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Sunday Prediction


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Surely were good for a 3 or 4 nil but BPA probably wont get a better chance to cause an upset. If they did knock us out, that would really turn the season sour. But hey who knows maybe a defeat to a minnow side like that might give us the kick up the backside we need.

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A defeat doesn't bare thinking about.

I still remember when the gas were knocked out by non-league Hayes in the early 70's.

They'll never be allowed to forget it and neither would we if minnows knocked us out in the full glare of national publicity.

Any sort of s####py win will do; having seen City and Corinthian Casuals draw 0-0 in the 80's i never take a win for granted in this sort of game.

City will need to fight like hell to ensure there is no upset and eternal shame on the team if they lose. :blink:

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Guest citysnumber7

ryte u r talking about times wich happended 20-30 yrs ago, time have changed!!!, and I'm not syaing bristol city dunt have to try to beat bradford, but we will not have 2 give 110% and we will not start r full strengh team so we r not going 2 b giving it r all r we? city will win comfortably :Costumed19:

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Not starting with our full strength team? Where did you get that information from?

We'd better be, the F.A. Cup is the only cup that matters. It's followed literally round the world and if you fall to a minnow it's great for the tradition of the Cup but ignominy for the club concerned.

Oh, and where Bristol City are concerned times haven't really changed in the last 20 years or so at all.

Except 30 years ago i was watching City knock Leeds out of the Cup at Elland Road ( the equivalent of Man. Utd. at Old Trafford now, and i'll never forget it.

The F.A. Cup is THE Cup and the City players had better remember that at kick-off time on Sunday.

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