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Nintendo Wii?


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Just wondering if anyone on here has got the New Nintendo Wii? managed to get myself one yesterday off the old ebay (yes Jay I used your bloomin link! I've been bidding on tons of them, so you should have plenty of pocket money!)

anyone got any games for it other than the Sports? any recommendations? got Call of Duty 3 with it (no where near as good as the 360 version)

have to say the console although no where near as good as my 360 in terms of graphics is the most fun without doubt I've ever had on a console, even the bird loves it!

anyone else got one of these mini bundles of Joy?

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I was lucky enough to get one before xmas, Played wii sports for a couple of hours and got totally bored of it! it was just so very basic! The novelty and wow factor was great for all of 2 hours! I ended up selling it to my mates GF (she was on 3 pre-order lists for him!!! and was told mid jan!) so she could surprise him at xmas.

Don't worry, i was good i didnt make a penny on it! couldve quite easily made 60 quid+ on it!

Whilst wii sports wasn't as great as i'd hoped, there are many games in the pipeline that will take this console on leaps and bounds! (Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart, Metroid) and i shall be waiting to see how they come out before diving in the not so deep end (Nintendo quality, not so expensive)

I think nintendos aim is to broaden the types of people who play video games, but while doing that, they take away the challenge modern games have and NEED! Plus I'm a sucker for puuuurdy graphics!

Another reason for shipping it out so soon is that i knew i had Rainbow 6 and Splinter cell for the 360 coming and the wii would've just been a dust collector (don't you think it looks like an old external floppy drive???)

Saying that, my mate who ended up with my wii (:laugh:) has got zelda and by all accounts, worth buying the wii for!

Just stick to the nintendo classics my friend, cross platform games won't compare to the grunt of the 360 & PS3

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strange, but I'm loving the sports at the moment, it's pretty basic, but me and the chick are having a great old time, though I swear people walking past my house think i'm some kinda loony waving my hands all over the place!

comparing Call of Duty 3 on the 360 and Wii is just comedy! the difference is amazing, Splinter Cell was also pants and as for that Red Steel - UTTER TRIPE! but I got all 3 and the Wii for £250 and have the games on ebay now so hopefully should get some cash back on those,

Very much going to be a machine where it has it's own games and any cross platform releases I'm get on the 360, Zelda looks the best game so far, but the classics are what I'm looking forward to though, roll on mario kart.......in High Def! (well kinda!)

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