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Weston (not So)super Mare


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Things are going good for me at Weston.

Into October and sat in 11th not bad as to be frank my team is **** beyond my first 16! Ment to avoid drop which we will do without a problem and if we can stop conceding silly goals then we could get into the play offs.

Through to the fourth round Q/F of the FA Cup after beating Leigh RMI 2-0 hope I can get someone big if I get through the next round some money would be nice!

Vincent is a class palyer at this level 8 goals in 12 games but is injured at the moment.

Marvin Brown has come into form at last after a slow start and now sits on 4 goals in 8 starts.

Elliot Benyon came on loan from City and has started well scoring on his full debut Ledgeiester also on loan from City has proved good cover for Wring and Walker.

Wring is also on loan from City (Suprise) and on form class player so far, managed 2 goals and 4 asssists in 11 starts.

Walker my left winger has also been good after a injury put him out at the start of the season 6 assits and 1 goal which was a lovely free kick he has a average rating on 7.40.

Sam Bailey and Lee Jarman are rocks at the back to be honest but my tactic is a bit attacking and need to sort that out as late in games I am letting goals in.

Wring just came back on loan and said it was a dream move, freak!

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