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What would make you happier


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Ok scenario time..... do we...

A) get to the area final of the JPT and beat The gas TWICE there hence getting a day out in Cardiff (or wembley?) but by doing so lose track of the top 2 spots and end up in the play offs. (we all know what happens then!!)


B) go out of the JPT at the next hurdle but continue our great form and go up to the Championship automatically, but foregoing any chance of a local derby and humiliating the sag?

obviously we all want to win the jpt (embarrassing the rovers on trhe way) AND go up automatically and beat coventry, then boro in the fa cup! but lets keep this simple shall we??

Personally if it meant beating the dark side, and going up next year, i reckon i could take that.

Am i on my own on this one?????

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First one...aslong as we win the play off final!

It's the best way to go up i reckon. More publicity, more money for the club....Although its a horrible experience unless you win

Yeah I would go with that, I have always said that if you don't go up as Champions, then the next best way is to win the playoffs, but we all know what the playoffs have been like for us, also added to the that, beating the gas comprehensively is an absolute peach of a feeling.

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This is bullshit.

Beat the gas or promotion?

Hummm...well thats a hard choice.

Oh no, I have a brain!



A brain you say? :whistle2: well yes it's obvious by your post and mentality, that you are obviously on a par with stephen hawking...... google search it my friend, i'm sure even you can find out who this genius is.

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