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Barrs Court Red

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The wonders of pre-nuptials.

Can't really find a way to stop a best mate scenario, unless you tell people you meet that your mrs hase a dose of the clap

Not exactly a 'best' mate if that happens!

Small piece of info taken from a mate's experience: He was suspecting that his missus & his mate were carrying on. Both of them denied it so, rather than continue to push the subject, he did some digging on his so-called mate & found a piece of information that he knew he could use against him if he ever needed to. He told his mate as much who then confessed to the affair & backed off completely. He subsequently split with his missus for being unfaithful but gained a little satisfaction in the process.

However, I don't wanna help turn this in to an anti-women thread! So, to help get things back on track.....Women can smell good, look good & can also make you feel all warm & tingly inside (though that could be last night's curry!).

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Have to admit though, a nice curry smells nicer than a women after a few beers :w00t:

Coat your woman in curry - problem solved ****il Head & Shoulders start producing their 'Hints of India' shampoos. They should have recieved my suggestion letter by now).

It's easier to get rid of the next day too! :o

That's usually not by choice though depending on what you've eaten!

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Hmmm a woman covered in curry, certianly an interesting thought.

I think in Japan you can eat your meal off the body of a fit looking girl.

There's a gap in the market in Bristol for that type of bar!

Hmmm.....maybe we could have a themed dinner at Dolman ExhibitionIST Hall? Of course, we'd need to cater for both sexes & in the spirit of equality, I'll offer myself as a person that someone can eat the i dinner off of. It'll be a stomach churing, mind scaring, life altering, put-you-off-your-hetrosexuality-for-life experience for the diner but if it helps raise a few bob.....

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Why do they smell so god dam good?

Discuss! :wub:

It's called IMPULSE!!!.

It's a genetically modified spray, to lull any male wthin 30 miles into a false sense of security, thus rendering them of all sense of reality, and living to regret ever getting a whif of it!!.

I guess that we get our on back on them by using the LYNX effect!!.


Whoopee!! My favourite subject.

They smell great because they are great! :D

You only like them if they smell of old goat!!.


I think in Japan you can eat your meal off the body of a fit looking girl.

Hmmm.....maybe we could have a themed dinner at Dolman Exhibitionist Hall? Of course, we'd need to cater for both sexes & in the spirit of equality, I'll offer myself as a person that someone can eat the i dinner off of. It'll be a stomach churning, mind scaring, life altering, put-you-off-your-heterosexuality-for-life experience for the diner but if it helps raise a few bob.....

From a man's point of view, the black spaghetti could play havoc with your teeth, and i wouldn't fancy the ketchup!!.

And i would hate for a woman eating the sausage to end up biting off more than she could chew.


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Hmmm a woman covered in curry, certianly an interesting thought.

I think in Japan you can eat your meal off the body of a fit looking girl.

There's a gap in the market in Bristol for that type of bar!

You certainly can although I'm not too sure whether bristol is ready for this yet.

Picture the sceen as people go for post pub bit of nosh and are eating their favourate doner off some grease coverved munter. Not quite the same as eating a bit of sushi or a numbile young filly.

I think i'd prefer to be eating off a lady in the privacy of my own home. Ice cream is the food of choice (apparently)

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I think i'd prefer to be eating off a lady in the privacy of my own home. Ice cream is the food of choice (apparently)

As long as I can see the TV, have the remote control and the food isnt burnt, she can have whatever she wants all over her. :yawn:

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They do smell and look great, but, beware its only a ploy to lure you into their cunning trap before they run off with your House, Money and Best mate. :(

Women wear a lot of makeup and perfume because they are ugly and they smell.

That's well known.

Probably, the way it works is, the nicer the smell the worse their BO.

My mate wore my hoodie for no more than 30 minutes and she's got it stinking of elderberrys and effing juniper roses. Yeh, that goes down in a manly type of way at work.

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Men smell much nicer in your circles I'm sure. :handbags:

As opposed to the mountains of Afganistan? :D

All round my house is being rethingerated for this evil Arndale centre and, I don't like talking about this, but I'll tpye it anyway. They're opening a bar opposite me. Great I thought. What type of bar?

Transvestites bar. Called the Bird Cage...


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