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Forest Stewards


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Better watch out for the Stewards at Forest. Just read this letter from a Scunny fan. Loads of City tend to stand up during games so I could see the stewards having a field day..

I've never felt the urge to actually sit down and complain about a clubs stewarding before, but today was absolutely shambolic, and I felt I needed to take some sort of action. Granted, I probably wont get very far, but writing it at least alleviated that bulging vein on my forehead for a short while at least. Anyway, enjoy:

To whoever it may concern

I am writing to show my absolute disgust at the overzealous and unnecessary heavy handedness of your stewards during the game against S****horpe United on Saturday 7th October.

Before I begin, I would like to say that this is not a rant against stewards in general. I have relatives who do the same job at S****horpe, and I fully respect that they have a job to do and only have the interests of the crowds safety at heart. On Saturday, I saw nothing but incompetent charlatans who were blinded by the power that their orange overcoats gave them.

When the game kicked off, we were requested to remain in our seats and not persistently stand up. A fair request we thought. A few S****horpe fans on the back row stayed stood up, as trying to watch the game from the back of the Lower Bridgford stand is like trying to watch football through a letterbox. One young man was ejected for staying stood up. To which some Iron fans broke into song, having a little friendly banter with the stewarding team. To my disgust, a group of stewards decided to single out my friend, who for the record, didn't even join in with that particular song, and ejected him from the stadium too.

My main question would be, why single out a young lad who has done absolutely nothing wrong, yet leave the main offenders to get away with it? Is it because it's easier for these power hungry stewards to pick on an innocent young lad, rather than tackling the real culprits who may question their decision? I'd imagine the answer would be yes.

I have absolutely no qualms with sitting down at football games, or refraining from a bit of a sing-song. What I do object to, is the criminal treatment of away supporters, while home supporters are left to be able to stand up as they please, and throw projectiles down on to the visiting supporters! I also saw one gentlemen get ejected for gesturing towards the home supporters in the Upper Bridgford Stand. Unfortunatly (not to add, unsurprisingly) I didn't hear anything about the projectile throwing, gesturing Nottm Forest fans being ejected too.

I feel that this brand of no-nonsense, heavy handed stewarding is ruining many people's match day experience. Rather than calming supporters down, they are incensing supporters with their unnecessary actions, which is more likely to result in crowd trouble, which would then cause further headaches for your clearly incompetent stewarding team.

I have never felt the need to complain about a clubs stewards in my 15 years of watching league football, but the actions of your stewards that I witnessed completely ruined what was otherwise a brilliant day out in Nottingham. I sincerely hope that the situation is rectified and the stewards in question are reprimanded or talked to regarding their future conduct. I would hate to see other supporters match day experiences ruined by people who obviously aren't at the required level to interact with fellow human beings yet.

Yours faithfully

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Our stewards are notoriously tough in the Lower Bridgford. Sometimes they have good reason ie. When Swansea visit. Most of the time though they react in an over the top manner using no amount of common sense thats required for their jobs at all. Having said that though stewarding can be a difficult and intimidating task at a football match and they are looking out for the safety of others.

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Guest MaloneFM

They are probably trained by those even handed fair minded members of the West Midlands Random Beating and Arrest Platoon of ThugsConstabulary

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Que plenty of "Stand up if you hate the gas...." songs :D

Why if its just going to get you thrown out? If people want to stand up, and are allowed to stand up fine, but if its going to lead to being ejected from the ground, I'm prepared to play their game and play by their rules for 90 mins.

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Why if its just going to get you thrown out? If people want to stand up, and are allowed to stand up fine, but if its going to lead to being ejected from the ground, I'm prepared to play their game and play by their rules for 90 mins.

So no singing, no cheering, no fun! Ok, singing stand up if you hate the gas may be a bit tounge and cheek, but my point remains, why should we have to sit down all game. don't get me wrong i don't mean stand up and obstruct peoples views, but people stand up when the team are on the attack, some like to stand up to sing songs. If their stewards want to start chucking people out for petty things like standing up "for short periods" i am sure many city fans will dispute this!

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Better watch out for the Stewards at Forest. Just read this letter from a Scunny fan. Loads of City tend to stand up during games so I could see the stewards having a field day..

Things havent changed up there then? It was like that back in the day's when we used to get Forest in the cup, and alot of my friends went to Uni in Notts so if city were away would take the advantage to see my mates and if Forest were home we would take in a game as Rich was a big fan, they were like that then to away fans, It's not only Forest though is it. You see it at alot of away games, I'm sure away fans to Ashton Gate would have simular tales, used to sit in the williams and was one Steward on a hell of a power trip.

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So no singing, no cheering, no fun! Ok, singing stand up if you hate the gas may be a bit tounge and cheek, but my point remains, why should we have to sit down all game. don't get me wrong i don't mean stand up and obstruct peoples views, but people stand up when the team are on the attack, some like to stand up to sing songs. If their stewards want to start chucking people out for petty things like standing up "for short periods" i am sure many city fans will dispute this!

You don't get it, do you? I'm pretty sure all dolly was stating was that she would rather sit down for the full 90 minutes of football, and guarentee her to keep her seat, rather that stand up and risk getting ejected from the stadium, no one said you couldnt sing or cheer :unsure:

By all means, stand up if you wish but don't come on here and moan about it if you do get ejected.

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This sounds very familiar to how people are treated at Ashton Gate similar happenings recently in both E-block Williams vs Leyton Orient and in G-block Dolman.

Just because its away from home and somebody wrote a whole big letter about it doesn't make it any different to how discustingly City fans are treated at Ashton Gate (Ateyo stand excluded...of course.)

Somebody said that nobody will get thrown out if you play their game and sit down don't sing certain songs etc..."which I agree with to a certain extent. But by the sounds of things that is excactly what that Scunny fans' mate did and yet still got ejected!?

Lets see which of the 3000+ they will pick out a week saturday ;)

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