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Just would like peoples thoughts on what happened tonight after the game. Innocent people being sprayed by cs gas is not my wa of enjoying at night at the football. I am gracious in defeat but cannot understand why a police officer would let off cs gas when it wasnt necessary. don't they realise there were young children at the front of the stands? The stewarding was a joke too with the chavs running over goading us. Just interesting in what others went through as I'm going to report this to the post and see if they can press a story on it. Spoilt the game for me. Police were far too slow dealing with the idiots on the field and knew what was going to happen at the final whistle. :disapointed2se:

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Just would like peoples thoughts on what happened tonight after the game. Innocent people being sprayed by cs gas is not my wa of enjoying at night at the football. I am gracious in defeat but cannot understand why a police officer would let off cs gas when it wasnt necessary. don't they realise there were young children at the front of the stands? The stewarding was a joke too with the chavs running over goading us. Just interesting in what others went through as I'm going to report this to the post and see if they can press a story on it. Spoilt the game for me. Police were far too slow dealing with the idiots on the field and knew what was going to happen at the final whistle. :disapointed2se:

I was in terrace. They let the spray go as 1 city fan (must been 16) was kicking a sponsors board in, they warned him and he continued... so they let the spray on him and EVERONE else. Poor girls and kids running past me. I was at back of that part of the terrace, and it got down my throat! Why they let the rovers taunt us on the pitch was disgusting. Not happy. terrible policing.

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I was in terrace. They let the spray go as 1 city fan (must been 16) was kicking a sponsors board in, they warned him and he continued... so they let the spray on him and EVERONE else. Poor girls and kids running past me. I was at back of that part of the terrace, and it got down my throat! Why they let the rovers taunt us on the pitch was disgusting. Not happy. terrible policing.

exactly there was no need for it at all. Treated badly and the stewarding was poor too. They just let the kids carry on running over and didnt even try to arrest them then they got the police horses on. By then it was too late as the policeman had sprayed the gas. The steward number 103 didnt help himself eith inciting the city fans.

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exactly there was no need for it at all. Treated badly and the stewarding was poor too. They just let the kids carry on running over and didnt even try to arrest them then they got the police horses on. By then it was too late as the policeman had sprayed the gas. The steward number 103 didnt help himself eith inciting the city fans.

The police gaveplenty of warning that he was going to spray and was saying to stop and so he sprayed. I think people are blaming the police for doing a thankless task, and actually preventing fans from confronting one another, and not actually focusing on the peple who were trying to aggrivate the situation further.

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I to was caught by the cs gas, and people around me. The police had instructions not to use cs gas unless a major civil incident was in progress. i was informed of this by a sargent outside the ground when i informed him of the incident which had occured. He told me that if that was true and an officer had used the gas then a complaint was in order. I will be making a complaint today, one on the fact that it was used and also the way it was being used. The police seemed to be doing pretty well with their battons up to that point from what i could observe.

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I've touched on a shameful incident in the seated area in the review which, hopefully, will be on the ST website soon.

Rovers should be charged with failing to control their crowd as the invasion was not good natured and could have proved highly inflamatory.

The Police heavy handedness over the two games was somethng that I found most disappointing.

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The police gaveplenty of warning that he was going to spray and was saying to stop and so he sprayed. I think people are blaming the police for doing a thankless task, and actually preventing fans from confronting one another, and not actually focusing on the peple who were trying to aggrivate the situation further.

However if you let a few hundred chavs run on the field in the first place it doesn't help, does it?

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The police gaveplenty of warning that he was going to spray and was saying to stop and so he sprayed. I think people are blaming the police for doing a thankless task, and actually preventing fans from confronting one another, and not actually focusing on the peple who were trying to aggrivate the situation further.

I spoke to my mate who is a copper and explained the situation, how innocent people were caught up in this, and he said they should NOT have used CS Gas.

It was one or two burberry clad freaks......the Old Bill are given proper training, decent padded clothingsand batons.....use them!!! drag the idiot out and arrest him! Its simple! How can you justify using CS gas on a crowd of people


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I have video footage its not brilliant, but it does show the police hitting someone down behind the goal. Plus it shows all the rovers lot running at us.

The problem is, nothing will ever get done about it Dolly. It was a shambles, Ive never known such over the top policing at a game.....the heavy handed tactics made people more angry then the result itself.

Can you remember a few years ago when Cardiff beat Leeds in the Cup and they done the same thing, invaded the pitch and goaded the Leeds lot....I think they got slapped with a massive fine for that, so what will happen to the Rovers?

Nothing I expect. Family club remember

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A once every decade event, let it go........just let it go. I like GJ's comment [ 5 times ], we need to move on.

Try telling that to the poor kid (no older then 15) who got pushed to the ground then trampled on outside the ground and was crying his eyes out as it mashed his knee up

Try telling that to the two women I seen coming out with sore eyes after being caught up in the incident with pepper spray incident

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Football is getting worse not better. Its the only sport where home and away supporters cant sit next to one another. Its the only sport where theres so many police officers and stewards trying to control a game. We don't want to bring the troubles that were in Italy to this country with riots etc. THe police didnt help this matter last night. ANother question is how some city fans were allowed out the south stand but the rest of us were penned in? I didnt mind being held back but another example of what a shambles it was last night.

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Football is getting worse not better. Its the only sport where home and away supporters cant sit next to one another. Its the only sport where theres so many police officers and stewards trying to control a game. We don't want to bring the troubles that were in Italy to this country with riots etc. THe police didnt help this matter last night. ANother question is how some city fans were allowed out the south stand but the rest of us were penned in? I didnt mind being held back but another example of what a shambles it was last night.

We weren't let out, but after many of us were caught up in a crush at the front of the stand, some fans broke open the LOCKED emergency exit, thats how we got out.

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We weren't let out, but after many of us were caught up in a crush at the front of the stand, some fans broke open the LOCKED emergency exit, thats how we got out.

Fair play didnt realise how city fans got out when we were blocked in. How can they lock an emergency exit then? More questions that need answering.

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We weren't let out, but after many of us were caught up in a crush at the front of the stand, some fans broke open the LOCKED emergency exit, thats how we got out.

I would have thought that was a clear breach of safety regulations and that needs reporting.

I know derby matches are passionate and important, to the fans at least, but it's still hard to believe that although we can live and work, go to school etc side by side with the Sags (and them with us) that we can't watch a match together without trouble. And sadly I think that it will never change. The Fans Derby game has done a lot to build good relations but there are still too many people (not fans) that just latch on to both clubs to cause trouble.

Also, I honestly don't know if the heavy handedness of the police on occasions like this make things worse not better.

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The police gaveplenty of warning that he was going to spray and was saying to stop and so he sprayed. I think people are blaming the police for doing a thankless task, and actually preventing fans from confronting one another, and not actually focusing on the peple who were trying to aggrivate the situation further.

Wake up man! What planet do you live on? The police were thugs. My dad is a retired policeman and he was ashamed of the robocops attitudes last night. Totally over the top. I was at the front of the terrace shouting at the city players and got a wrap across my knuckles by the fuc*ing trucheon. Why? I wasnt goading rovers fans, i was boll*cking that shambles of a performance. After smacking me, that then kicked it off with sponsorboards being kicked in. I had a father and his 10 yr old son next to me, hardly holigans.

Police were a discrace and i will be writing a serious complaint with badge numbers and photos.

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Small point I know, but because of the gas chavs on the pitch last night the UWE vs Bristol Uni varsity rugby match has had to be postponed from tonight. I know in the grand scheme of things (cs gas, beatings etc) it doesn't seem important but surely better policing could have stopped the pitch invasion

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We weren't let out, but after many of us were caught up in a crush at the front of the stand, some fans broke open the LOCKED emergency exit, thats how we got out.

If that is true, MR, then that is appalling given what happened at Hillsborough. To think you should have to break open a locked emergency exit to get out is shocking, really. What is really scary is that this is a match with a relatively small crowd and given how it was handled, what confidence can we have in policing (or the behaviour of some of our fans) if we DO get promotion and they have to handle large gates and larger away crowds every other week. As I said in another thread, rather than simply producing a whitewash and insisting they dealt with the situation well - which any of us there who saw it with our own eyes know damn well they did not - the police must concede they made potentially dangerous mistakes and carry out a review to improve their policing.

Incidentally, I hope any City and Rovers 'fans' caught fighting etc at the game or outside have the book thrown at them too. If it were not for them there would be no need for a police presence like this at all.

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Just would like peoples thoughts on what happened tonight after the game. Innocent people being sprayed by cs gas is not my wa of enjoying at night at the football. I am gracious in defeat but cannot understand why a police officer would let off cs gas when it wasnt necessary. don't they realise there were young children at the front of the stands? The stewarding was a joke too with the chavs running over goading us. Just interesting in what others went through as I'm going to report this to the post and see if they can press a story on it. Spoilt the game for me. Police were far too slow dealing with the idiots on the field and knew what was going to happen at the final whistle. :disapointed2se:

Did any one get the number of the policeman spaying us last night. I was other side from exit onto pitch well away from where the boarding's were being kicked off, had been down the front all game so couldn't move away when he started spraying I had my arms in the air and said I cant move I'm not causing trouble and still got some of the spray in my face, I then took some pics on my phone but he moved all the time and don't have his number, just the number of the officer next to him. Though also got pic of the steward who seemed to think what a nice night it was as we were sprayed.

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We weren't let out, but after many of us were caught up in a crush at the front of the stand, some fans broke open the LOCKED emergency exit, thats how we got out.

thats shocking that emergency exits are locked......thats why people died at hillsborough so how any club, and i'm not just saying this as its rovers, is allowed to get away with locking emergency exits is disgusting and is only ever going to make the situation much worse. i am very disappointed after hearing these reports of the stewarding and policing.

i wasn't there myself, but were the emergency exits manned?

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thats shocking that emergency exits are locked......thats why people died at hillsborough so how any club, and i'm not just saying this as its rovers, is allowed to get away with locking emergency exits is disgusting and is only ever going to make the situation much worse. i am very disappointed after hearing these reports of the stewarding and policing.

i wasn't there myself, but were the emergency exits manned?

No one in sight, no one came when the gates were being broken open, the back of the stand was totally devoid of stewards or police. If there was a steward supposed to manning the gates with a key to the padlock, he wasn't there when it mattered.

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Wake up man! What planet do you live on? The police were thugs. My dad is a retired policeman and he was ashamed of the robocops attitudes last night. Totally over the top. I was at the front of the terrace shouting at the city players and got a wrap across my knuckles by the fuc*ing trucheon. Why? I wasnt goading rovers fans, i was boll*cking that shambles of a performance. After smacking me, that then kicked it off with sponsorboards being kicked in. I had a father and his 10 yr old son next to me, hardly holigans.

Police were a discrace and i will be writing a serious complaint with badge numbers and photos.

All I could see was a lot of people acting very aggressively at the front of the stand. If the police weren't there then I am sure there would have been a number of people trying to get onto the pitch from our stand, as people had done from behind the goal.

If city fans were acting calmly and not aggresively then there would have been no need for the police to be using the spray and truncheons. When the police sprayed the spray it wasn't altogether that surprising.

Like it or not if the Police do not take the initiative to get on top of the situation then far worse scenes will happen, as happens in Italy where hooligans have very much a free reign. If the Police had been battoning the Rovers fans and spraying them with C/S spray then they probably would not have run onto the pitch. It is far easier to contain City in their small area than it is to contain the whole of the Rovers stands without having a Police bill of probably double. The City and Rovers fans were kept apart, but it took a hell of a lot of work from the Stewards and Police to do so.

All of the incidents that happened last night fully warrant why there is a need for Police at high profile games. The actions of a sizeable number of City fans included. Until things like that don't happen there is every need for the police to have as much of a presence at games.

Some people need a reality check because there was very nearly a lot of trouble at last nights game, and without the police there it would have been one hell of a lot worse. In this day and age the Police are under far too much pressure, they are unable to do their job properly because there is the constant threat the some people will call foul and try to start litigating and the like. Nobody got seriously injured last night where if the Hooligans had got their own way people easily could have been.

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You were SPAYED as well as gassed and having to see City lose to the gas. Dear me, I didn't think Policeman were allowed to perform procedures like that


Ha ha ha I have lost the R and T button's on my laptop so have 2 push very hard to get them to work, and miss them out of words sometimes if I don't check ha ha ha. though Spaying rovers fan's and the police last night would at least stop the scum breeding.

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All I could see was a lot of people acting very aggressively at the front of the stand. If the police weren't there then I am sure there would have been a number of people trying to get onto the pitch from our stand, as people had done from behind the goal.

If city fans were acting calmly and not aggresively then there would have been no need for the police to be using the spray and truncheons. When the police sprayed the spray it wasn't altogether that surprising.

Like it or not if the Police do not take the initiative to get on top of the situation then far worse scenes will happen, as happens in Italy where hooligans have very much a free reign. If the Police had been battoning the Rovers fans and spraying them with C/S spray then they probably would not have run onto the pitch. It is far easier to contain City in their small area than it is to contain the whole of the Rovers stands without having a Police bill of probably double. The City and Rovers fans were kept apart, but it took a hell of a lot of work from the Stewards and Police to do so.

All of the incidents that happened last night fully warrant why there is a need for Police at high profile games. The actions of a sizeable number of City fans included. Until things like that don't happen there is every need for the police to have as much of a presence at games.

Some people need a reality check because there was very nearly a lot of trouble at last nights game, and without the police there it would have been one hell of a lot worse. In this day and age the Police are under far too much pressure, they are unable to do their job properly because there is the constant threat the some people will call foul and try to start litigating and the like. Nobody got seriously injured last night where if the Hooligans had got their own way people easily could have been.

So that's why they allowed a pitch invasion? Get off of your soap box "Kit". You are either a bit of an ignorant/arrogant prat, or a policeman, or a Gashead, or a combination of all three. The fact that children are exposed to CS Gas in what should be a controlled environment, is completely inexcusible. Tell me, were the Rovers "fans", with the freedom of the pitch, sprayed as they goaded a penned in congregation of Men, women and Children?

I don't think your views are helping here, and your comments are inflammatory. I think you should get off of the forum and write a letter supporting the Police's actions to the Evening Post. I wouldn't supply your address mind.

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