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Spin off from Friday night mumbles....I give you


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Ok so following on from the sucess of Random Friday night mumbles, I thought we could have a random confessions thread. Stupid stuff you might have done as a kid or even in more recent times. You can post them here in the knowledge that nobody will think badly of you, we might chuckle away to ourselves a bit but your secret is safe here.

I will start.

When I was about 12 or 13 me and my sister were out one day and we found a lighter in a field full of hay about to be cut. We thought (for some reason still unknown to myself) that we would try and light a few pieces of hay. Being that it was a hot and slightly breezy day, erm well one thing led to another and the whole field went up in flames. Me and sister panicked and ran away, someone must have seen the flames because soon enough the fire engines were coming and it took two of them to put the fire out.

We were so ashamed we only actually confessed to my mum about 3 years ago.

Anyone else feel brave enough to admit to something?

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I once asked for £10 cashback at Sainsburys. When I was handed my card back & receipt, I put the card in my wallet & receipt in the bag. As I was walking out the door, I realised that I didn't get my £10 so I went back to the checkout & asked the guy for my money. He was insistant that he had handed it to me & I was adamant that he hadn't. He eventually yeilded & gave me my £10. When I got home & emptied my shopping bags, I found another £10 at the bottom of one of them!


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Was living in Australia and came back on holiday. Went out for a few beers with a mate in Nailsea and was staying the night at his parents house. A few beers turned into lots of beers and I woke up in the middle of the night dying for a Jimmy riddle. Was merrily relieving myself when the light went on and my mates Mum & Dad were sat up in bed while I piddled in their wardrobe.

Whats more, they still talk to me !!!!

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