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School Days

Barrs Court Red

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I just thought about "overhead projectors". God you knew you were in for a boring lesson if they were brought out.

Burning gas taps more than made up for it.

I used to like nudging people that had a habbit os leaning back on 2 legs, they'd fly over and you could easily get away with it as it just looked like you'd accidently hit the table they were holding onto.

I remember Kickers being the MUST have piece of footwear for the cool cats, as well as RL shirts and properly fit trousers, while you could mock the geeks with trousers barely making it past their ankles. "Why you got shorts on?".

Infact, the only fun to be had at school was something you weren't supposed to be doing. Is this correct?

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Guest DrFaustus

Dart manufacturing was popular at my school. The tube from a biro was the shooter, the darts were made by attaching a small paper 'flight' to a pin with a small bit of blu tac. Insert the dart into the end of the tube and blow. The time that our history teacher copped one in the arse resulted in the whole class being put into detention for a week, as there was not one single grass in the whole group :chant6ez:

Crisp packet water bombs were wonderful too. Fill those so that the bag can be lightly tied and launch from first floor windows at passing teachers/geeks/friends. Hours of fun and still something to be done today when pissed.

I broke my nose for the first time at school. My friend Karen had a wonderful set of mazoomas and was playing tennis in the playground with her pal. As she swung for a shot, I thought it would be grown up and extremely mature to use her assets as human squeezy bottles. Karen for some perverse reason took exception to being molested by her 15 year old 'friend' ans swung back her racket cracking my nose and spilling Faustian claret all over the place. It was worth it as she was mortified afterwards and insisted on cuddling me :D

There is a story about a school swimming gala, but this is a family forum!

School days were just great.

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I broke my nose for the first time at school. My friend Karen had a wonderful set of mazoomas and was playing tennis in the playground with her pal. As she swung for a shot, I thought it would be grown up and extremely mature to use her assets as human squeezy bottles. Karen for some perverse reason took exception to being molested by her 15 year old 'friend' ans swung back her racket cracking my nose and spilling Faustian claret all over the place. It was worth it as she was mortified afterwards and insisted on cuddling me :D

Good work fella, but I was sort of expecting the mazoomas to give you the broken nose rather than the tennis racket!

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Hyms, ah we had to sing one every morning at primary school. Suprised they still do that/can do that.

Anyone do anything really naughty they care to admit? A few of us used a teachers car as a goal once, would have got away with it if the pesky dinner lady hadn't of noticed the broken wing mirror and dented side.

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I once accidently deliberatly set off a fire alarm at a lunch time once. i was just seeing how much force it took to set one off, and i was just gently had my thumb on the glass and i pressed to hard, and it broke. The head teacher or a teacher came and spoke to me, and i said i did it accidently. I said i was leaning on the wall, sliped and put my arm back onto the wall, right onto the fire alarm and it went off. fortunatly the 2 other people watching didnt dob me in. I didnt get any punishment, as they bought that i did it accidently. Thats such a long time ago now, all the way back in year 4, so 9 years.

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I broke a shatterproof ruler at school once :blink:

Cor I do that even now.

I called one of the teachers a rude word once, and wrote it all over the school desks that he was having it off with the history teacher, (which he wasnt) Only reason I never got suspended was cos my mum was on the board of govenors.

And then there was the time I set fire to a field with my sister, although technically that was in the school holidays.

Or there was the time I got stoned at lunchtime then had to sit through technology and science feeling rough as hell.

Yes I was quite a bad girl at times in my teenage years.

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Some Jolly things to do while at school..... Back in the 70's

1. Develop an interest in chemistry

Potassium Permanganate is a natural antiseptic and is also very good for turning fish ponds a lovely shade of purple..........

Imagine our surprise one day when the two fish ponds at the school I attended turned a purple colour.

Unfortunately on this occassion .......my friend 'Joe' was snitched on (we know who by too Neil)

Joe would never squeal on his mates so..........

The end shot....... was that Joe had to empty both ponds with a plastic cup during his lunch breaks.. now I jest you not these were very big ponds, well if you are only able to use a plastic cup to empty them, so our small circle of brothers all helped him empty them and got told not to by the teachers......... so we just helped him when they were not looking....... I think the teachers were amazed how quick it all got done in the end ;)

Little did they know..... we'd already done the fountain at the local shopping centre one lunchtime

it was fantastic...... a big illuminated tower of water with a pool of water at the bottom....... it was so funny when it turned purple as the water was drawn up from the pool........ laugh we nearly pizzed ourselves...... and then disappeared as we were late for chemistry.

2. Develop An Interest In Chemistry & Forgery

Silver Nitrate.... can be used in photography and is also very handy when you want to turn copper 2 pence coins into 10 pence coins............ on a temporary basis.

It did not take long for the local shop keepers to double check every 10 pence coin that they were handed.

Fantastic while it lasted and you could say that about the silver coating on the coins.

3. Develop An Interest In Chemistry & Mathmatics

As my friend Joe found out maths lessions are far more fun when mixed with acid.

Even the teacher thought it more fun as he laughed his way through the whole lession.

Thankfully it was the last lession of the day and never to be repeated.

4. Do Not Mix Boys & Chemicals

If you must place boys in a biology lab as a classroom then you can't expect them not to be curious

Easy access to chemicals leads to some very interesting 'street experiments' you find out a lot.

Today in the more 'nanny state' world if you had these chemicals you'd probably get arrested for being a terrorist as we all know that is the only reason anyone would have for having an interest in chemistry.

That said we have now found out in the modern world that you can still have such fun..... even this week I see it reported that the an unsuspecting man (that didn't understand or do chemistry) ....... managed to get more than a small bang out of mixing fluid(a) with a well known household cleaning fluid(b)

And thereby got more of a bang than the manufacturer ever mentioned..... yes he blew his room up.......

Guess he never thought what might happen...... after all the bottle didn't say anything about not mixing the contents with fluid(a) did it duh.

My friend Joe would have laughed at that!



My friend Joe............. was really called Andrew......... but we found out his middle name was Joseph

so from that point on we all called him Joe..... he took it well and used it himself

He was a warm, kind, fellow and great to be around.

He was a true friend and partner in crime........ be it childhood misdemeanours

Well okay looking back the forged coins were potentially more serious :w00t: ...... we just thought it was well cool........sort of one step down from true alchemy!

After about four years after leaving school and seeing Joe from time to time.. I found out that he was living a short drive away from me......... I had fully intended on paying him a visit the same weekend that I was listening to the local radio news and found out that Joe and his passenger had died in a car accident........ The car had caught fire and both of them were unable to get out.

So the last time I saw Joe was at his funeral, which was very sad, but all of his friends turned up

Joe was 20 when he died..... I have never forgotten him and never will...... well you don't do you.

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I once got caught for writing "CITY WILL RETURN" on a desk, following relegation from division 1. My punishment? To write an essay on "Why I think Bristol City will return to the First Division".

It was the best goddam essay I ever wrote. As it turned out, however, my football prediction skills were sadly a bit wide of the mark :crying:

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The best ones were a elastic band with paper in and flicking it at people, But they really hurt when on the receiving end, I remember many times sneaking into the science rooms when they were empty and turning on all the gas taps.

Those were the days


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Hate to break it to you Moomin, but they still have overhead projectors, and we still have hymns!

Oh the joy of repeating primary school!!!


Heh, saw Billy Maddison last night and thinking about it I can see the similarities.

Anyone do anything really naughty they care to admit?

Hrmmm.... I was never a very good boy. I once made a teacher leave, umm, I was going to say school, then Bristol, then the UK... Turned out she emigrated to Australia. Yeh, she didn't like me... I inadvertantly insulted her dead mother one day and it all got blown out of proportion - she stormed out of the class and next thing we know she's moved down under! That was funny.

Umm... Threw a chair at a teacher.

Postasium in the toilets just above the flush bit - when the next person flushed it exploded! Was well funny but broke the porceline and I get suspended....

Cling film over toilet...

Found this salt stuff that dyes grass so wrote some rude words on the playing films.

Tried to hotwire headmasters car :ph34r:

Just being a little shoite basically.

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Hrmmm.... I was never a very good boy. I once made a teacher leave, umm, I was going to say school, then Bristol, then the UK... Turned out she emigrated to Australia. Yeh, she didn't like me... I inadvertantly insulted her dead mother one day and it all got blown out of proportion - she stormed out of the class and next thing we know she's moved down under! That was funny.

Umm... Threw a chair at a teacher.

Postasium in the toilets just above the flush bit - when the next person flushed it exploded! Was well funny but broke the porceline and I get suspended....

Cling film over toilet...

Found this salt stuff that dyes grass so wrote some rude words on the playing films.

Tried to hotwire headmasters car :ph34r:

Just being a little shoite basically.

Did you get any better when you moved from Day Care into Infants school ?

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At age 15 I went on a school trip to London. I took a five gallon barrel of cider in a holdall, and my friends all took various brews. By the end of the trip we were all so tired and emotional that I carried the (now empty) barrel off the coach over my shoulder. Fortunately the teachers were either blind or chemically subdued themselves so I got away with it.

And then there was the tale of the pornographic literature on the Normandy trip, but for another day, I think

I quite enjoy going back to school myself.

I get a coffee break during assembly/hymn practice as well!

I have to lead assemblies these days, but they get me a coffee while I'm doing my stuff

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Guest MaloneFM


My friend Joe............. was really called Andrew......... but we found out his middle name was Joseph

so from that point on we all called him Joe..... he took it well and used it himself

He was a warm, kind, fellow and great to be around.

He was a true friend and partner in crime........ be it childhood misdemeanours

Well okay looking back the forged coins were potentially more serious :w00t: ...... we just thought it was well cool........sort of one step down from true alchemy!

After about four years after leaving school and seeing Joe from time to time.. I found out that he was living a short drive away from me......... I had fully intended on paying him a visit the same weekend that I was listening to the local radio news and found out that Joe and his passenger had died in a car accident........ The car had caught fire and both of them were unable to get out.

So the last time I saw Joe was at his funeral, which was very sad, but all of his friends turned up

Joe was 20 when he died..... I have never forgotten him and never will...... well you don't do you.

I would like to volenteer THAT. Especially the bit about Joe. For post of the year....

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Heh, saw Billy Maddison last night and thinking about it I can see the similarities.

Hrmmm.... I was never a very good boy. I once made a teacher leave, umm, I was going to say school, then Bristol, then the UK... Turned out she emigrated to Australia. Yeh, she didn't like me... I inadvertantly insulted her dead mother one day and it all got blown out of proportion - she stormed out of the class and next thing we know she's moved down under! That was funny.

Umm... Threw a chair at a teacher.

Postasium in the toilets just above the flush bit - when the next person flushed it exploded! Was well funny but broke the porceline and I get suspended....

Cling film over toilet...

Found this salt stuff that dyes grass so wrote some rude words on the playing films.

Tried to hotwire headmasters car :ph34r:

Just being a little shoite basically.

Ah, Joe would have loved you Barry_Manc ..... Gabba, Gabba, We Respect Ya, We Respect Ya, Your'e One Of Us. mate

Joe also had the whole year kept back after the end of term due to breaking the glass on the fire alarms........ It's was worth it..... every one was pizzed off.... but you had to laugh....... we were all told what would happen if the fire alarms were set off........ sort of a challenge to Joe...... Love the guy to this day..... nothing meant anything....... very 'Punk Rock' .......... we'd discovered a bond that we could both relate too :) .....he had a great taste in music too..... but looked like a nerd...... What A Guy!

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I would like to volenteer THAT. Especially the bit about Joe. For post of the year....

I thank you for that MaloneFM I'm touched... For me and Joe....... we really are only young once

And if it is only the good that die young .......Joe must have been very good...... everyone that knew him knows that..... I'm glad to have shared that with you all.

His body but not his memory has been dead for 23 years, most of us have met a 'Joe' at sometime in their lives?

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