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Well Done On Recent Form


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I see you've gone from being almost bottom to almost top in a few weeks. What would you put the change of form down to. Manager, players stopping fighting, fans not getting on backs?

The way its going this could finally be your year, and you could even avoid the playoff tension. Are you playing well enough to go up automatically?

Also albeit 9 games in, are any of you surprised by Cardiff's start the season? We wer featured on Sky on sunday and showed the thousands that we are playing great stuff at the moment.

Thank you, Marc.

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A season is a marathon and not a sprint. However if us and you are going to get promotion come may then we do need to pick up the results now and average 2 points per game.

I don't want to get to excited yet but this may finally be our year. We just need to keep it going and when we do lose a game we need to be strong and pick ourselves back up and keep the faith.


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don't want to go top yet as everybody will try that much

harder to beat you.just stay as we are and stay close to

the front runners.then with about 10 games lsft go for it.

Don't be silly we've yet to have our 'post-crimbo-suicide' run of matches, we need to build up some space between us and the wasters in this league - my estimation would be 54 points clear at crimbo.

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I was at Tinnion Park for the Brum game and what I saw of the match I can comment that brum were appaling, especially at the back, however Cardiff did look very strong.

I have lots of mates who are Cardiff fans and the general concencous is that Dave Jones future is less than certain and his constant sherking of any definite commitment to the future of Cardiff City is a general worry.

My prediction for you is much like the one for my own club: Play offs, unfortunately for Cardiff I can't see you having the strength in depth to go up automatically and I think you will falter at the first hurdle of the play offs.

Good luck, but not so much as that you go up.

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Steve Bruce sed that he couldnt believe how we kept that tempo up for 90mins during the bham game.. he thought it would slow down but it was constant and his players couldnt cope wth it. But I agree with the stength in depth, its a worry of course but something which couldnt be helped in the summer. As for Dave Jones, i hope he stays, its not at alot of clubs where the 100percent of fans are behind their manager.

Also what did you think of the atmosphere v brun executedwolf.. personally it was immense, all four stands, and bruce was impressed.

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Steve Bruce sed that he couldnt believe how we kept that tempo up for 90mins during the bham game.. he thought it would slow down but it was constant and his players couldnt cope wth it. But I agree with the stength in depth, its a worry of course but something which couldnt be helped in the summer. As for Dave Jones, i hope he stays, its not at alot of clubs where the 100percent of fans are behind their manager.

Also what did you think of the atmosphere v brun executedwolf.. personally it was immense, all four stands, and bruce was impressed.

It hurts me to say it but the atmosphere was fantastic. It's a shame that your club as many has such fickle support, I can remember when Cardiff were struggling to pull in 2,000 and that wasn't so long ago. Last season was dissapointing for you regarding attendances, especially as Swansea had a larger average attendance than yourselves.........I did notice that a week later, after beating Brum you had lost 6,000 on your gate.

p.s. nice to see the Zulus playing blue seat frisbee with the police! :englandsmile4wf:

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Yep, unfortunately fickle support is something we have to put up with. We are expecting another 20,000plus against Wolves i believe which would be the second of the season, but we should really be getting that more often. As for last year, it was unbelievable that with players like Koumas and the team fliriting with the playoffs that the public wernt satisfied.

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Yep, unfortunately fickle support is something we have to put up with. We are expecting another 20,000plus against Wolves i believe which would be the second of the season, but we should really be getting that more often. As for last year, it was unbelievable that with players like Koumas and the team fliriting with the playoffs that the public wernt satisfied.

Last years attendance boiled down to one thing: although you were up there or abouts your entertainment value was minimal, this year you have improved that all be it playing the same way in phases. I am of course reffering to that awful, Alexander/defender whooshing long ball forward, flick on by midfielder/big striker & finish by Jerome playing off the shoulder of the last man. Not attractive yet highly effective. Jeromes departure and loss of Koumas as far as entertainment value have, IMHO made yo a more attractive side to watch. Koumas was over rated and his primary asset was that of delivering a good deadball.

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