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My How The Tables Have Turned!


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Been quietly reading the forum the last few weeks and was particularly amused by the expectation of everyone going to the forest game.

The amount of people going on about how we were going to pick up 3 points on saturday, it was though we had already won them and that because we were taking 3000+ fans we had the right to have them!!

We support Bristol City for gods sake!! In our experiences how often do we big something up and then walk away in utter dissapointment when we realise we bottled it again?? This is a standard problem with our team and something that we might never get out of!!

I understand people getting excited about the day, but by the sounds of it, it turned into a nightmare with the result and also all the trouble that occured. I notice it is now quiet again, the expectation has gone for another 5 days and the moaning has begun again!!

I think some people have forgot that it takes a lot of consistancy and hard work to get anywhere in this game and lets be honest over the last few years have we ever had any of these!! Same old city really, happy clapping fans with their tinted glasses on!! C'mon city prove me wrong!!

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