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Andy Horsman

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Well, well, well, 2 defeats and 1 draw, and the cyberspace critics slag GJ, LJ, Bradley Orr, Basso, the Stewards, The Board, Radio Bristol,etc etc etc

Yesterday was an all time low, not for the performance, which was disappointing, but for the behaviour of some of our so called supporters.

Subsequent posts on here defy belief. I am ashamed to be a City fan this morning, and I have never felt like this before even when we were relegated in successive seasons and went from Manchester United to Rochdale, in the proverbial blink of an eye.

Why support City? Why relish slagging everyone off? Don't get me wrong,I am no Happy Clapper, I can be as critical as the next fan, but this is way OTT,IMHO.

There can be absolutely no justification for a 'fan' attacking a player. I supported Cantona and I support Orr (who it would appear did no wrong anyway, except in the eyes of a pillock). I can do my job without some neanderthal abusing me and possibly my parentage and so should players. Yes it's not to be condoned, but they are only human.I know I would eventually retaliate if I was constantly subjected to unacceptable levels of personal abuse whilst tryinbg to do what I am paid to do.Credit Orr for his restraint and LJ for sticking up foir his team-mate.

There seems to be a fug of negativity hanging over City more and more, and this forum, and today, I just feel it's going too far. :disapointed2se::disapointed2se::disapointed2se:

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Well, well, well, 2 defeats and 1 draw, and the cyberspace critics slag GJ, LJ, Bradley Orr, Basso, the Stewards, The Board, Radio Bristol,etc etc etc

Yesterday was an all time low, not for the performance, which was disappointing, but for the behaviour of some of our so called supporters.

Subsequent posts on here defy belief. I am ashamed to be a City fan this morning, and I have never felt like this before even when we were relegated in successive seasons and went from Manchester United to Rochdale, in the proverbial blink of an eye.

Why support City? Why relish slagging everyone off? Don't get me wrong,I am no Happy Clapper, I can be as critical as the next fan, but this is way OTT,IMHO.

There can be absolutely no justification for a 'fan' attacking a player. I supported Cantona and I support Orr (who it would appear did no wrong anyway, except in the eyes of a pillock). I can do my job without some neanderthal abusing me and possibly my parentage and so should players. Yes it's not to be condoned, but they are only human.I know I would eventually retaliate if I was constantly subjected to unacceptable levels of personal abuse whilst tryinbg to do what I am paid to do.Credit Orr for his restraint and LJ for sticking up foir his team-mate.

There seems to be a fug of negativity hanging over City more and more, and this forum, and today, I just feel it's going too far. :disapointed2se::disapointed2se::disapointed2se:

You echo my feelings exactly. The right to criticise performances and hold players and management to account is one thing, but some of the sentiments expressed at the match yesterday and on here are outrageous, pointless, and unhelpful.

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yes good post wellyredhead. Some City supporters are letting the club down. Lee Johnson might not be the grestest player who has ever played for the club but he is better than many. We are a League One team - we have many league one players. He scored yesterday - he got us one point when none looked likely. Just like at Leyton Orient. He does his bit. He and Bradley Orr do not need ths kind of treatment. Nor does Gary Johnson in my view. Booing your own team too is a strange way of supporting them - psychologically anyone will do better if praised. We do seem to have become a set of supporters who damp down our own players. Weird too, all the people who yell abuse at players couldn't do better themselves - if they could I presume they'd be out there doing it

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spot on, some comments on here for certain people are just getting more embrassing by the week,

been keeping off here recently because since the we beat Coventry and in the build up to the Boro game, so many people go tso carried away were justing building themselves up for a fall.

hopefully the last few games have dragged people back down to earth,

one thing about Bristol City I've learned over the years, when expection is at an almighty high they will let you down and that has been the case regardless of who the manager is, when the fans hit a low the team pull their figure out and PERFORM

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100% with you on this one.

I don't understand how a team is supposed to challenge for promotion and cup runs when our support is the most disgraceful i have ever seen.

Don't get me wrong, when we play well we give the lads the best support they could receive, yet the littlest of slip ups and we turn into the most negative fanbase in the country.

As soon as LJ made a mistake yesterday we were on his back, booing, calling him every profanity under the sun.

I mean.. all he did was put in a bad cross at this point.

Some of you should be ashamed, the non stop criticising of the team does no good.

Whats pissed me off the most is the event with bradley orr, he is 100% commited to this club, he loves, it shows through in his game. Yet some smart ####### decides to swing a punch at him.

The 'FANS' now need to get involved in getting some positive spirit back in to the team.

Because after yesterdays events, i can see the team losing all confidence with themselves.

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Well, well, well, 2 defeats and 1 draw, and the cyberspace critics slag GJ, LJ, Bradley Orr, Basso, the Stewards, The Board, Radio Bristol,etc etc etc

Yesterday was an all time low, not for the performance, which was disappointing, but for the behaviour of some of our so called supporters.

Subsequent posts on here defy belief. I am ashamed to be a City fan this morning, and I have never felt like this before even when we were relegated in successive seasons and went from Manchester United to Rochdale, in the proverbial blink of an eye.

Why support City? Why relish slagging everyone off? Don't get me wrong,I am no Happy Clapper, I can be as critical as the next fan, but this is way OTT,IMHO.

There can be absolutely no justification for a 'fan' attacking a player. I supported Cantona and I support Orr (who it would appear did no wrong anyway, except in the eyes of a pillock). I can do my job without some neanderthal abusing me and possibly my parentage and so should players. Yes it's not to be condoned, but they are only human.I know I would eventually retaliate if I was constantly subjected to unacceptable levels of personal abuse whilst tryinbg to do what I am paid to do.Credit Orr for his restraint and LJ for sticking up foir his team-mate.

There seems to be a fug of negativity hanging over City more and more, and this forum, and today, I just feel it's going too far. :disapointed2se::disapointed2se::disapointed2se:

exactly ,the ground called ashton gate is dead,we only sing when we loose .we are just as to blame as anyone else ,the player put there all in only for the fans to scream at them and abuse them why should they play there hearts out for people who slag and moan at them.

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Well, well, well, 2 defeats and 1 draw, and the cyberspace critics slag GJ, LJ, Bradley Orr, Basso, the Stewards, The Board, Radio Bristol,etc etc etc

Yesterday was an all time low, not for the performance, which was disappointing, but for the behaviour of some of our so called supporters.

Subsequent posts on here defy belief. I am ashamed to be a City fan this morning, and I have never felt like this before even when we were relegated in successive seasons and went from Manchester United to Rochdale, in the proverbial blink of an eye.

Why support City? Why relish slagging everyone off? Don't get me wrong,I am no Happy Clapper, I can be as critical as the next fan, but this is way OTT,IMHO.

There can be absolutely no justification for a 'fan' attacking a player. I supported Cantona and I support Orr (who it would appear did no wrong anyway, except in the eyes of a pillock). I can do my job without some neanderthal abusing me and possibly my parentage and so should players. Yes it's not to be condoned, but they are only human.I know I would eventually retaliate if I was constantly subjected to unacceptable levels of personal abuse whilst tryinbg to do what I am paid to do.Credit Orr for his restraint and LJ for sticking up foir his team-mate.

There seems to be a fug of negativity hanging over City more and more, and this forum, and today, I just feel it's going too far. :disapointed2se::disapointed2se::disapointed2se:

It's not usually very helpful or constructive to just re-quote a message and add 'spot on' but it's absolutely appropriate here.

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Unfortunately this culture is the new direction that life in the UK is taking in general.

Mindless immature thuggery is becoming more common and popular in all wakes of life, and football in Bristol is falling foul to this growing trend. I think there may be something in our water you know, first a police car gets firebombed in Sea Mills, and now fans assaulting BCFC players. What is happening to this City of ours, and how can we keep it out of Ashton Gate?

When the unsavoury incident occured towards the Atyeo end of the Dolman, from my section in block D, a sea of young scrotes came charging from all positions, running towards the scene of the mishap with excitement etched over their faces, much like rats running from a sinking ship.

It is a shame that football has and always will attract thugs.

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I felt exactly the same last night, the board was full of mindless posts lacking a sense of perspective. It's not an easy League this season, the City team has some glaring deficiencies (Which I am sure GJ tried to rectify in January), we have too many Cup distractions, every side in every normal League (Greedy to Premiership Clubs are not normal) suffers a dip in form occasionally, and contrary to what some pillocks think, opposition sides actually come to AG looking for points, not just to let us win to appease the Bristol Public.

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Unfortunately this culture is the new direction that life in the UK is taking in general.

Mindless immature thuggery is becoming more common and popular in all wakes of life, and football in Bristol is falling foul to this growing trend. I think there may be something in our water you know, first a police car gets firebombed in Sea Mills, and now fans assaulting BCFC players. What is happening to this City of ours, and how can we keep it out of Ashton Gate?

When the unsavoury incident occured towards the Atyeo end of the Dolman, from my section in block D, a sea of young scrotes came charging from all positions, running towards the scene of the mishap with excitement etched over their faces, much like rats running from a sinking ship.

It is a shame that football has and always will attract thugs.

I hate to say it, but I think you have hit the nail on the head here.

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Well, well, well, 2 defeats and 1 draw, and the cyberspace critics slag GJ, LJ, Bradley Orr, Basso, the Stewards, The Board, Radio Bristol,etc etc etc

Yesterday was an all time low, not for the performance, which was disappointing, but for the behaviour of some of our so called supporters.

Subsequent posts on here defy belief. I am ashamed to be a City fan this morning, and I have never felt like this before even when we were relegated in successive seasons and went from Manchester United to Rochdale, in the proverbial blink of an eye.

Why support City? Why relish slagging everyone off? Don't get me wrong,I am no Happy Clapper, I can be as critical as the next fan, but this is way OTT,IMHO.

There can be absolutely no justification for a 'fan' attacking a player. I supported Cantona and I support Orr (who it would appear did no wrong anyway, except in the eyes of a pillock). I can do my job without some neanderthal abusing me and possibly my parentage and so should players. Yes it's not to be condoned, but they are only human.I know I would eventually retaliate if I was constantly subjected to unacceptable levels of personal abuse whilst tryinbg to do what I am paid to do.Credit Orr for his restraint and LJ for sticking up foir his team-mate.

There seems to be a fug of negativity hanging over City more and more, and this forum, and today, I just feel it's going too far. :disapointed2se::disapointed2se::disapointed2se:

I have to agree, I have been critical of those who "moan about the moaners" but yestrday the line was crossed. It is one think to express dissapointment at a poor cross or missed pass, but totally unaceptable to a) aim personal abuse at a player and worse still a) throw a punch, whether to inflict injury or not at a player (or spectator for that matter).

I am not going to sit in an ivory tower, I can be vocal in my dissapointment at games (although never to abuse a player personally) but also in my praise of good play or a player showing commitment and a 100% effort. Although it may be not one of Bradley Orr's better games yesterday, I would certainly not criticise the players effort. What happened was embarassing at best and as I have said before unacceptable.

I do not believe any player goes out to perform badly or lose for that matter. There are problems has we have a mini dip in form, as the manager has honestly stated to the press. And I am mistified that the last couple of weeks has seen such a turn around in form, but what ever the rest of the season has in store I sincerely hope that yesterdays scenes will not be repeated.

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