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They're fun aren't they.

Especially when you realise that you're doing much much better than they are :D

I would like to start up the 'Ex's are Eejit's' appreciation society. Anyone in? It's only a £25 subscription fee, and every month I shall write you a letter proclaiming how much better you are than her/him/it.

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someones obvisouly just been dumped and is feeling a little jealous!!

Someone's obviously blinded by their ignorance. If you want to re-read the initial post, it says that I'm not jealous as I'm better off. And I dumped her. So. Maybe your careers advisor was correct not to tell you to be a detective.

Work boredom leads me to think of these irrelevances so it's clearly not my fault, although this could well go down as the worst fred ever. don't blame me.

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Well, my ex heard from some lad that i'd slept with 2 women in a week while she was back in London ( i didn't), and she believed him over me. And a week later, those two were going out, and still are, although last week she told me that she regretted it but cant leave him because he'll get upset. 7055er.

What p155es me off most is that he is the most unattractive bloke in the world, so i couldn't say that he'd cheated on her because no other bird would go near him. Still, ships that pass in the night, i've moved on.

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