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Please help disabled people out


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Ok so its not going to get the million signatures that the road charging one got but Id be very grateful if you could sign this one as well.

Its about the government withdrawing funding for communication devices etc for disabled people. The child I look after uses an assisted system to communcate and would be lost without it. The exact wording is this:-

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to support Assistive Technology services to provide access to fundamental human rights for some people with disabilities


Once youve signed it you will get an email which you have to click on the link to activate your signature.

Thankyou in advance.


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Ive signed.

The use of various communication aids in our school is invaluble.

So many disabled people would be completely unable to communicate if it werent for these devices.

The cost, i believe, of a standard communication device is in the region of £4,000-£6,500. Without government funding, many disabled people would simply not be able to have communication aids. A few grand is a small price to pay, to give someone a voice.


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