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Flaxbourton Red

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The table football game imortalised by the undertones in Teenage kicks.

Do people still play it?

Why do I want to buy the Bristol City team even though i don't play subbuteo? I also keep thinking the subbuteo floodlights (selling on ebay) would make interesting ornaments.

Maybe this is just friday afternoon thinking.

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Guest MaloneFM

For all clean living like minded fellows such as yourself uncle Rog has the addresses for the official Airfix site as well.

And Scalextric

And Hornby

Come into my garden shed and stay awhile won't you? :rolleyes:

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Guest MaloneFM

Aahh it was indeed, how did i get that wrong?

Uncle Rog, thanks for the shed offer, is that where Barry Manc and Dr Faustus are at the moment?

Indeed so young FBR they are playing herr doktor und nurses

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