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Its Not Just The Fans But The Team Needs The East End


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I'm sorry but when we went two one down the players were not urged on with singing that would have lifted their spirits but instead were playing in silence, with the grumbles hear and there and didn't have the feeling that the fans were on their side. with the EE open there would have been a load of noise and i belive city would have bounced back. The EE would have lifted the rest of the ground and they would also have started to believe and sing rather than sit there and MOAN!!!

I missed the EE tonight and just looking at 5000 empty seats in their just makes me feel that we should be in there. It was back to same old silence tonight and it does emphasise how good the EE was on saturday.


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Look at all that wasted space, We wernt allowed in there even though 80 Bradford fans were. At least we would of been able to have a good time, even though we did lose 3-1


Sad picture, one I cannot witness in person again; absolutely pointless keeping it closed, wasnt much help last night was it :disapointed2se:

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Great comments, maybe you should read the rules of this forum :disapointed2se:

blah blah blah :violin:

Maybe some people should stop boring the pants of others by constantly starting up threads about the East End!

Yes it would be great to have it open, but we already have god knows how many threads on here about it now and to be quite frank, its possibly the most over talked and most boring subject on here since all the Marcus Stewart threads.

Like I said, it would be great to have it back, but how some people blame our defeat last night on the fact the EE isnt open is beyond me.

The fact of the matter is we had 600 people in there on Saturday, yes the atmosphere improved slightly but I wouldnt say it improved that much to warrant splashing out over £5,000 a game just to accomodate 600 fans.

So in answer to your original post....... :bored:

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blah blah blah :violin:

Maybe some people should stop boring the pants of others by constantly starting up threads about the East End!

Yes it would be great to have it open, but we already have god knows how many threads on here about it now and to be quite frank, its possibly the most over talked and most boring subject on here since all the Marcus Stewart threads.

Like I said, it would be great to have it back, but how some people blame our defeat last night on the fact the EE isnt open is beyond me.

The fact of the matter is we had 600 people in there on Saturday, yes the atmosphere improved slightly but I wouldnt say it improved that much to warrant splashing out over £5,000 a game just to accomodate 600 fans.

So in answer to your original post....... :bored:

Firstly the clue is in the thread title, if you find it boring then why bother wasting your valuable time reading about it;Second, it did make a difference on Sat according to manager,players and even S.L; to the result ? well who knows, could hardly of made it much worse.

Your cost and estimates of up take are incorrect as well; attendance memory well not even the nearest 100;

Conclusion if a thread subject doesnt interest you then leave it for those that it does; if you feel you must ;at least get your figures right. :dunno:

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Guest North Street
blah blah blah :violin:

Maybe some people should stop boring the pants of others by constantly starting up threads about the East End!

Yes it would be great to have it open, but we already have god knows how many threads on here about it now and to be quite frank, its possibly the most over talked and most boring subject on here since all the Marcus Stewart threads.

Like I said, it would be great to have it back, but how some people blame our defeat last night on the fact the EE isnt open is beyond me.

The fact of the matter is we had 600 people in there on Saturday, yes the atmosphere improved slightly but I wouldnt say it improved that much to warrant splashing out over £5,000 a game just to accomodate 600 fans.

So in answer to your original post....... :bored:

It is boring answering numerous ill informed posts mate. It is not over £5000 a game and cost is not the issue, those minor points come from Mr lansdown - meeting 29th Jan regarding the East End.

Given a fraction of the efforts the premier club has recieved the East End could be making a profit

I would not go as far to state the East End would have affected the result last night but an ex player called Paul Cheesley says the East End helps. The Managers views are now known and maybe City fans in that end just might of helped to lift whatever it was gripped City players in the second half.

Maybe it's the fans wanting the East End open who are the positive ones and those opposed should have a look at themselves then think about what sort of club they really want because some sound like oxygen thieves.


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Firstly the clue is in the thread title, if you find it boring then why bother wasting your valuable time reading about it;Second, it did make a difference on Sat according to manager,players and even S.L; to the result ? well who knows, could hardly of made it much worse.

Your cost and estimates of up take are incorrect as well; attendance memory well not even the nearest 100;

Conclusion if a thread subject doesnt interest you then leave it for those that it does; if you feel you must ;at least get your figures right. :dunno:

Firstly, I'm only working on figures and numbers that ive read else where on this forum.

Secondly, yes I accept "if you don't like it, then don't read it" but come on, every time I log on to this Forum which is quite regularly, it seems to be "East End this" and "East End" that.

The simple fact of the matter is, for all the petitions that were signed and for all the noise people make about re-opening it, the poor turnout in the EE on Saturday proved that people, although they say they are, are just not interested in selling it out.

I'm fairly certain, that if we give out 2,000 EE tickets to City fans for say, the Yeovil game, these tickets will be the last ones to sell (and thats assuming the game is a sell out)

Yes the atmosphere at the gate is dross, and at times embaressing as its that quiet. If we could guarantee 1,500-2,000 week in week out in the EE, then it would improve the atmosphere ten fold, and that would be wicked, but I just cant see it happening.

On a final note, yes the atmosphere is poor, but that may have something to do with the very boring and un-exciting style of football we watch week in week out. I'm a firm believer in its down to the players to take the game to the opposition and get the fans going, which are fans do. Look at the Boro game, the Coventry game, the Tranmere game (2nd half) etc. The atmosphere all round the ground was excellent! Why? as we attacked the opposition and went for goals, which is what fans want to see. Games like last night, Brentford and Northampton....our in-ability to attack these teams and score some goals is enough to send anyone to sleep

ah well, Crewe here we come

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Guest North Street
The simple fact of the matter is, for all the petitions that were signed and for all the noise people make about re-opening it, the poor turnout in the EE on Saturday proved that people, although they say they are, are just not interested in selling it out.

If you were privy to what was happening away from otib you would know that despite some supporters knowing the East End would be open on Jan 29th the club had to be pushed to a make an early announcement the East End was open and this took until feb 20th. You cannot promote as a fan what has not been announced and as late as thursday last week the club had to reminded to promote. Reading between the lines it was not fans who were "just not interested".

Talk from fans behind the petition has always been about a run of games, momentum, working in unison with our club and promoting it. Hopefully the next time City fans get the opportunity to get in the East End arrangments will be more on par with the rest of the ground and support worthy of Ashton Gate will be witnessed again.


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no1cityfan_tucks, That picture was actually taken at half time. Those queues are ones for the toilets and not to leave also seeing as i did stay till the end i know the game ended 3-1.
I hope that's sarcasm I detect as It ended 3-2.
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If you were privy to what was happening away from otib you would know that despite some supporters knowing the East End would be open on Jan 29th the club had to be pushed to a make an early announcement the East End was open and this took until feb 20th. You cannot promote as a fan what has not been announced and as late as thursday last week the club had to reminded to promote. Reading between the lines it was not fans who were "just not interested".

Talk from fans behind the petition has always been about a run of games, momentum, working in unison with our club and promoting it. Hopefully the next time City fans get the opportunity to get in the East End arrangments will be more on par with the rest of the ground and support worthy of Ashton Gate will be witnessed again.


Fair point bud, I would love to be proved wrong when it comes to fans selling out the EE, and really hope I am

The atmosphere at the Gate is poor at best, and if the EE opens and people start taking to it, then great. I wont complain.

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Firstly, I'm only working on figures and numbers that ive read else where on this forum.

Secondly, yes I accept "if you don't like it, then don't read it" but come on, every time I log on to this Forum which is quite regularly, it seems to be "East End this" and "East End" that.

The simple fact of the matter is, for all the petitions that were signed and for all the noise people make about re-opening it, the poor turnout in the EE on Saturday proved that people, although they say they are, are just not interested in selling it out.; Tickets were not on sale online or on the turnstiles on the day, many,many hundreds did move or swop their tickets and considering the notice given and that it was the first time I would say we made quite an impact and everyone noticed the difference

I'm fairly certain, that if we give out 2,000 EE tickets to City fans for say, the Yeovil game, these tickets will be the last ones to sell (and thats assuming the game is a sell out) It is very unlikely that tickets will be made available until the rest are sold anyway and if they are the minmal notice will be given; thus giving a huge advantage to the AWAY FANS

Yes the atmosphere at the gate is dross, and at times embaressing as its that quiet. If we could guarantee 1,500-2,000 week in week out in the EE, then it would improve the atmosphere ten fold, and that would be wicked, but I just cant see it happening. Maybe if it had been available from the start it would be; it would certainly be very popular

On a final note, yes the atmosphere is poor, but that may have something to do with the very boring and un-exciting style of football we watch week in week out. I'm a firm believer in its down to the players to take the game to the opposition and get the fans going, which are fans do. Look at the Boro game, the Coventry game, the Tranmere game (2nd half) etc. The atmosphere all round the ground was excellent! Why? as we attacked the opposition and went for goals, which is what fans want to see. Games like last night, Brentford and Northampton....our in-ability to attack these teams and score some goals is enough to send anyone to sleep There was no "all around the ground" just 3 sides to which vocal fans are scattered to the corners, the E.E is the ONLY place now available that can unite them all in one area

The E.E will make hardly any difference to police presence on the big 3 home games as they will be there in many numbers anyway; so why the heck cant we sell some tickets for it now before its to late

ah well, Crewe here we come; T

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