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Standing At Football Stadiums


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Supporters Direct (the government body that help regulate and run Supporters Trusts) have passed me this petition via their message boards, and I am posting it on here to try and increase the number of signatures on it. It already has over 8,000 signatures and I'm hoping it will get many more. Please feel free to copy and paste the link below onto any other forums


The more that sign the better, for anyone who wants to find out more about Supporters Direct then they can look here

Please sign this very worthy petition though.

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erm, Suggestions??????

Go chain yourself to FA headquarters and say you won't budge until they let fans stand at football matches?

Seriously, as much as I would love to stand, the authorities see it as regress and will never allow it.

By 2010 I'm pretty sure terracing will be a thing of the past in all Coca Cola League grounds.

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Unfortunately, online petitions are the most ineffective type of petition. Even with 30,000 signatures, nothing will happen.

Maybe. But campaigns like Oxfam's Million Faces have given that organisation moral support when lobbying politicians behind the scenes, so there's no danger in signing it if it only takes 60 seconds.

One person who'd be good to get on to is our own European MP, Glenn Ford. He's on a football working committee. Although as it's a national issue not sure how much he'd be to do with it. I'll get my coat.

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Heres the blurb...

To: The Football Licensing Authority

We the undersigned, call upon the Football Licensing Authority, Local Authorities, and football clubs, to work in partnership with supporters, to resolve the problems related to standing at football matches.

We recognize that many supporters prefer to stand, as this helps to create the unique atmosphere of British football. We also appreciate that some supporters prefer to sit, and do not wish their view to be blocked by those in front standing.

We are concerned that sanctions threatened by the FLA, such as reduced capacities, will affect all supporters, and that restricted ticket allocations for away matches could lead to visitors obtaining tickets in home areas, with the potential for disorder.

We ask that decisions as to the acceptability of standing be based on objective safety assessments at each ground, to be undertaken with the involvement of supporters.

We consider that in most cases there is no significant safety risk from supporters standing in front of their allocated seats.

We consider that any solution should provide choice, by agreeing areas for supporters who wish to stand, and for those who prefer to sit.

We would like to see standing accepted in these areas, for a trial period of at least one season.

We are prepared to adhere to a reasonable code of conduct in relation to standing in seated areas.


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Go chain yourself to FA headquarters and say you won't budge until they let fans stand at football matches?

Seriously, as much as I would love to stand, the authorities see it as regress and will never allow it.

By 2010 I'm pretty sure terracing will be a thing of the past in all Coca Cola League grounds.

I have an inkling that the authoreties' may just be beginning to rethink their great premise. Could just be me but The People certainly seem to be stirring as well. In Bristol City's case the EE re-opening seem's to be picking up actual momentum, as does nationwide terracing campaigns.

I've read stuff before about 'Market Value' and Football's isn't going to last for ever, stuttering attendances already suggests something's going on. There is something morally corrupt about the money currently involved, this surely can't be sustained.

I'd love to see Football decline as a form of popular culture. I don't want some bird on Radio 1 talking to me about the ''Footie''. I'm not to smitten with Football as family entertainment either. Any accusations of selfishness on my part I will happily accept.

I'd be well up for your chaining to FA headquarters idea, sound's like fun. The People's current apathy can't go on forever.

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Done! Whether I was to stand myself is a moot point. The option should be there for those that do want to stand and safety is NOT the reason the option was removed. At least one standing area per ground would bring football back into the budget of missing football supporters across the country.

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Hornbeam, your last point "At least one standing area per ground would bring football back into the budget of missing football supporters across the country. " sums up to me why terracing should returned, you only need look at the cost of Chelsea and Tottenham compared to the areas they draw their support, to see that the cost of football is too high for many in the local area football clubs are based.

Unfortuantly it is also the main reason why football clubs will not be rushing to go near terracing again.

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Hornbeam, your last point "At least one standing area per ground would bring football back into the budget of missing football supporters across the country. " sums up to me why terracing should returned, you only need look at the cost of Chelsea and Tottenham compared to the areas they draw their support, to see that the cost of football is too high for many in the local area football clubs are based.

Unfortuantly it is also the main reason why football clubs will not be rushing to go near terracing again.

I read somewhere that more people can fit on safe terracing than in seats, and so the ticket price can be reduced, and as long as the stand is still full up (or at same percentage of capacity) the club's won't be losing out financially.

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