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Unbelievable. The pictures taken of the fans getting through the police last night was literally 30 seconds before we were allowed to leave. Yet they showed minimal of the poor stewarding that took place at the final whistle and the fact that rovers fans were allowed to goad us for at least one minute before action. Although I agree with police action regards horses why did they feel the need to surrond city fans at the end.

The only reason a very small minority of city fans got on the pitch (and we do not condone these actions) was due to the lack of security for our fans. I think that HTV should relook at that footage and issue an apology to BCFC supporters about the bias way in which the reporting wa done last night.

But it is not as good as the WDP this morning when inside the paper there is a bit that says 'Rovers fans got on the pitch with jubilant celebration' I believe rovers fans got on the pitch to get at us. Is that mentioned anywhere? NO

Put a million pound on if that was city fans Front page story. Yet again more bias reporting.

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i was forced on to the pitch after the game due to the fact that they wouldnt open the gates to let us out and then everyone started charging towards the front. people were getting squashed and even some old bloke was being bardged into a fence. the whole thing was a joke. as soon as they realised this was going on they should of opened the gates but refused to do so. thank god someone kicked the old back gate down or things would have been a lot worse.

but as its rovers, the whole thing will be bushed under the carpet. even spoke to a few fans who said they would write in if they thought it would get anywhere, but we all know there is no point!

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I don't think the main intentions of the suppoters were to get at you. The majority ran on and noticeably went directly to hug the Rovers players, however, there were the very small minority who got the wrong end of the stick and I hope they get their punishment.

It is simple that the reason the home fans were not stopped from entering the pitch was the difference in support. Just think, would you rather guard 10,000 supporters or 1,800 supporters? The majority of stewards, and police, were stood at the away end in order to stop anyone getting to you or any City getting to the Rovers support... and it worked didn't it? Nobody was hurt in a "fight" of anykind on the field? No, the police stopped it.

The only questionnable actions were those of the police and the CS Gas, but they are far too over the top in situations like these. As for the city fans on the field due to crushing, that in a way is your own doing as it was your fans that decided to retaliate. Although I can understand the reasons for it, it is just putting your own support in danger and affecting yourselves rather than the opposition.

But then again thats football and action needs to be taken ASAP.

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If anyones interested Htv west are colaberating information from any Bristol City fan who saw anything with the cs gas incident or was hit or battoned on Tuesday night. If you want to speak about it contact Domonic Valitis on 07779 301676.

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