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10:40 - 14 November 2006

The profile of Bristol Rovers seems to have slumped to a new low, with the club being used as a threat to underperforming players in the Scottish Premier League.Rangers chairman David Murray, fed up with his well-paid stars struggling to make an impression this season, has told them that if they don't pull their socks up, they'll end up at the Memorial Stadium - as this headline from the Scottish Sunday Mail shows.

The Ibrox supremo has told his players they will be shipped out in January if they keep slipping up in the league.

"No disrespect, but it's clubs like Bristol Rovers that they will end up at," he fumed.

"Of all the players who have left Rangers during my 18 years here, I can't think of many who have gone on to better themselves."

Rovers chairman Geoff Dunford took the apparent slur on the club with good humour though.

"We would welcome any Rangers players that are deemed surplus to requirements," he said yesterday.


"Of course they would have to fit into our existing wage structure and we would only consider full internationals."

Fan spokesman Chris Chappell told the Post: "I suppose he felt he had to use the name of an 'unfashionable' club but I don't think too many Rovers fans will take offence.

"And I would certainly like some of the current Rangers team down in Bristol!"

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