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I Cant Believe Nobodys Mentioned It...


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11 matches unbeaten in all competitions....this is quite a run and the team deserve praise for being extremely difficult to beat, and never giving up. Well done Gary and the boys. :clapping::clapping:

yep, don't think we're putting the fear of God into other teams yet, but we certainly aint easy to beat.... & thats what auto promotions all about.. the runs looking good - when the performances & goals come together consistantly (which will come..) I reckon some teams are going to find themselves getting well thrashed soon. We've obviously got the bottle, (& a bit of luck, which has often been missing in the past) its time everything 'clicks' into place then the Robins will fly!....

(hmm, well hope so anyway, erm, it could happen, couldnt it?.. right positive mental attitude - course it will Come On You Reds! )

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yep, don't think we're putting the fear of God into other teams yet, but we certainly aint easy to beat.... & thats what auto promotions all about.. the runs looking good - when the performances & goals come together consistantly (which will come..) I reckon some teams are going to find themselves getting well thrashed soon. We've obviously got the bottle, (& a bit of luck, which has often been missing in the past) its time everything 'clicks' into place then the Robins will fly!....

(hmm, well hope so anyway, erm, it could happen, couldnt it?.. right positive mental attitude - course it will Come On You Reds! )

True. Promotion teams pick up points without playing well. Thats been demonstrated by ourselfs in recent matches. If some can see through the performances and notice this then they can join Basso & co and beleive!

I do at the moment for sure. Up the City.

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yep, don't think we're putting the fear of God into other teams yet, but we certainly aint easy to beat.... & thats what auto promotions all about.. the runs looking good - when the performances & goals come together consistantly (which will come..) I reckon some teams are going to find themselves getting well thrashed soon. We've obviously got the bottle, (& a bit of luck, which has often been missing in the past) its time everything 'clicks' into place then the Robins will fly!....

(hmm, well hope so anyway, erm, it could happen, couldnt it?.. right positive mental attitude - course it will Come On You Reds! )

that quote sums us up really. I don;t know about you but i rather care about having the three points in a game rather then killing off teams. And this is why were in a strong position going into the second half of an fasinating season.

Were like Arsenal 15 years ago, a very solid back-four, rarely conceeding goals but on the other hand, they did not score that many goals (just ian wright) yet they won a few trophys in that time.

so it can be had

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Guest Jan Mollars Gloves
11 matches unbeaten in all competitions....this is quite a run and the team deserve praise for being extremely difficult to beat, and never giving up. Well done Gary and the boys. :clapping::clapping:

There are a few teams hitting form. Oldham, Blackpool etc.

If we can stick with it & add quality in Jan, I still believe it's in our own hands.

Trouble is with 3pts winning in an unbeaten run is more key, than going unbeaten but drawing the majority.

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11 matches unbeaten in all competitions....this is quite a run and the team deserve praise for being extremely difficult to beat, and never giving up. Well done Gary and the boys. :clapping::clapping:

But do remember its all about winning. Being difficult to beat is praiseworthy and a valid component,yet for real promotion candidates the real goal is to win,this requirement became even more significant a dozen years back with the advent of 3 points for a win.Being known as a team that is difficult to beat will not necessarily bring the ultimate prize,for instance rather than the 2 drawn games of the last 10 days a win and defeat would have served us better.

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Anybody else concerned about the goal difference?

Unfortunately, we have the poorest goal difference within the top six. This is like giving the other sides an extra point. It puts the onus on us to beat Oldham and S****horpe, as they may be happy just to avoid defeat.

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Another interesting statistic is that, looking at the league table, we have the best home record in League 1.

(And I don't think we've actually played to the potential that our squad suggests.)

Sadly I differ for I feel we have played very much to the potential of the current squad.With half the season gone if we still believe there is greater potential & capabilities to be had then the question would surely be what has G.J. been doing?

In 40 years this has been the most unconvincing and lack-lustre promotion campaign of all,yet we are handily placed with not a single outstanding outfit standing between us and the great escape.Relying on the current squad is I fear wrong,we could just as likely finish 7th for such is the similarity of the leading group.

Of our current set-up we probably have 3 or 4 players capable of handling championship football,the real dilemna for S.L.&G.J. is can the club afford players of championship stature?

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