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Went To The Derby

Guest Red_Rat

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Guest Red_Rat

went to tonites match and was very pleased with the performance. joe anyisah was excellent down the right wing should be given a chance in the first team. scott brown was again superb in goal althogh he gave a penalty away which was never a spot kick. rovers fans were gettin annoyed at there reserves!!!

I saw u edr.

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Guest nobby

posted on here afew days ago about joe anyinsah,played in the same school football team as him and he was absolute quality back then,his pace and skills should easily be worthy of atleast div2

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I was at the game tonight as well. Excellent performance from the City boys against a much older, more experienced but completely #### Rovers team. Given that the oldest player in the City side was Marvin Brown, it's a great tribute to the Academy that we can produce a team of such quality.

Lots of good performances, but the player who stood out for me was Ryan Harley. Great with both feet, good vision, not a huge amount of pace but always had plenty of time on the ball.

Look at that team sheet tonight, because I reckon in a few years time at least half of them will be playing in City's first eleven.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken
posted on here afew days ago about joe anyinsah,played in the same school football team as him and he was absolute quality back then,his pace and skills should easily be worthy of atleast div2
I also posted about a certain Mr. Anyinsah a couple of weeks back, after the reserve match against Bournemouth.

Couldn't make it yesterday due to illness, but i sent my scout out to keep an eye on him! (chalky)

He looks hot stuff from what i seen of him and am glad to see I'm not the only one, i think hes just what we need, pace and skill on the wings. The way we are playing at the moment its the perfect time to give him a chance. It will bosst his playing career and confidence a hell of a lot and would work wonders on his morale. It would also make the academy and reserve players think, hang on hes just got in the first team, if he can do it so can I and give the whole academy a boost.

What better time to introduce him for the last 10 minutes, than now?

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It was also interesting to note that Danny Wilson and Steve Lansdown were at the reserve match also.

Its not that often that they attend.

I thought that the goalkeeper had a very good game. With his contract up in the summer it may be a good time to look at signing him on a longer basis.


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It was also interesting to note that Danny Wilson and Steve Lansdown were at the reserve match also.

Its not that often that they attend.

What makes you say that?

I have it on good authority that both of them attend most reserve games....

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Danny usually watches from the tunnel. As for Steve, I've seen him a couple of times - but I'm sure Maggie would know better than us both!  :P

.....maybe, as I'm usually sat next to one or both of them! :)

Some people assume that as they haven't seen them, they're not there :)

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Not that i'm aware of!

As for the match our Keeper Scott Brown had an excellent game only let down by his consistant poor kicking. Ryan Harley as Mentioned before played well although compared to other games i have seen him play in the Frys Tournament all be it against Poorer Oppisition (Yes, better than Rovers First team :dunno: ).

I saw both EDR and Fatman BCFC down there. Comfortable victory! Rovers never really looked like scoring, Agogo was shocking in front of goal.

Well played lads, worth the £1 but how cold was it last night. :blush: I'm sure EDR will agree with me on how cold it was :D

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Guest cider gliders

We counted at least 8 players who have played in the Gas first team

this season who our boys beat last night! What a fantastic performence! :dunno:

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Guest Mickey Bells left foot

how well did COLE SKUSE play, i know he came on at H-T (well according to the EP) and he scored a deflected shot. i was a strike partner for him in a 4-2-4 formation at our junior school whcih went unbeaten for 2 years :dunno: he scored about 20 odd in 10 or so games whilst i got 10 in 10 (one of which was a volley from the half way line) i also played with him in Yate utd he scored 30 odd a season. and attracted interest from teams like bitton who were a really good team.

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