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Nottingham Troube? Anyone Seen The Police?


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Ive never known a police force so dis-organised as yesterday. That troube at the end went on for about 13-15 minutes easily, yet police were no where to be seen.

I was on the phone to my mate (a copper in Birmingham, and polices Birmingham games) and his exact words were "go careful, the police are probally congregating not to far away and will turn up en mass and will nab anyone who they remotely think is involved.".......never happened

When they did eventually turn up, it was in drips and drabs and were mostly police who made it there on foot from outside the ground!! where was the riot police? vans etc??

Ive never known a brawl last as long as that. We walked past the Amica bar about an hour and half later.....the place was a wreck, all the windows gone, tables and chairs in peices.

I didnt see one copper on the streets outside the ground. Nothing. Whoever was in charge of that operation dropped a major boll**k

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Ive never known a police force so dis-organised as yesterday. That troube at the end went on for about 13-15 minutes easily, yet police were no where to be seen.

I was on the phone to my mate (a copper in Birmingham, and polices Birmingham games) and his exact words were "go careful, the police are probally congregating not to far away and will turn up en mass and will nab anyone who they remotely think is involved.".......never happened

When they did eventually turn up, it was in drips and drabs and were mostly police who made it there on foot from outside the ground!! where was the riot police? vans etc??

Ive never known a brawl last as long as that. We walked past the Amica bar about an hour and half later.....the place was a wreck, all the windows gone, tables and chairs in peices.

I didnt see one copper on the streets outside the ground. Nothing. Whoever was in charge of that operation dropped a major boll**k

It is daft of The Police.

It was obvious since the fixtures were printed that this game would attract trouble.

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The Amica Bar, was that the wine bar with all the forest fans outside after the game. A whole load of burberry wearing scum with not a copper insight. Big hard boys they were taunting women and children. One of them called me a ****, stared him in the face and he hid behind his friends, they are all merchant bankers whether they are vity or forest. Give em all national service - they'll soon be crying for their mummies.

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The Amica Bar, was that the wine bar with all the forest fans outside after the game. A whole load of burberry wearing scum with not a copper insight. Big hard boys they were taunting women and children. One of them called me a ****, stared him in the face and he hid behind his friends, they are all merchant bankers whether they are vity or forest. Give em all national service - they'll soon be crying for their mummies.

Yeah mate, there was a fair few of them in that bar before the game to, all chav-ed right up with Aqua-scrotum and burberry.

I don't condone violence, by no means.....but the ironic justice was that they started it....yet they came off worse :banana:

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