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Racism on TV!


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:shutup: Ok, first I don't watch Celebrity Big Brother, but have just been reading on the Sky News website about the "racial abuse" one of the contestents seems to be getting.

Unbelievable. Having looked at the quotes being referred to, it goes to prove how stupid and pathetic all this political correctness is!! My god, its beyond belief how we have to tip toe around other racial groups these days, makes me so mad!! :ranting::ranting:

Here are some of the things thats caused the uproar resulting in over 3,000 complaints (no doubt from do-gooders or ethnic groups that cry racism at every silly little thing)

Monday night saw house mates mock her attempt at roasting a chicken then refusing to eat it when they said it wasnt cooked properly[

Danielle Lloyd has said "They eat with their hands in India don't they?" then went on to say "you don't know where their hands have been"

Jades mother keeps referring to her as the "Indian"

Jade has said how "she makes me feel sick, she makes my skin crawl"

They are hardly donning white cloaks and hoods are they!! How is this racism! She kees being referred to as Indian!! is she not Indian though?? Jade said she makes her skin crawl.....so this could have nothing to do with the fact she might just dislike the woman and have nothing to do with her race!!

These people, the "do-gooders" make me so mad! :badmood:

Oh and by the way, what a rubbish programme

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I was just about to post this!

The fuss is unbelievable, and I can no way see how this is racism. Bullying yes, but what else do you expect from women? They always need someone to b1tch about!

In my view, playing the race card each time only devalues credible concerns for real victims, although to be fair it's not actually the girl in question that is playing the race card.

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I have to agree, this is not racism by any stretch of the imagination, but they have now been branded that by the press so they are all condemmed to be that, god i love this country....

Teddy's bird is just a total bitch, so is Jade and her shallow boyfreind, they cant handle that Shilpa or whatever is classy, better looking, and inteligent everything they are not.

This is just made up to improve ratings as this Celeb BB has been ****** awful!

Veiwer rating have shot through the roof after the red tops got hold of this, no doubt spun by Max Clifford or some other PR #######.

I'm allmost ashamed to be English somtimes. :disapointed2se:

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I think that whilst the racism taint on this subject may be misguided the bullying antics of these people is unbelievable. It is like a school playground with Gade and her cronies bitching and putting people down.

And no-one is standing up to them.

She is going to get some abuse when she comes out and I think she deserves it!

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