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Anyone else really nervous ?!?


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I've sadly only followed BCFC properly in our time in this poxy division. I've always "supported" city but when I was younger it was alot harder to get to games without any transport.

I've seen us miss out many times, and frankly I don't think I cant take it again !

This year, we are in a position that we haven't enjoyed for a long time. its in "our hands".

My problem is, I am so worried about our results and getting promotion that I'm almost putting myself off !!!!! anyone else having any issues with nerves already !?

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Too many failed promotions have told me to expect nothing and anything else on top will be a bonus. I just think we have the wrong formula for promotion. We try too hard whereas teams like Colchester, Southend, Scunthorpe etc piece together a workmanlike team, who enjoy playing together and have prolific scorers which ultimatley wins them promotion. We have, I think, a team of players who think they have already made it with their over inflated wages for this level of football who think they have a divine right for promotion.

The only thing different this season than to any other in the history of BCFC is Gary Johnson has been here for the whole season, I believe if we go up then it will be soley down to him, likewise, if we fail he has to carry the can. This is 'his' team and he has done it his way. Hand grenade incidents, falling out with players, playing his son continually when arguebly we have better players on the bench is all his own work. I for one hope its us on College Green in May dancing about thinking about trips to Upton Park, City of Manchester Stadium and Molinuex..................

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