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Leave Lee Alone

Guest ashtonyate

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Guest ashtonyate

In a post on player of the season someone was having a dig at Lee Johnson inferring that he gets into the team because his dad is the Manager I know that a lot of fans think like that but I think he gets in on Merritt.

His work rate is high he has good vision he can shoot and we would be not so effective with out him I think his brain and vision is to fast for some of our players. If his dad left and a new manager came in I am sure he would want to keep him.

So give him a chance and he will flourish at the gate he is an important part of the team and if we do go up I think he will be a key player for us.

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In a post on player of the season someone was having a dig at Lee Johnson inferring that he gets into the team because his dad is the Manager I know that a lot of fans think like that but I think he gets in on Merritt.

His work rate is high he has good vision he can shoot and we would be not so effective with out him I think his brain and vision is to fast for some of our players. If his dad left and a new manager came in I am sure he would want to keep him.

So give him a chance and he will flourish at the gate he is an important part of the team and if we do go up I think he will be a key player for us.

Well done a good post. LJ is IMO a quality player and we should be thankful we have this player on our books. As the poster points out the trouble is he gets stick for who the manager is and that is wholly unfair on him.

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His work rate is high he has good vision he can shoot and we would be not so effective with out him I think his brain and vision is to fast for some of our players.

Sounds like true love :wub:

Look he is a decent player so why start a thread inviting people to knock him ? :shutup:

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Guest ashtonyate
Sounds like true love :wub:

Look he is a decent player so why start a thread inviting people to knock him ? :shutup:

That's what forums are for to put your point over, if we were all frightened to post in fear that people may say something we did not like the forum would die

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I think we need to dislike certain players.

In this squad i'm happy with ALL of our players. There isn't an outstandingly bad footballer amongst them.

There isn't a Joe Burnell, Steve Jones, Matt Hill (I mention him because of the start of his career when every pass went into touch!) so we pick on those who can be picked on.

Christian Roberts was Welsh and thick, Bas Savage ran funny, Lee Johnson is the managers son. Simple really.

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Morning All

I hope i don't get slated for this because this is merely my point of view. Lee Johnson is a quality player when he doesnt have to tackle or head. Playing in central midfield these are 2 crucial attributes. He IS a quality player and his vision is of that of a championship possibly premiership player, but he needs to start putting himself about in the tackles in midfield. HOWEVER....we are 3rd in the league, could go 2nd if we win tonight, and promotion is in our hands so in my eyes why fix something that isnt broke. We are winning games with LJ in the side and if that continues, don't say this to loudly, but automatic promotion is a (near) certainty.

managers son? Yep. Quality player? Indeed. Needs to start putting in tackles and headers, to dam right.

Hows this for an idea....Lets get behind LJ rather than slate him............

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When his name was read out before the start of the last home game, the bloke behind me booed loudly. That sort of mentality is just ridiculous. How the hell can it help the team perform?

In my opinion, LeeJ is a skilful player who works harder than some give him credit for. I've always thought flair players are less consistent than those who rely on blood and thunder, and Lee has been a victim of that at times. When you try 40 yard passes etc, it is also far more visible than other elements of the game. People tend to notice if you misplace passes more than they do if you miss tackles or stand off too much. Therefore, Lee opens himself up to criticism because of his style. His mistakes tend to be more visible.

However, those who suggest he's in the team because he's the manager's son are being extremely unfair on the lad in my opinion. There is a case for playing Skuse and Noble in a 4-4-2 without him, but there is also a bloody good case for playing him, not least because he is always capable of contributing with a goal our of nothing (something he's done on more than one occasion this season to give us points we may not have deserved) or to lay on a goal out of nothing with a fantastic pass (remember that quick free kick that led to a goal earlier this season - some fans without his vision were shouting at him for wasting it even while it was in the air on the way to the intended receiver).

Bottom line is that he's a good player. Fans here want to see quality and attractive football, yet here's someone with the will and the ability to spray passes and give us that football - and there are people who can't wait to slag him off or boo him at games before he's even kicked a ball. And that's sad, really.

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LJ is a creative player. Creative players will give away possesion from time to time. His lack of height and strength in the tackle are a problem, but, IMO his vision and creativity outweigh his shortcomings ( excuse the pun ! ). The fact that he`s the gaffers son puts him at a disadvantage before he`s stepped foot on the pitch quite simply because of the small percentage of fans that can`t see past that fact.

He`s not the greatest player in the world but he IS quality in this side and i for one look forward to his contributions during our run in and IF we go up this year i feel he could be a key player in our Championship campaign next season.


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LJ is a creative player. Creative players will give away possesion from time to time. His lack of height and strength in the tackle are a problem, but, IMO his vision and creativity outweigh his shortcomings ( excuse the pun ! ). The fact that he`s the gaffers son puts him at a disadvantage before he`s stepped foot on the pitch quite simply because of the small percentage of fans that can`t see past that fact.

He`s not the greatest player in the world but he IS quality in this side and i for one look forward to his contributions during our run in and IF we go up this year i feel he could be a key player in our Championship campaign next season.


I agree not great but can be effective, as a replacement for Luke Wilkshire I think he has done OK, but he is not as talented as LW.

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Morning All

I hope i don't get slated for this because this is merely my point of view. Lee Johnson is a quality player when he doesnt have to tackle or head. Playing in central midfield these are 2 crucial attributes. He IS a quality player and his vision is of that of a championship possibly premiership player, but he needs to start putting himself about in the tackles in midfield. HOWEVER....we are 3rd in the league, could go 2nd if we win tonight, and promotion is in our hands so in my eyes why fix something that isnt broke. We are winning games with LJ in the side and if that continues, don't say this to loudly, but automatic promotion is a (near) certainty.

managers son? Yep. Quality player? Indeed. Needs to start putting in tackles and headers, to dam right.

Hows this for an idea....Lets get behind LJ rather than slate him............

thing is people see so much football today and expect City to have "complete players"

HOWEVER.......if Lee Johnson could tackle and head as well, he wouldn't be playing at this level of football let alone with us, same can be said about other players at the club, for example, if Tinnion had a right foot and pace, if noble could shoot and had pace, these players have failings in their game which is why they play at this level.

people moan about various players and midfielders at the club, but in all honestly we haven't had a real quality central midfielder since Gary Shelton

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thing is people see so much football today and expect City to have "complete players"

HOWEVER.......if Lee Johnson could tackle and head as well, he wouldn't be playing at this level of football let alone with us, same can be said about other players at the club, for example, if Tinnion had a right foot and pace, if noble could shoot and had pace, these players have failings in their game which is why they play at this level.

people moan about various players and midfielders at the club, but in all honestly we haven't had a real quality central midfielder since Gary Shelton

........or Gerry Gow, oh those were the days.


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IMO Lee is a talented player with the ball at his feet and a bit of time i.e. midds and coventry (motm away) The main problem is his lack desire to get stuck in when we need it and his desire to play the 'perfect winning ball' rather than the simple ball out to the wings. In a midfield that lacks bite he is an easy target, however i can see him being a real asset in the championship (next season :fingerscrossed: )

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I still think he needs a tough tackler alongside him, however i have also said we need width (wingers / wing backs)

this happened saturday and worked well, it therefore took some pressure off the dog fight in midfield as it stretched

northampton allowing LJ to play his attacking game with not much worry of defending.

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LJ is a quality player, no doubt about it. However, if he wants the fans on his side I think he should refrain from cupping his ear at the Dolman when he scores. Probably not a good idea to tell them to **** off when they moan at a misplaced cross either. Just a thought.

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I don't think the problem is Lee or hid dad as such. I think the problem was that Lee was being played while not in the best of form and Noble wasnt getting a chance.

Now weather he was picked because he was Gary's son or because Gary thought he deserved to play on merit we will never know.

What i will say is on his day Lee is quality and i would play him, on an off day Lee can be poor and i think then Noble should start.

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The only critisism I have is that Johnson senior needs to treat junior the same as every other player, that means if he is having a poor game ( it does happen), then he should substitute him more readily. This would breed confidence from the supporters and the players, that senior is even handed and my observations are that he seems not to be.

Any player wearing the shirt with pride and giving it his all, will earn my undying support, whether he has an occasional off game or not, no matter who he is, but in my book respect is earned, some times the hard way, not given.

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In a post on player of the season someone was having a dig at Lee Johnson inferring that he gets into the team because his dad is the Manager I know that a lot of fans think like that but I think he gets in on Merritt.

His work rate is high he has good vision he can shoot and we would be not so effective with out him I think his brain and vision is to fast for some of our players. If his dad left and a new manager came in I am sure he would want to keep him.

So give him a chance and he will flourish at the gate he is an important part of the team and if we do go up I think he will be a key player for us.

i was only joking i actually like lee johnson and think hes a gd player sorry for any offence caused.

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Look what happened on sat when he went off - we were a totally different side (for the worse)

Yeh, sorry I wasnt adding my piece in this debate..

I was asking why the starter of the topic is asking why people criticise Lee, then telling everyone to have their own opinion.


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It was good to see LJ get a decent round of applause when he was subbed on Saturday and nice to see his reaction to it, clapping the fans back.

I think he'd get nowhere near the amount of stick he does now if he wasn't the manager's son. There's a difference between a groan when a pass goes astray and screaming "get that ######ing mascot off he's shit" like the retard behind me in the dolman does - thankfully he's been quiet the last couple of games.

I think LJ is a creative player who has directly assisted many, many more goals than anyone else this season, and we'd be worse without him. I'd like for him to be a bit bigger and stronger in the air and I'd agree that the middle of a 442 doesn't make best use of his strengths but I don't believe he's in the team on anything but merit.

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It was good to see LJ get a decent round of applause when he was subbed on Saturday and nice to see his reaction to it, clapping the fans back.

I think he'd get nowhere near the amount of stick he does now if he wasn't the manager's son. There's a difference between a groan when a pass goes astray and screaming "get that ######ing mascot off he's shit" like the retard behind me in the dolman does - thankfully he's been quiet the last couple of games.

I think LJ is a creative player who has directly assisted many, many more goals than anyone else this season, and we'd be worse without him. I'd like for him to be a bit bigger and stronger in the air and I'd agree that the middle of a 442 doesn't make best use of his strengths but I don't believe he's in the team on anything but merit.

To back you up The Evidence Player number 4

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To back you up The Evidence Player number 4

I think LJ is quality! Lj does alot of work, he is constantly up and down all game, and to be honest i beleive he is working on the physical side of the game, and i personally thinks he is getting stuck in a lot more than he was when he first got here.

The reason GJ keeps him on for 90mins most weeks, even if hes not firing is, that he can make something out of nothing. e.g. Huddersfield.

It took the clown who sits behind me 4 seconds to shout 'Johnson your shit, Get your w***er of a son off' He then continued to moan constantly throughout the game until he was substituted, when his number came up, he stood up, clapped sarcasticly and shouted 'about ######ng time'.

He then turned his abuse to....Phil Jevons!

Oh he also had a little dig at Glen Schmit (sp), it seems that the bloke just has a problem with anyone with a link to Yeovil, but was full of praise for BAS SAVAGE 'Quality player, best player Johnson brought it'.

I personally think that everyone who has came in from Yeovil have imrpoved our squad/ backroom staff.

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