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We can do it

Guest DanC

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Up until now I have been abit cautious about our promotion chances but this Evening looking at the table I am suddenly very confident of our chances. Four points ahead of 3rd place and come midweek that could be 7 points.

If we want Promotion then I believe we haven't had a better chance since we have been back in this league t go out and get it.

Now is the time for all of us to stand together and roar the lads on to the promised land. :city:

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Up until now I have been abit cautious about our promotion chances but this Evening looking at the table I am suddenly very confident of our chances. Four points ahead of 3rd place and come midweek that could be 7 points.

If we want Promotion then I believe we haven't had a better chance since we have been back in this league t go out and get it.

Now is the time for all of us to stand together and roar the lads on to the promised land. :city:

Today my whole family were out in force...Mum/dad/bruvvers/sister-in-law/nephew and neice...Whilst I had to listen in my office in the USA.

Now is the time to stop arguing/being negative particularly on here and stop making dumbass comments about our players...They need everyone to get behind them NOW...We can debate the relative merits of individuals at the end of the season but for now Stand TOGETHER...You (whoever you are) should be able to smell promotion in the air so lets not **** it up by undermining our players/our team and our manager....

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Now is the time for all of us to stand together and roar the lads on to the promised land. :city:

We will be able to do more shouting and roaring if more people got down to ashton gate to cheer the lads on in person.

But i agree this is up to us now noone can mess it up apart from ourselfs.

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