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Tonights ratings


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Basso 4

At Fault for 3rd goal no excuses to be made for me too error prone, yes he has saved us on ocassions thats his job! but also cost us just as much!

Orr 5

Poor up to some of this games in the last 5-6 months! Out muscled at times and Betsy lack of support going forward and defensivley did not help him!

McCombe 5

Looked uncomfortable at times and passing was sloppy, for me plays to many long balls from the back Carey and Keogh all day at the back for me!


Not lived up to his form of the 2005-2006 season form for me, looks more comfortable at centre back than left back or left of a 3, also not using the ball as well as we seen in his loan spell.


For me has not been at the races since he joined us looks low on confidence and I for one cannot wait for Murray to be back, everytime he gets the ball I'm dying out for him to beat his man and whip in a ball. Also at times he was strolling around the pitch when Bradford were attacking hope he proved me wrong but I'm hoping we did not buy him off of his display for Wycombe against Ashley Cole at Chelsea.

Wilson 6

Solid player for me but not outstanding but have to say looks like he is being played out of position always wants to cut in on his right and as a being used as a winger is never someone that will beat his man! Needs to play right back or Right Mid for me!

Noble 7

For me again was the best player on the night for us, hope the injury he picked up was not to serious! If this was not an injury that ended his game id be most disapointed with his substitution! Never gave ball away and played simple football looked like our only key to unlock a defence!

Johnson 6

Tried to be to pretty at times and is always prone to a sloppy ball every now and then! Certainly not the worst player but far from his best display!

Skuse 7

Great energy from him simple football and team player! Nothing outstanding but was one of the better displays!

Showumni 6

Being asked to play the target man in Brookers absence and thats not what hes about! Enoch has been a good signing but only when we use him right!

Jevons 6

I think we will see the best of Jevons in the league above when we go up! Tries to be too pretty for me at times in this league! Much better work rate tonight than of some times! Scored again but did little to catch the eye!


Russell 6

Only gets a 6 for me due to his late goal before that he had a shocker in his short time on! Mis placed passes, pulled out of 2 tackles!

Smith 6

Full of running but not what we need in terms of a target man or someone to get in behind the defence! No the solution!

Carey 7

Looked comforttable at the back, passed well and tried to get forward

I do think we will go up and we shopuld not be down about the result tonight! One of those night! I'm not to happy with the 3 5 2 fomation currenlty well not so much with the formation but the personal being used for it! We need people that can defend, atack and cross as wing back for me thats not Betsy and not Wilson left maybe right! We also really need Broker back and McCallister down the left and Murray for something different to what we have!

My team for Saturday below


Carey McCombe Keogh

Wilson McCallister

Skuse Johnson


Brooker Jevons/Showumni





Myre Williams


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