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Bristol Evening Post and Rovers Director


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First of all, this is the piece the Evening Post have done on what we as City fans are all doing:


Credit to the Post for giving publicity on the front page to something positive being done by City and Rovers supporters. Now we need to make sure we reach that total for the helicopter!

Secondly, if you need any more inspiration to collect money to add to the kitty from other supporters you may know, I received an email from Bristol Rovers director Ken Masters which he was moved to write after seeing the forum threads on here and reading the responses and pledges of donations for Jamie Cooper's plight from City fans. It is a message to all of those who have responded so far by donating, or intend to at the coming game. He wrote:

This is such a very fine and noble thing that you are doing for Jamie. I write to you as an ordinary Bristol football fan and lifelong supporter of Bristol Rovers.

I hold my hand out to you as a Bristolian, a football fan and a friend. Thank you very much indeed. Thank you very much to all the supporters of your football club for their very kind contributions.


Ken Masters


Bristol Rovers Football Club

Vice Chairman

Bristol Rovers Supporters Club

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First of all, this is the piece the Evening Post have done on what we as City fans are all doing:


Credit to the Post for giving publicity on the front page to something positive being done by City and Rovers supporters. Now we need to make sure we reach that total for the helicopter!

Secondly, if you need any more inspiration to collect money to add to the kitty from other supporters you may know, I received an email from Bristol Rovers director Ken Masters which he was moved to write after seeing the forum threads on here and reading the responses and pledges of donations for Jamie Cooper's plight from City fans. It is a message to all of those who have responded so far by donating, or intend to at the coming game. He wrote:

This is such a very fine and noble thing that you are doing for Jamie. I write to you as an ordinary Bristol football fan and lifelong supporter of Bristol Rovers.

I hold my hand out to you as a Bristolian, a football fan and a friend. Thank you very much indeed. Thank you very much to all the supporters of your football club for their very kind contributions.


Ken Masters


Bristol Rovers Football Club

Vice Chairman

Bristol Rovers Supporters Club

Just goes to prove Brian, a little effort goes a long long way.

Very pleased and proud of the effort.

Will have a decent amount to forward on to you sat mate as well......Arn

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