for Tinnions head? Oh yeah 7. And he'd finished 7th the season before, unlike GJ who finished 9th although you claim 7th. Get your facts straight monkey boy. It's ok to judge Tins after 7 games but not GJ? Good one idiot. Double standards, and after you'd claimed that of my thoughts regarding treatment of players. Funny, just funny.'

Steve - 'Once again you're talking bollocks, the notion that you are accusing me of using double standards is the only thing you should find 'hilarious'. Johnson inherited a team which virtually everyone agreed would do well to stay up, Tinnion inherited a very strong team with a solid core that had finished 3rd the previous 2 seasons (? - question mark included as I don't have the internet in my lap.) I said Tinnion wouldnt work around 4 months into his reign, then, when he wasnt sacked, said he should be given until Xmas '05 to do it his way. Feel free to check that if you like. I remember regular forum posters saying, when GJ took over, they'd be delighted if we finished a place above relegation. We had just suffered the most embarrasing defeat i've experienced as a fan of the club at Swansea, and yet, despite that and the fact the club were up shit creek, we finished 2nd (again, I think, feel free to tap away on lappy and throw stats back in my face) over the 2nd half of the season. Why don't you compare the records of Tinnion and Johnson, then consider the circumstances to which they entered the job and then try slating Johnson.'

Dan - 'Pathetic. Tinnion inherited a team who's previous record was irrelevant as it was a team full of players who, through no fault of his, did nnot want to play for him. So the teams' ability counted for very little. GJ has a team this season who was 2nd favourite to win the division, and he has done bollocks. 4-2 at home to Blackpool and they could have had 8. Brooker and Orr were avaliable for the first 5 games. The only terams we have beaten (two at home by a single goal) are 17th, 18th and 18th. Anyhow, we have different views. Fine. My initial textwas actually just letting you know a suggested reason why the club didnt have a striking option last night. I had apportioned no blame to GJ as i Know nothing about the rumoured situation, you merely assumed. The internet went off about half an hour ago, I just knew where we finished.'

Steve - 'I appreciate the text. Yes we do have different views and I have no problem with that. Can just get slightly tiresome when i'm getting negative GJ connotations shoved down my throat on a regular basis. I think we should post our tx conversation on the forum, its been most fun.'

So I did. I hope you have enjoyed this little pantomime. Feel free to take sides or make comments, you the jury's feedback is most welcome!


a litttle advice for you

No one is interested in your boring texts between you and your sad little friend -

Why on earth do you think anyone would be interested in this drivel?

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Housemates? Have you ever physically damaged eachother?! :D

I got a feeling this will run and run, hope you have got free texts. I can picture you in adjoining rooms having this discussion both going mad with your phones! :blink:

I wonder how the players feel after a match, do they go home and forget it 'switch off' until the next day, meanwhile there are people at home, in pubs, on here and by texts all anylising their every move. Praising, argueing and dreaming, and everthing else inbetween.

Still, that's what makes it the great game that it is I suppose.

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a litttle advice for you

No one is interested in your boring texts between you and your sad little friend -

Why on earth do you think anyone would be interested in this drivel?

Jesus Christ, another uncalled for pop.

Ill just go iron my straight legged slacks before I head down to the big 'bird watch' meet tonight.

(No offence intended to those who own straight legged slacks and enjoy bird watching.)

If you cant see the humour in two mates ripping chunks out of each other about something they both clearly care about then I sincerely apologise for wasting your time. The time you took to unnecessarily reply to the thread just to inform me of how uneccesary you felt the thread was is all yours however.

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a litttle advice for you

No one is interested in your boring texts between you and your sad little friend -

Why on earth do you think anyone would be interested in this drivel?

Yet you cared enough to reply.

Other than being contained in one post, how is the above any different to a debate on here that starts between two people before others read up and join in?

Having read the post myself I found it to be a fairly decent read and saw areas where it could spark debate whereas your reply served only to seem to want to kill any discussion which to me is totally against the principle of a forum.

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:D ,

What a funny thread, Code red and Harpo, how is reading this thread that debates BCFC and offers opinions and views any different from reading any other post made on this site that i assume you read?

The fact that it originated from a text conversation is irrelevent, it still opens up avenues for debate and discusiion does it not? It incorporated many of the feelings that people convey often on here and also higlights a clear wedge thst is growing between opinions og GJ, something i think is quite interesting, if you don't then fine, get off the thread and go read something else....no need for comments such as the ones made. As it was Jimmy was at work with nothing else to make his day go by, and i was just waiting for the kick offs.

Petty replies that aren,t needed are the waste of time here, not the original debate.

Oh and madger.I'm right. :D:D

P.S i wasn,t a fan of Tinman at the end, if that is how some may view it, Jimmy knows that so i had no need to explain it in my texts to him, i was just making some comparisons with regards to teams, time given etc.

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Yet you cared enough to reply.

Other than being contained in one post, how is the above any different to a debate on here that starts between two people before others read up and join in?

Having read the post myself I found it to be a fairly decent read and saw areas where it could spark debate whereas your reply served only to seem to want to kill any discussion which to me is totally against the principle of a forum.

Why would that reply kill the discussion? It hasn't has it!

What gives you the right to delete Posts ( that aren't abusive or libellous )?

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Why oh why do some posters seem to spend all the time to find a post,

just to say , boring , rubbish etc, a good debate is a good debate, avin a pop is avin a pop.

did u look at my mrs, u just knocked my pint, get out less. christ

Granted, there are some great points for debate here but is there any real need to reprint a long and rather dull text coversation between 2 mates?

By doing this the points are drawn out and seem to be more in the format of a "yeah but...." argument.

Summarise and be succinct!

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Granted, there are some great points for debate here but is there any real need to reprint a long and rather dull text coversation between 2 mates?

By doing this the points are drawn out and seem to be more in the format of a "yeah but...." argument.

Summarise and be succinct!

Point taken, but that was, in essence, part of the reason for the post because it summed up and represented what happens on this forum all the time. Its just humerous that people on here have such differening and steadfast views about the SAME club, players, manager etc, and are prepared to argue thier points to the bitter end, all at the same time following BCFC.

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Point taken, but that was, in essence, part of the reason for the post because it summed up and represented what happens on this forum all the time. Its just humerous that people on here have such differening and steadfast views about the SAME club, players, manager etc, and are prepared to argue thier points to the bitter end, all at the same time following BCFC.

Humerous? Na, Human. If we all agreed it would be Utopia ( Boring ), if you want to get Philosophical,

no Wars, Famine, etc etc.

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Why would that reply kill the discussion? It hasn't has it!

What gives you the right to delete Posts ( that aren't abusive or libellous )?

I said it was an attempt to kill the discussion, not a successful attempt. :razz:

Anyway, which posts am I purported to have deleted?

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Point taken, but that was, in essence, part of the reason for the post because it summed up and represented what happens on this forum all the time. Its just humerous that people on here have such differening and steadfast views about the SAME club, players, manager etc, and are prepared to argue thier points to the bitter end, all at the same time following BCFC.

Well I found it funny anyway....trouble with this site - too many people that are always right and too many people who want to be serious all the time.....!!!

Oh and too many little 'cliques' - if you're mates with someone they tend to stick together and slate the rest - the whole idea guys - its a forum...welcome others in - lets listen to their points of view and occasionally have a lugh.... :dunno:

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A little background;

'red_man_dan' and myself have been housemates since our first year of university, the year that City lost in the play-off final to Brighton. We frequently disagree on anything and everything, and City is certainly no exception.

'Jimmy' believes 'red_man_dan' to be life sappingly tedious with his consistent neagtive connotational (and blatent) GJ comments;

'red_man_dan' believes that 'Jimmy' is blind toward the fact that we are underachieving as a club due to GJ's lack of managerial ability.

The Conversation;

Dan - 'Apparently Benyon had a falling out with King GJ at a reserve game last week and in Latvia, hence no striker on the bench last night. Great.'

Steve (a.k.a 'Jimmy') - 'I'm starting to think we should sack Johnson to stop you whining at me. Funny how I wasnt receiving negative manager tx on a regular basis when Tinnion alienated Coles and Doherty, or produced some awesome man management when stating 'I blame myself for picking them' in a post match interview.'

Dan - 'You wished we'd kept Coles and Doherty do you? oh my ###### god. You loved and w*nked over cockney #### disiplining drinkers when he got here, but you're talking about Tinnion 'alienating' players when he does the same to 2 of the worst playboy drinker smokers at the clubhas ever had the misfortune to employ. Hilarious.'

Steve - 'What the ###### are you on about!? No I don't think we should have kept Coles and Doherty, I was glad Tinnion did what he did, as i'm glad Johnson has done much the same. I'm not the ###### idiot overlooking one manager doing it and then lambasting the next!

Dan - 'You're a joke! GJ has done it with a promising youngster (Beynon), an experienced pro (Stewart), an ex Premiership star who's just been sold for £325,000 and an international who held his own against Brazil and Italy . . . . . Coles a drunkard and Doherty a smoking tramp pale in comparison. Neither wanted to play for BCFC, ALL under GJ wanted to play for City, making it publically known. The man's ego is pathetic, tactics, subs and transfers, pathetic. Swindon will over take us.'

Steve - 'Well ###### off and support Swindon, Cheltenham, anyone for that matter. Coles and Doherty were key players in the first team. Both had loads of experience and up until Tinnion's arrival had been 2 of our best performers. You don't like GJ, you think he's a ####, I get it. Every loss or any mistake is unforgivable whereas Tinnion equivalent wqas accepted. There were two trains of thought at the end of last season - those who thought GJ was doing and would do a good job (myself included) and those who said 'despite our form in the 2nd half of the season, GJ still has to prove himself next season' - fine, i've no problem with that what-so-ever, but those people should stay true to their word and not judge him after 7 games. Our captain and star player has just been jailed for Christs sake. Our most promising youngster was recently poached by a money bags Premiership team. Our other first team striker is out injured. The season has only just begun, we finished 7th last year after being bottom in November, some people are so fickle and wuick to forget its untrue. You state how tight a division this is but then throw your toys out of the pram when we are 2-3 wins of the pace with a quarter of the season gone.'

Dan - 'Thats the best quote ever. Thank you. 7 games. Tell me how many games was it into the season you called for Tinnions head? Oh yeah 7. And he'd finished 7th the season before, unlike GJ who finished 9th although you claim 7th. Get your facts straight monkey boy. It's ok to judge Tins after 7 games but not GJ? Good one idiot. Double standards, and after you'd claimed that of my thoughts regarding treatment of players. Funny, just funny.'

Steve - 'Once again you're talking bollocks, the notion that you are accusing me of using double standards is the only thing you should find 'hilarious'. Johnson inherited a team which virtually everyone agreed would do well to stay up, Tinnion inherited a very strong team with a solid core that had finished 3rd the previous 2 seasons (? - question mark included as I don't have the internet in my lap.) I said Tinnion wouldnt work around 4 months into his reign, then, when he wasnt sacked, said he should be given until Xmas '05 to do it his way. Feel free to check that if you like. I remember regular forum posters saying, when GJ took over, they'd be delighted if we finished a place above relegation. We had just suffered the most embarrasing defeat i've experienced as a fan of the club at Swansea, and yet, despite that and the fact the club were up shit creek, we finished 2nd (again, I think, feel free to tap away on lappy and throw stats back in my face) over the 2nd half of the season. Why don't you compare the records of Tinnion and Johnson, then consider the circumstances to which they entered the job and then try slating Johnson.'

Dan - 'Pathetic. Tinnion inherited a team who's previous record was irrelevant as it was a team full of players who, through no fault of his, did nnot want to play for him. So the teams' ability counted for very little. GJ has a team this season who was 2nd favourite to win the division, and he has done bollocks. 4-2 at home to Blackpool and they could have had 8. Brooker and Orr were avaliable for the first 5 games. The only terams we have beaten (two at home by a single goal) are 17th, 18th and 18th. Anyhow, we have different views. Fine. My initial textwas actually just letting you know a suggested reason why the club didnt have a striking option last night. I had apportioned no blame to GJ as i Know nothing about the rumoured situation, you merely assumed. The internet went off about half an hour ago, I just knew where we finished.'

Steve - 'I appreciate the text. Yes we do have different views and I have no problem with that. Can just get slightly tiresome when i'm getting negative GJ connotations shoved down my throat on a regular basis. I think we should post our tx conversation on the forum, its been most fun.'

So I did. I hope you have enjoyed this little pantomime. Feel free to take sides or make comments, you the jury's feedback is most welcome!

Great post and great read!!! Nice to see a bit of passion.... COME ON YOU REDS.... oh sorry, better keep my voice down before l upset someone

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It says in the second aprt of your title that this was a text message exchange??????????????!!!!

Is that right??

How many text messages did you send each other?? Mine normally lets me right a few hundred characters and then I'm on my next message.

Please please tell me you have lenghtened this for the purpose of otib.

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It says in the second aprt of your title that this was a text message exchange??????????????!!!!

Is that right??

How many text messages did you send each other?? Mine normally lets me right a few hundred characters and then I'm on my next message.

Please please tell me you have lenghtened this for the purpose of otib.

Mine lets me write as many words as i like as far as i can tell, it just sticks it all together and sends it as one.(but will charge for say 3 or 4 depending on the size).

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