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Sam Allardyce's Career Must Surely Now Be...


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How much evidence is there in this Panorama programme?!? The FA have to do something about it all. He seems to be out of control and football seems to be in a mess!

Ok, clearly a pessimisstic viewpoint following one damning programme which is likely to be slightly biased, however there are grounds to believe that things are drastically wrong and things need to be done...

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I don't know about Allardyce career being over but, surely the investigating journalist for panorama must surely be looking for another job now. What a load of nothing.

Harry Redknapp and Allardyce must be laughing their heads off, the only money about to change hands with regards to the two managers is from their compensation package given to them from the judge, the programme was completely amateurish and had nothing on Redkanpp or Allardyce.

If saying he thought Todd was a tough bastard and he liked him as a player after being prompted by an undercover nobody is all they have then they will be praying for a miracle in court, the subject would never had been brought up had the would be agent not brought it up, absoloute garbage in my opinion.

And to think this guy spent a whole year putting this together, he should have spent six months of it looking for a new job as well.

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