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Bringing The Fans Back

Bristol Boy

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Agree with most of your article BB, there is just one other thing.

Back in the good old days of Ashton Gate being a 38,000 capacity stadium, the possibility of being locked out was a very rare occurrence.

Furthermore, you could always pop down to a game on your own knowing where all your mates would be.

So the "walk up" customers as I believe they are known nowadays were far greater.

Nowadays the idiotically (sorry but the safety laws just make my blood boil) stringent safety rules and all seater stadium has led to a capacity half what it was, and the club for some reason even knock a couple of thousand off that for football but not rugby. Consequently I do believe that puts off a lot of people from going, combined with the obstacles constantly being put in the way such as having to purchase tickets in advance.

The rumours are that the EE will be knocked down and replaced with a new stand this summer. You have correctly in the past pointed out the lunacy of replacing a perfectly serviceable - nay, loved, as has been demonstrated this weekend - old 5,000 capacity stand with a new, 5,000 capacity stand, as was planned a few years ago.

I really do hope that notion has been well and truly kicked into touch.

Obviously finances are the overriding issue, but in my view there should be no development of the ground unless there is an aim to make it up to a 30-35,000 capacity, eventually, if we reach the Premiership. I even don't think Scott Davidson's plans for a 40,000 capacity were completely unrealistic - although that of course was before £10million of losses of the past few seasons.

The notion of filling a ground that size may sound fantasy, however the experience of clubs all over the country demonstrate that simply having a larger more modern stadium in itself creates demand. Look at Southampton, Derby, Sunderland, Middlesborough. All those clubs went from being unable to fill small capacity stadiums to regular 30,000 or so attendances, despite being in the same division and/or similar league position.

So what I am saying is a bigger stadium would create more demand. Not the immediate solution which GJ requires, but I do hope there is some long term thinking going on in the boardroom.

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Good post. And I tend to agree with most of what you say.

Whether it's the EP that's twisting his words or whether they reported what he said faithfully, I don't know.

If true, once again Johnson has not particularly endeared himself to the general Bristol public by having a moan about their support. Not a clever thing to do, since it invites a critical response.

As a STH, I can't say I've been mightily impressed by the general performance of the team at home this season and, frankly, I'm staggered that I simply DO NOT feel much of a buzz about being in with a shout for auto promotion. I can only put it down to the fact that it doesn't seem like I've been watching a promotion-chasing team all season, and also the deja vu factor.

He is quoted as saying "The games are not all going to be classics or 5-0s. We might have to hang on in there" .

Well, that's all very well Mr Johnson, and we can all accept that rather rhetorical statement, but couldn't we have expected at least one or two? In 18 home league games this season we have scored more than 2 goals TWICE - not 5, not even 4 but 3 goals on those 2 occasions. On the other hand, in a great many of them we've had our backs to the wall at the end of the game, either struggling to hold on to a 1-goal lead or to defending a point, mainly due to the tactics of sitting on a lead or settling for a draw too early.

So perhaps we might revise that statment so that it's a little more truthful:

"None of the games are going to be classics or 5-0s. We have had to hang on in there a fair few times".

Armed with this revised information, it is fairly easy to understand why the 'floating' supporters have hardly come back in their droves, isn't it?

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The rumours are that the EE will be knocked down and replaced with a new stand this summer. You have correctly in the past pointed out the lunacy of replacing a perfectly serviceable - nay, loved, as has been demonstrated this weekend - old 5,000 capacity stand with a new, 5,000 capacity stand, as was planned a few years ago.

Good posts guys - just a quick comment on replacing a 5,000 stand with another 5,000 stand - its not what is on the outside of the new stand, its whats inside it!! IE: Bars/food outlets/ corp boxes for the match days and off course conference facilities for the other 5 days a week.

Don't get me wrong I don't like the "prawn sandwitch" lot but they are a now vital part off football income and soon the money "other activities" and food etc will outstrip gate money(rightly or wrongly) It will have to of we are to reach the dream of prem or pushing for play-off etc in the championship.

Yes we need a near full ground and I think promoting less attractive games with promotions like tonites game are a great idea - I wasn't going tonite (work/family/money) but when I saw £1 for under 16 I knew my nepthew would want to go so thought I'd change plans and go - 2 extra voices cheering on the mighty reds :fingerscrossed:

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I think chaps (and it seems fairly obvious to me), that until we become consistently established at a higher level we are not going to attract consistently higher attendance.

Achievment of this isn't going to be pretty, the proccess is tough, but the rewards in-the-end great. And guess what? there will then be an upping of expectancy further. It's how success works.

Anyone else not psychologically scared enough to let go of the deja-vu factor and believe's that in GJ, despite at times having to re-analyse our Club's culture know's and has what is require to satisfy our craving?

He's ruffled feathers and at times p*ssed people off, me included. But we're 4 points clear in second with a game in hand and with only 10 games to go.

Here's hoping chaps.

Regarding the new East End, if Lansdown means business he should knock up a 8-10 thousand, bowl shaped double decker and continue to leaise with fans who have a stronger relationship with the Club than what he himself happens to have.

Here's hoping to that too.

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Good posts guys - just a quick comment on replacing a 5,000 stand with another 5,000 stand - its not what is on the outside of the new stand, its whats inside it!! IE: Bars/food outlets/ corp boxes for the match days and off course conference facilities for the other 5 days a week.

I'm all for sweating the assets but I can't see those extra factors funding £8m quid or 5,000 enlarging the ground enough for the future.

Don't get me wrong I don't like the "prawn sandwitch" lot but they are a now vital part off football income and soon the money "other activities" and food etc will outstrip gate money(rightly or wrongly) It will have to of we are to reach the dream of prem or pushing for play-off etc in the championship.

It doesn't outstrip the attendance money at Man Utd so I can't see it doing it here.Traditional supporters if one can call them that and the Prawn Sandwiches or Corporate Fans can all be accommodated and let's face it we'll only be able to do it if we're succesful.

Yes we need a near full ground and I think promoting less attractive games with promotions like tonites game are a great idea - I wasn't going tonite (work/family/money) but when I saw £1 for under 16 I knew my nepthew would want to go so thought I'd change plans and go - 2 extra voices cheering on the mighty reds :fingerscrossed:

That's great and I think the deals are a good thing on balance.Perhaps they won't be needed as much when the attraction of Championship Football comes to town every other week.Although, when Colchester arrive we may have to do some creative thinking.

I think chaps (and it seems fairly obvious to me), that until we become consistently established at a higher level we are not going to attract consistently higher attendance.


Regarding the new East End, if Lansdown means business he should knock up a 8-10 thousand, bowl shaped double decker and continue to leaise with fans who have a stronger relationship with the Club than what he himself happens to have.

Spot On

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going to be funny NOT next season, when some of us who cant be season ticket holders, due to distance cant get in on POTD due to the prawns who will doubtless crawl out of the latte bars they posed in while we were in Leagues 1 & 2 eh.

but Sex.....don't care about the fans who have followed this club for years, does he. :noexpression:

good article, and thought provoking for us. not the board.

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