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For God Sake Johnson get us a striker

Guest ashtonyate

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Guest ashtonyate

I know everybody keeps saying you got to battle to get a result and it does not matter how you get it, but we are so poor up front if we had not got the penalty we could have been there all night with out scoring.

Showamby just has no ideal how to lead a line, most of the time he play's as a winger and puts crossing in that he should be on the end of.When your centre half is the man of the match it tell you something about the game in fact I think Brentford had more shots on target than we did.

We never or rarely look like scoring we have give ourselves a great chance but for god sake beg borrow or buy a striker

I see we had a few fans in the east end they sung their heart out to no Avila prehapes on Tuesday they could get a medium along to contact the team because they looked half dead the team that is.

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You thought wrong; :disapointed2se: City 13 shots on target Brenford 5; City 8 shots off target, Brentford 5 :tongue: Totalling 21 shots at goal and we need another striker :disapointed2se: yeah right o.k then (as we are doing so crap);

let the Manager do the team, you can continue with your groans and mind boggling outbursts;

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I know everybody keeps saying you got to battle to get a result and it does not matter how you get it, but we are so poor up front if we had not got the penalty we could have been there all night with out scoring.

Showamby just has no ideal how to lead a line, most of the time he play's as a winger and puts crossing in that he should be on the end of.When your centre half is the man of the match it tell you something about the game in fact I think Brentford had more shots on target than we did.

We never or rarely look like scoring we have give ourselves a great chance but for god sake beg borrow or buy a striker

I see we had a few fans in the east end they sung their heart out to no Avila prehapes on Tuesday they could get a medium along to contact the team because they looked half dead the team that is.

I'll put it down to lack of education!

Oi Johnson, what dipstick.

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2nd in the league, 4 points clear of 3rd and with a better goal difference and a goal in hand.....proves your theroy judged over the course of the season to be rubbish

also we from 36games this season............6 games we have not scored......VERY IMPRESSIVE

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I know everybody keeps saying you got to battle to get a result and it does not matter how you get it, but we are so poor up front if we had not got the penalty we could have been there all night with out scoring.

Showamby just has no ideal how to lead a line, most of the time he play's as a winger and puts crossing in that he should be on the end of.When your centre half is the man of the match it tell you something about the game in fact I think Brentford had more shots on target than we did.

We never or rarely look like scoring we have give ourselves a great chance but for god sake beg borrow or buy a striker

I see we had a few fans in the east end they sung their heart out to no Avila prehapes on Tuesday they could get a medium along to contact the team because they looked half dead the team that is. :disapointed2se::disapointed2se::disapointed2se: p.s.change your name to Memyate

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Showamby just has no ideal how to lead a line, most of the time he play's as a winger and puts crossing in that he should be on the end of.When your centre half is the man of the match it tell you something about the game in fact I think Brentford had more shots on target than we did.

Who is this new guy Showamby!

however depsite this new signing i do worry about us when we come up against better oppostiion. A striker would make all the differe,ce, maybe Brooker wil come good

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Guest ashtonyate
Did you go today, Ashtonyate, out of intrest?

Or on Wednesday for that matter?

I have missed one match all season at home and for most of this season we have under performed including today the front play is rubbish now you tell me if thats not true if you dare.

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I have missed one match all season at home and for most of this season we have under performed including today the front play is rubbish now you tell me if thats not true if you dare.


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I know everybody keeps saying you got to battle to get a result and it does not matter how you get it, but we are so poor up front if we had not got the penalty we could have been there all night with out scoring.

Showamby just has no ideal how to lead a line, most of the time he play's as a winger and puts crossing in that he should be on the end of.When your centre half is the man of the match it tell you something about the game in fact I think Brentford had more shots on target than we did.

We never or rarely look like scoring we have give ourselves a great chance but for god sake beg borrow or buy a striker

I see we had a few fans in the east end they sung their heart out to no Avila prehapes on Tuesday they could get a medium along to contact the team because they looked half dead the team that is.

A quality striker might well be the difference.

(Haven't seen any matches this season but will come over for the Swansea game).



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I know everybody keeps saying you got to battle to get a result and it does not matter how you get it, but we are so poor up front if we had not got the penalty we could have been there all night with out scoring.

Showamby just has no ideal how to lead a line, most of the time he play's as a winger and puts crossing in that he should be on the end of.When your centre half is the man of the match it tell you something about the game in fact I think Brentford had more shots on target than we did.

We never or rarely look like scoring we have give ourselves a great chance but for god sake beg borrow or buy a striker

I see we had a few fans in the east end they sung their heart out to no Avila prehapes on Tuesday they could get a medium along to contact the team because they looked half dead the team that is.

I would not say we are 'so poor' up front and the situation is not a bleak as you suggest. However, I would like a good goalscorer brought in (particularly due to the Brookere injury saga) to give us more options.

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I have missed one match all season at home and for most of this season we have under performed including today the front play is rubbish now you tell me if thats not true if you dare.

we're 2nd in the league with 11 games to go and we're underperforming??

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we're 2nd in the league with 11 games to go and we're underperforming??

Ashtonyate is talking about or frontline underachieving. Before the season most of us expected Brooks to score 20+ but he has only got three I think and he is in and out of the team. Now, that's a concern and we could all do with a quality striker as complement, couldn't we? The team has truly been magnificent this season though!

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Guest ashtonyate
I would not say we are 'so poor' up front and the situation is not a bleak as you suggest. However, I would like a good goalscorer brought in (particularly due to the Brookere injury saga) to give us more options.

Up front there was no shape the ball comes straight back Showamby wants to play on the wing, and puts crosses in that he showed be on the end of, no running off the ball we are second in the league and may go up but its not good football in my eyes

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Firstly show some respect and get his name right.

It's Showunmi.

Secondly one of our crap strikers has 16 goals to his name and the next striker has 13.

Thirdly we're scoring goals from a variety of positions rather than our normal reliance on one good striker and scott Murray.

Fourthly we have the second best goal difference as well as being second in the league. To me this shows that we are a better unit than we have been for seasons. In previous years we have seemed to been either very tight at the back and never score or score freely and heamorage goals.

Fifthly, to be honest I don't care if we play crap football. I just want us to get out of this league!!!

Are you sure your not a rovers fan or a wind up merchant Ashtonyate? :whistle2:

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ashtonyate, I can understand your frustrations, but don't you think Gary is frustrated too?

After all he can't like, or have expected, Brooker to have such an injury hit season, 3 week injuries have taken double that to recover from, he's back for half a match then gone again. Showumni and Jevons have also had their fair share too, sometimes all 3 have been unavailable, now Andrew's has joined the list aswell. We lost Coterill early on and have loaned players or had at least 2 failed bids.

It has been just as hard to field 2 fit strikers this season as it was to keep Miller and Heffernan happy on the bench! And yes I do appreciate the need for competition and cover.

It has been frustrating that we haven't been able to play a pair of strikers who have been able to gel and form an understanding. Maybe the answer isn't with what we have after all, I think time is running out this season now to find out.

This understanderably puts pressure on the rest of the team. Earlier in the season it was our defenders who seemed to be the only ones regularly scoring, now the midfield have recently become more prolific. The team have responded magnificantly and deserve the league position they are in, and you don't get there without goals or a solid defence.

Yes, it would be nice having the league 1 top scorer and little else on the goalfront, but there are risks with that too. The danger of being a 'one man team' and other teams ready to come in and take him from you.

So basically with goals coming from all areas, and our league position and form I'm not so concerned as you are right now!

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The funny thing is Ashtonyate is serious :doh:

I think we should open up an Ashtonyate sub-forum so we can talk about are ineffective team.

No way should Baslo be in goal! Besty's good but not like how he was, MyCombe needs to sort out his hair and lets not forget the academy players McRie-Williams, Art R' Us, Noal Ruse to name but a few.

And heaven forbit showaddywaddy should actually look for the ball in the channel and try and set up goals!

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Guest ashtonyate
ashtonyate, I can understand your frustrations, but don't you think Gary is frustrated too?

After all he can't like, or have expected, Brooker to have such an injury hit season, 3 week injuries have taken double that to recover from, he's back for half a match then gone again. Showumni and Jevons have also had their fair share too, sometimes all 3 have been unavailable, now Andrew's has joined the list aswell. We lost Coterill early on and have loaned players or had at least 2 failed bids.

It has been just as hard to field 2 fit strikers this season as it was to keep Miller and Heffernan happy on the bench! And yes I do appreciate the need for competition and cover.

It has been frustrating that we haven't been able to play a pair of strikers who have been able to gel and form an understanding. Maybe the answer isn't with what we have after all, I think time is running out this season now to find out.

This understanderably puts pressure on the rest of the team. Earlier in the season it was our defenders who seemed to be the only ones regularly scoring, now the midfield have recently become more prolific. The team have responded magnificantly and deserve the league position they are in, and you don't get there without goals or a solid defence.

Yes, it would be nice having the league 1 top scorer and little else on the goalfront, but there are risks with that too. The danger of being a 'one man team' and other teams ready to come in and take him from you.

So basically with goals coming from all areas, and our league position and form I'm not so concerned as you are right now!

I agree with a lot of what you say but Johnson knew that Showumby was a gamble or Luton would have kept him and that Cottrell was getting a lot of attention, Stewart was not wanted by him so we were always going to be short of strikers

As well as selling Heffernan

He does not seem to able to get a good striker to come to City I don't know if its down to money or what. Also Booker record of fitness did not look that good so I think Johnson was Gambling with striker from the start of the season

I get accused of being a gashead and moaning fair enough but this is the best chance we have had for a while to go up as of right but I think it could all go pear shape unless we get some fire power up front I just don't think we are going to keep getting away with it, if we lose a goal we could really struggle to get one back with the way we played today

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Give the guy a break.

If we somehow end up in the playoffs and score 0 or 1 in both legs and go out, then it might be aparent that we lacked a 20-goal-a-season wonder kid like Billy Sharp and who can say he's wrong?

We look like getting Auto so that success can be attributed to the team generally chipping in all round for the goals, and having 2 up front doing 'above average' in this League ie. about 10/11 each.

I'd say for the League above we really do need someone who will reguarly find the net.

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Next season, blah blah blah.

This season is what's important, and if Mr Johnson want's to run with what we've got, fair enough. We are 2nd, game in hand, that tells me that we're in a better position than seasons before.

For God's sake Johnson, stop getting us nearly promoted!.

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You thought wrong; :disapointed2se: City 13 shots on target Brenford 5; City 8 shots off target, Brentford 5 :tongue: Totalling 21 shots at goal and we need another striker :disapointed2se: yeah right o.k then (as we are doing so crap);

let the Manager do the team, you can continue with your groans and mind boggling outbursts;

21 shots at goal and we only scored once - and that was a pen! :disapointed2se:

I think we have a problem in front of goal, regardless of our current position and form. As a team, we have to create far more chances than any other team because our strike rate is so low. We deserve to win games by a bigger margin based on the chances we create.

We had several chances today, as we have many times in previous games, to put the game beyond doubt and yet, once again, we find ourselves with our backs to the wall in the ninetieth minute.

We may be getting away with it now, but if our luck holds and we get promoted this season, we'll be found out up there.

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