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Cheer Up A Nutter

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As most of you will know, Jer Boon is cycling to every City match this season. Every second of dire, dull, Osmanesque mediocrity is being endured which obviously makes cycling the hundreds of miles there and back all the more enjoyable.

Jer's sponsorship total currently stands at 966 quid. Just a few quid more from his fellow fans will see him reach £1000. His season is suffering a low point right now - not just due to the "football" being served up but also everyone seems to have forgotten about him!

Please visit http://www.bcfcbybike.com - details of how to sponsor Jer are there. You could also send Jer an email to let him know how much we envy him on his little adventure :how funny:

It's all for a good cause - cancer research - a subject that I am sure is close to many of us. Please help all you can. If you'd rather sponsor at the end of the season or in a more imaginative way (e.g. I'm sponsoring him per mile), why not drop him a line at jer@bcfcbybike.com and let him know your intentions.


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Good shout sir/madam - I don't know if Jer has a target but the effort he's putting in surely deserves to raise nearer 10k than 1k ... come on ciderheads!

Indeed. Let's consider what he's doing :

1. Given up a very well paid job, with no guarantee of employment next year

2. Given City good publicity in the local, national and international media - so different from the kind of publicity our "fans" normally generate

3. Watched every minute of the worst football City have produced since the Osman era

4. Got a very sore backside

Surely points 1 and 3 alone are worth sponsoring him a quid for?

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I've emailed him and pledged some money, and I suggest anyone who has been thinking that one day they will as well, does it now! Even if it's only a quid or two, every bit helps.

Imagine if it was you .. you'd really need all the encouragement possible before cycling all the way to Bradford, wouldn't you?

Come on Jer!!!

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I must admit to being disappointed to hear that he is at present cycling somewhere around 8000 miles for less tham £1000. I would like to have thought that a pound per mile would have been a realistic and achievable target.

Now if Jer fancies cycling up to London with my ticket for the Bradford game to get around the postal strike I would be most grateful. I'll willingly pay for the stamp.

All the best for your January excursions to Hartlepool and Grimsby.

Graham B

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Having realised that any sponsorship does not have to be paid till the end of the season and therefore not messing up the Xmas funds (3 kids) I have made my pledge.

Surely all pledges will spur Jer on on these long cold and wet winter trips.

I also offered free accomodation for Jer should he need a bed whilst travelling through my area, other offers from our network of far flung members will be much appreciated I am sure.

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I also offered free accomodation for Jer should he need a bed whilst travelling through my area, other offers from our network of far flung members will be much appreciated I am sure.

Looking at your avatar I'm guessing he hasn't got back to you yet. :D

I can probably find him a room in Crewe. Might be useful for Port Vale away.

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I can probably find him a room in Crewe.  Might be useful for Port Vale away.

He can't cycle up the West Coast Main Line you know, but we are handily placed for the FA Cup 3rd round trip to Manc or Scouseland.

He can saty at mine on the way up and yours on the way back or you might just take it upon yourself to warn him!

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He can saty at mine on the way up and yours on the way back or you might just take it upon yourself to warn him!

Doh! I hadn't twigged that you are from Cheshire :D

I wasn't trying to usurp your kind offer. It just so happens that I work in Crewe and stay at friends when there.

Now he has the terrible decision of your avatar versus my anonymity :D

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Guest Spunkwood

Well mate unlucky the weathers rather ###### at the mo, well what if a games postponed what a waste of a journey that would be but Its all in a good cause well done mate your doing yourself and the club proud :D

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Doh! I hadn't twigged that you are from Cheshire :D

I wasn't trying to usurp your kind offer. It just so happens that I work in Crewe and stay at friends when there.

Now he has the terrible decision of your avatar versus my anonymity :D

I was only joking, I hope more offer free accomodation, he won't need to use most of it but has lots of options should he need them.

What I can't understand if the lack of financial support that Jer is experiencing, I have made a pledge and I hope many others on here do as well, please support him because otherwise he may as well stayed at work for the year and donated a percentage of his earnings. Come on lads and lasses, make that pledge, you don't have to hand over the money now but wait until the end of the season or at a financially convenient time between now and then.


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Thanks, you're a star :D

I shall repeat myself now, since the other mail seems to have slipped down the forum unnoticed :

If you wish to make a pledge but don't want to pay up til the end of the season, we've added a new section to the site so you can do just this :


Use the form on this page to let Jer know how much you intend to sponsor him. We will contact you at the end of the season to remind you of your promise. That way you don't have to pay up until he's finished but he will know there are people paying attention.

Please, please do this. Jer has cycled nearly 3000 miles for only 1000 quid. If every City season ticket holder pledges just a pound he will make 8000 pounds.

Come on, you know you want to!

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Please visit http://www.bcfcbybike.com - details of how to sponsor Jer are there. You could also send Jer an email to let him know how much we envy him on his little adventure  :how funny:

South West Contractors (who built the GWR Family Stand) HAVE pledged £500.00, which they are paying in installments.

However, the first £125.00 isn't indicated on the "Just Giving" link of bcfcbybike.com, can you look into it please?



ps Sainsburys Emersons Green contributed £500 to cover the cost of Jer's Sardar Touring Bike and TFG Sports supplied free Home and Away shirts for the campaign.

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