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john ward


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my god, what a gasshead he was on the radio commentry last night.

he even said at one point "that clock as been stuck on 80 mins for about 5 mins", there was even an oh dear when city attacked just after there goal was scored.

I think it was a tricky one for Radio Bristol to be really balanced on and they did try...... our other man on the commentary would have been more City under normal circumstances?

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my god, what a gasshead he was on the radio commentry last night.

he even said at one point "that clock as been stuck on 80 mins for about 5 mins", there was even an oh dear when city attacked just after there goal was scored.

your spot on leadman.i went right off him that night.its a sad fact,but everyone seems to want to see city fall all the time except city fans.like millwall sing,knowone likes us but we don't care.

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John Ward also said ' that a man who goes chasing after many Rabbits (meaning league and cup compititions) never catches any. But a man who only goes after one Rabbit usually catches it. Very wise words from our ex manager and to be fair to him, he is often right. Lets hope he's right on this occasion!!

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Ward and Twentypence made me feel completely sick the other night. I thought it was just me. I went to the screening at the Gate but listened to the radio. I couldn't believe some of the sh1te coming out of Ward's mouth - it was like he was watching a different game and it was clear he wanted Rovers to win. Complete and utter Gashead.

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