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Special Night !


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Theres been alot of speculation on here regarding this Special evening invitation only event. However the recent date change article on the main site certianly makes it sound more exciting that what people have suggested ( relaunching city 2000 / a plea for money ). "With full detials being kept firmly under wraps until the evening itself" is the quote that has got me wondering.

Any chance this might have something to do with a topic slightly more important like SL's millions / Ashton Gate Developments !?!? 1 things for sure, if it isn't exciting it will be one anti-climax for me ! :)


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Theres been alot of speculation on here regarding this Special evening invitation only event. However the recent date change article on the main site certianly makes it sound more exciting that what people have suggested ( relaunching city 2000 / a plea for money ). "With full detials being kept firmly under wraps until the evening itself" is the quote that has got me wondering.

Any chance this might have something to do with a topic slightly more important like SL's millions / Ashton Gate Developments !?!? 1 things for sure, if it isn't exciting it will be one anti-climax for me ! :)


A takeover possibly? That would be the sort of announcement that would suit this sort of evening.

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A takeover possibly? That would be the sort of announcement that would suit this sort of evening.

Well yes that is a possibility, but my real point is that people suggested it was what i would consider quite a small matter. ie city 2000 or some other scheme to try and drum up some money.

I expect instant updates on here next week !! ! ! :tv_horror:

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Got my ticket through the post last week. Curious as to why it`s been put back a week.Certainly i`d have thought a relaunch of City2000, or something similar would have been up and running. There have however, i think, i may be mistaken, been IT problems at the gate recently which may have something to do with the delay.


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Got my ticket through the post last week. Curious as to why it`s been put back a week.Certainly i`d have thought a relaunch of City2000, or something similar would have been up and running. There have however, i think, i may be mistaken, been IT problems at the gate recently which may have something to do with the delay.


don't you think the way its been built up is a little OTT for someting like city2000 ? what did they do first time round when it was launched ?

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From memory, the invite mentioned being part of a major project - I wouldn't term a re-launch of City2000 as a major project.

A project indicates something which has a start and a finish, and that can't be said of a re-launch of City2000 - can it ?.

And would that merit the attendance of the Chairman, C.Exec and, more tellingly, the manager ? I don't think so.

The secrecy and the fact that they want a big attendance indicates something big is to be announced - a lot bigger than a City2000 re-launch.

Major investment into the club ? Not really a project is it.

Stadium development ? Possibly.

Whatever it is, I hope it isn't an anti-climax as I suspect some people are making quite a long journey to be there. I declined the invite based upon the fact that I wasn't prepared to travel a long way without knowing why I was attending and didn't want to be disappointed (or annoyed) when I found out. I know others who were of the same mind.

Any chance you cna let me have your place then !? :)

Everything for me points to the stadium development, cause as you righly point out it is a project. It has also been mentioned int he past and died off a few times....even though plans were in place.

Maybe we are going to ground share with the gas


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I haven't a clue what it's about , my feeling is that anything major would have been leaked by now!

Many people are unable to attend, due to distance, work/family commitments etc. I can't believe the non attendees will miss out purely because they weren't there???

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I haven't a clue what it's about , my feeling is that anything major would have been leaked by now!

Many people are unable to attend, due to distance, work/family commitments etc. I can't believe the non attendees will miss out purely because they weren't there???

True about there being no leak, however, if it was a major project "plan" then there isnt really anyone to leak the info, its just ideas at that stage.

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It does say something on the ticket about it being of a business nature (think that was phrase), and says due to this under 16's are not able to attend.

Surely City 2000 needs a name change at worst, the name itself sounds a bit dated, considering we are no in 2007

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In an idle moment I considered that the meeting was about the new stand. So I have been giving it some thought.

Along the lines of obtaining the funds from the supporters by way of funding a commercial loan in conjunction with a major sponsership deal.

500 people paying £20.00 per month is £10,000. More then enough to part support a mortgage to build a new stand.

Just a thought!

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I haven't a clue what it's about , my feeling is that anything major would have been leaked by now!

Many people are unable to attend, due to distance, work/family commitments etc. I can't believe the non attendees will miss out purely because they weren't there???

To be fair I thought it was ment to be for a select few,however reading on here every tom,d### and Harry have had a invitation it seems.

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I have a feeling it may be to do with long term season tickets

3 / 5 / 10 years etc

After all - if you buy now at same rate for next 5 or 10 years think of the savings you will make if the club progresses as much as we all hope it will.

But also think of how much you may commit too at a time when ST prices are under attack at the top levels of football & therefore are actualy dropping

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I can't help but think it's going to be something to do with them wanting our money i.e. Buying long term season tickets...or is SL going to float even?

Let's hope its plans to redevelop Ashton gate, thats the sort of news i want to here

SL going to float what !?

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The letter said "lauch of a major new initiative". :read: They want money. :mafia:

I'm not sure why they would want to gather all of us together when they usually announce things on teh official site. That has got me thinking.

I'm hoping it's to do with the new stand development as that would be really pleasing but why gather the press and fans together just to announce the City2000 launch.

hhhhhhmmmmm! :blink:


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His company? Wasn't there talk of that a few weeks ago?

I thought he had already done that. £600m wasnt it.....although first of all he wont see any of that money for quite some time and second of all thats nothing to do with BCFC.

Granted it may be due to this possibly funding a project.

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I thought he had already done that. £600m wasnt it.....although first of all he wont see any of that money for quite some time and second of all thats nothing to do with BCFC.

Granted it may be due to this possibly funding a project.

We'll see. Although I'm not going to be there I'm quite looking forward to hearing about it as I'm sure there will be lots about it on the website. Let's just hope its not a let down...

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I thought he had already done that. £600m wasnt it.....although first of all he wont see any of that money for quite some time and second of all thats nothing to do with BCFC.

Granted it may be due to this possibly funding a project.

The float of Hargreaves Lansdown will take place June/July, all being well, which will earn the aforementioned about £250 mill each. Not sure if this is as well as, or including SLs reported £70 million if he left the company now.

Either way, a very rich man who I have always thought was one of the nicest, most handsome and caring people on earth :sun: (Steve you can e mail me if you need to contact me for anything :shifty: )

When Steve was asked what he would do about the begging letters he said that he would still keep sending them out.

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Maybe we are looking at a ground share with Bristol rugby ? The income from that would go a long way towards redevelopment of the stadium and would also pay for laying a new pitch which could handle the extra wear and tear.

So, the suggestions so far ;

New ground

Ashton Gate development

City2000 launch


Take Over

Armoured travel arrangements for Millwall

Announcement that we can't afford to be promoted

Any others ?

I think it's some sort of AG development..

No prizes for the correct answer, just the kudos and satisfaction of saying "I told you so".

I'm going for AG / EE development, been approved beforehand....surely the front runner....??!!?

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