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This Is A Bit Of A Concern


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Well actually not a bit a whole heap of concern,I appreciate the scum has to live somewhere but after reading the story the only place he should be living is in a box covered with dirt............


Which idot let him out in the first place :grr:

Does make you wonder wtfigo doesn't it?

'Life' should mean life.

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and how the hell the police didnt respond until the 3rd time of ringing I don't know. That just beggars belief in itself.

I expect they were too busy holding radar guns at the side of the road, to do any 'proper' policing. I mean, whats more important, protecting the public/children or making money?? :disapointed2se:

Its just another example of the Authorities being completely out of touch of the publics wants and needs.

I'm looking forward to Red Goblins reply to this thread :laugh:

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Well it's all because even they have Human Rights too, apparantly. :ranting:

I have worked with plenty of them, there is more about than people realise. I once had a case where a convicted Paedophile was allowed supervised contact (in a nursery full of children) with his own young child.

Another suspected one would turn up to babysit his neighbours children in his pyjamas, anyone with half a brain would realise something was seriously wrong there. But no he was given the benefit of the doubt for too long by the police and social services. It was only when his child said something to me, as I was someone he could trust, that the Police took a statement etc and he was arrested and eventually convicted. By then he had abused several children, all under 4 years old.

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I'm looking forward to Red Goblins reply to this thread :laugh:


Well if it doesn't go something along the lines of...

As an English Republican I'm totally ashamed for his victim's who find themselves at the boot end of the actions of the English gestapo, widely regarded as the most corrupt and class based criminal justice system in Western Europe and their associated toff/snob Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and unelected 'God Queen' puppet masters. The evidence/proof for judicial and Royalist Gestapo Police corruption is there above for you all to peruse.

And let us not forget also, "In God We Trust" was the transcript on the flag in the September of 1645 when the English Republican Army, led by Sir Thomas Fairfax and Oliver Cromwell, did march on a successful and bloody Holy crusade to liberate Bristol from the terrible Royalist tyranny.

God Save Us from the Royalist Tyranny

...then I'll be almightily surprised :farmer:

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