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Did we take Cheltenham to lightly?


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I cant help but feel maybe we took them to lightly tonight. :dunno: , what with all the exposure we've had lately

All I've heard over the last week or two is "Middlebrough" this, "two legged tie against the Gas" that, "City live on Sky twice" blah blah blah

This Cheltenham game sort of dropped right in the middle of all this and hasnt really been talked about to much. I know the players are supposed to be proffesional, but they are only human, maybe they have got so caught up in Cup Fever they took their eye of the ball a bit tonight. Cheltenham on the other hand have probally been preparing for this game against us for the last 7 to 10 days.....I think the result proves who was better prepared!

Hopefully just a blip, and in some strange way could be a good thing in the long run, sometimes being bought down to earth and getting a good kick up the back side can work in your favour.

Keep the faith. We cant win them all, get a result Monday, which we are more then capable of doing, and we will be back on track!

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