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One Game Doesn't make a season


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For god sake FANS lets put this whole rovers game in perspective the best team won over two legs fair enough. We know we did not play well. Looking at half the postings over the last few days anyone would think that the Rovers game was the thing that counted this season. For those fans that do look away now because it is not.

We start the season every August with the intentions of being promoted. The worse thing to happen to us this season has been this bloody rovers game as that is all the fans have been talking about and it should not have been. Yes I was gutted we lost on Tuesday but when you looka t it now was it really that important or is beating Forest at home on that weekend more important and you got to say it is.

GJ has done a great job with this club in a little over 12 months and needs all our support so we can get out off this league. What we don't need is posters talking about how mediocre he is etc etc. As this is not true. We are lucky to have GJ as our boss and how would you feel if he walked away now? Pretty distraught I would guess.

Please everyone get together and lets leave this poxy division and get up to the championship and this can only be achieved by working as a CLUB together not as seperate entities. To GJ and the BOYS the majority of fans are with you and we thank you for the season we have had so far but in this next quarter is the quarter the fans, manager and players need to get together as one and lets head for the championship. :city::city::city:

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Totaly agree. 12 Months ago we were in the bottom 6. Now we are 5th ( could be second with 4 points from 2 games in hand ). We had a great run in the FA cup and got to the area final of the JPT and have made a lot of money. We have got one of the best youth set up`s out side of the prem . This is probably our best season for many years as a club/buisness. Yet , draw at home (Huddesfield ) and people are booing our players for scoring !!! :disapointed2se: and the odd mindless idiot is throwing punches at our own players.

I have been a season ticket holder for 12 years on and off and i havant agreed with a lot of signings/ managers etc but as long as the effort is there, then i will support them. I really didn`t agree or like Pulis so i didn`t go and watch them......... simple really, support your team or don`t bother to come.


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I agree totally, in fact I'd put it even stronger. At the start of the season, most of the pessimists on this board (probably the same ones that are moaning now) were predicting we'd be lucky to make the play-offs.

In fact if we won our games in hand we'd be three points clear in second, and we're currently eight points clear of the seventh placed team, who have played two more games than us.

This despite making a huge profit on transfers through GJ's ability to bring in quality cheaply (not just in terms of transfer fees but in terms of realistic salaries) - something we have been sadly lacking at the club for years, and that is part of the reason we have been making such horrific losses. If you look at who we have brought in and what we paid for them, compared to the likes of Miller, Peacock etc, there's no comparison. McCombe, McAllister, Noble, Basso, Jevons, Johnson, Enoch, the list goes on. More importantly, in terms of success, for the first time in years we seem to have a disciplined squad who are pulling in the same direction.

The irony is that it is some of the fans who are not. Do us all a favour and join the staff, players, management and the rest of the fans in getting behind the team rather than spouting doom and gloom. The more of us who pull in the same direction and unite behind the team, the better our chances of success.

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Guest mesa boogie
Yeah, maybe for your lot but for consistency it is what happens over 46 league games that count. That is bread and butter and I know that if you could change your final appearance for 4th place you would.

i was jesting sweetpea.

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