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Marigolds Purchased

Guest Neo

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So can we repeat something stoopid for the QPR match? Buy then the yellow gloves will be so passe (daaahling)

Start a topic asking for suggestions. I know its late but shouldn't the east end do something for saturday, something easy?

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Jairob, lighten up, mate, its only a bunch opf nutters avin a laugh!!! If it lightens the team up, to help em score, win and get promoted, let em!! :blink::clap::clap:

Personally think its brilliantly subversive!! The dibbles, and other supporters wont have a ######* clue!! :cool::o:o

builds an East end spirit among the fans too!! :o:D:D

Good luck with it I say!! :D;):D

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The W.DP. or E.P. ripped into a million pieces and thrown in the air would look good for a second :clap:
It'll look good if enough done it.

What about confetti or ored and white "ticker tape" (is that what is't called)?

We have to do something; QPR is going to be the first game with a large away following since the East end opened and the city fans in the East end in particular will have a massive part to play in creating a hostile atmosphere and united front from the off!

I'm actually starting to wish my life away; can't wait for QPR :PC_Plod: :Costumed19: :Party3: :clap::blink:

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