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Matchday Atmoshphere Too Offensive?


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This is not an issue that I personally give a crap about (ie. Swearing), however.

After going 2-1 or 3-1 down at home a conversation went like this..

''Show some F-ing passion City''

''Can you stop swearing there is no need for it''

''Its a football match mate, its a free country''

''No its not. There is a small kid over there. I will get you thrown out''.


So what is allowed at a football match exactly?

How else can you show some passion/vent some steam?

If people take offense at the word C*** for example then fair enough, thats overboard.

But I draw the line at being threatened by someone who will sit in silence for 90 minutes, because of swearing in the presence of some 8 year old little scrote who has no idea whats going on in the game, or any idea of the League table or how much it costs to watch City week in week out as opposed to once a season because daddy can get him in for a quid.


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This is not an issue that I personally give a crap about (ie. Swearing), however.

After going 2-1 or 3-1 down at home a conversation went like this..

''Show some F-ing passion City''

''Can you stop swearing there is no need for it''

''Its a football match mate, its a free country''

''No its not. There is a small kid over there. I will get you thrown out''.


So what is allowed at a football match exactly?

How else can you show some passion/vent some steam?

If people take offense at the word Cvnt for example then fair enough, thats overboard.

But I draw the line at being threatened by someone who will sit in silence for 90 minutes, because of swearing in the presence of some 8 year old little scrote who has no idea whats going on in the game, or any idea of the League table or how much it costs to watch City week in week out as opposed to once a season because daddy can get him in for a quid.


You should have pointed towards the family enclosure.

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So what is allowed at a football match exactly?

How else can you show some passion/vent some steam?

If people take offense at the word C*** for example then fair enough, thats overboard.


I agree the C word should be taboo, used strictly in the presence of adult male company.

Other than that, swearing should be obligatory at football.

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I agree the C word should be taboo, used strictly in the presence of adult male company.

Other than that, swearing should be obligatory at football.

Absolutely. I was introduced to the the filthy foul-mouthed environment of Ashton Gate from an early age and it shaped me into the eloquent and erudite ###### **** I am today.

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I agree the C word should be taboo, used strictly in the presence of adult male company.

Other than that, swearing should be obligatory at football.

Sounds fair enough to me.

I would prefer we weren't swearing at our own team though, it doesn't make them play any better.

Now tonight's ref was certainly a decent option for a barrage of abuse. Fancy giving a soft foul and then bottling the penalty and pretending it was outside the area, or refusing to book players for timewaster - instead just wasting more time telling them off and then not adding it on at the end.

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''Show some F-ing passion City''

''Can you stop swearing there is no need for it''

''Its a football match mate, its a free country''

''No its not. There is a small kid over there. I will get you thrown out''.

I had an almost identical conversation with someone - its unreal!

Its simple - if you don't wanna hear swearing or your children to hear swearing, the last place you wanna go is a football match.

People who expect to go to a footie match and not hear swearing are deluded!

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plus that #### up front who scored their 2nd who was giving the dolman abuse! how he didn't get booked is a shocker

I might be wrong, but wasn't he already on a yellow? If so then the ref bottled it as he should definitely have been booked for winding the home fans up.

As for swearing at football. Of course it's Ok & if anyone disagrees they can #### right off.

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Guest North Street

We should all be offended by last nights atmosphere.....i have a plan.......empty stand,. low roof let's go back in there and let the profanities start again.

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I should probably reiterate that the parent and child were to my right, and didnt say a thing to me all night..

This was some codger sat in front of me...

More interested in trying to get me thrown out over someone elses children that watching the game.

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AH.... Takes me back to when City played away at Portsmouth ( when we won 3-2 ). As the home keeper came on to the pitch, i was singing along with 3000 others ... who the ######ng hell are you. A copper came up to me and threw me out before the game had started. I then took a battering by some Pompy fans outside... :ph34r:

I know that there is swearing at football so i wouldn`t take a young child into the Dolman ( for example ). I would go into the family enc.... Its not difficult is it

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AH.... Takes me back to when City played away at Portsmouth ( when we won 3-2 ). As the home keeper came on to the pitch, i was singing along with 3000 others ... who the ######ng hell are you. A copper came up to me and threw me out before the game had started. I then took a battering by some Pompy fans outside... :ph34r:

I know that there is swearing at football so i wouldn`t take a young child into the Dolman ( for example ). I would go into the family enc.... Its not difficult is it

What hacks me off more, is that I bet the kid goes home and watches some action movie with more swearing that he'll hear from me all night..

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AH.... Takes me back to when City played away at Portsmouth ( when we won 3-2 ). As the home keeper came on to the pitch, i was singing along with 3000 others ... who the ######ng hell are you. A copper came up to me and threw me out before the game had started. I then took a battering by some Pompy fans outside... :ph34r:

I know that there is swearing at football so i wouldn`t take a young child into the Dolman ( for example ). I would go into the family enc.... Its not difficult is it

Similar thing happened to me at Sunderland a few years back. As their team ran out I gave the obligatory W#####r gesture and had my collar felt by Plod. He must have been in a good mood because although he initially said he was throwing me out, he relented after some top class grovelling.

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Matchday Atmosphere at Ashton Gate

Non - existent.

On the way home last night I was questioning why I bothered. I was bored to say the least, the only thing that made my night worthwhile was the few beers I had before the game with my mates.

I find the people who sit in silence and moan for 90 minutes unbelievable, they must lead very dissatisfying lives and even if we go up I can't see things changing.

I think I might even start boycotting some home games and concentrate on going away because quite frankly its much more fun.

Sorry to change the subject Dez - Think my thoughts were better off on this thread rather then starting a new topic.

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I got into a row for calling an unnamed player a 'Tart'. Was I out of order ?

Id like to know what others think.

Cardy, was the row on C block? around row 3/4? because i sat infront of that row in the match against brentford. A male that sits on the end of row 4 CONSTANTLY slates johnson and to no surprise the people that sit infront of him were complaining. It's been boiling up for a while around that area of block C and I'm glad the lads behind me put the bloke in his place, where as the bloke replied " I will be moaning for the next 10 years! " followed by "your a tart johnson". Just what you need when your trying to achieve automatic promotion :noexpression:

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This is not an issue that I personally give a crap about (ie. Swearing), however.

After going 2-1 or 3-1 down at home a conversation went like this..

''Show some F-ing passion City''

''Can you stop swearing there is no need for it''

''Its a football match mate, its a free country''

''No its not. There is a small kid over there. I will get you thrown out''.


So what is allowed at a football match exactly?

How else can you show some passion/vent some steam?

If people take offense at the word C*** for example then fair enough, thats overboard.

But I draw the line at being threatened by someone who will sit in silence for 90 minutes, because of swearing in the presence of some 8 year old little scrote who has no idea whats going on in the game, or any idea of the League table or how much it costs to watch City week in week out as opposed to once a season because daddy can get him in for a quid.


dezgimed, your a ######ing c***, Go **** yourself.

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Have to say that football is one of the few places in life that I can let off steam and swear a bit. As I work with children I'm always very careful not to swear when I'm at work, as this doesnt set a very good example.

However when its all going tits up like it was for most of the game (and no I'm not having a whinge, still 4 points clear) I think ive earned the chance to swear a bit. I try not to pick on any individual, unless of course its the opposition, but I certainly found myself shouting "For ***** sake City" at some points last night.

I do try and tone the language down if there are children round me, and I do get the odd funny look but maybe thats cos I'm a girl and I'm getting irate.

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Swearing happens at football games, part of the game I spose. However, its all very well saying that you have a right etc, but forcing a kid and a parent to sit in the family stand just so you can let off a few expletives, is a rather perdantic attitude don't you think. Don't you think that they didn't say anything because they were intimidated by you? They got every right to sit in the same stand as you, and have every right to tell you to ease up on the swearing if kids don't want to hear it. I have a family who sit by me in the williams, but cos the kid is ten years old I monitor what I say, cos its niave to think 'oh, hes a kid, he won't mind.' Theres someone who sits behind who constantly swears and has been told a number of times to watch his language and he has because frankly why should he ruin the game for someone else, because of his dislike at the game.

I don't really care if you don't think i've got a point. I'm certainly not saying there should be no swearing at football, all i'm saying is you should be aware of the people thats around you before doing it.

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listen I agree with most of what you say, but don't slag off dads taking their kids. How else are they supposed to get them hooked on city. and also a fan is a fan regardless of how many games you get to see at AG. I can't afford to take my kids every other week - it's a £100 afternoon out with all things included.. I bet when you started going as a kid is wasn't as expensive as it is now.

I took my 6 year old daughter. Right behind us were the guys singing "My old man...". Today's kids know all the 'bad' works as early as the 'good' ones these days. She knows not to use those words, if I was worried about it I would take her to the park.

I also agree about the atmosphere - but its not just us. Now it's all seater its impossible to get going. I went to the bernabeu and san siro and its almost the same. plenty of singers but they stand up and go crazy behind the goals - noone chucks them out or tells them to sit down as they know its important for the winning. everyone else sits like their watching telly.

At AG everyone just waits for everyone else to sing, (shall we sing a song for us?). Half the crowd don't know the words to the songs. Charlton and Middlesborough just do that stupid tune without any words as all their fans are new so they have forgotten the old songs.

I went to a match at Bordeaux and they played crowd roar through the PA and it got the crowd going eventually, even though the game was really crap.

Football is and should be about passion. Our tribe against your tribe. Sometimes I wish we would remember that and save our bile for the opposition and the ref. but its been suggested elsewhere that this is a bristol/west country thing going back a long time and will probably never change.

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Swearing happens at football games, part of the game I spose. However, its all very well saying that you have a right etc, but forcing a kid and a parent to sit in the family stand just so you can let off a few expletives, is a rather perdantic attitude don't you think. Don't you think that they didn't say anything because they were intimidated by you? They got every right to sit in the same stand as you, and have every right to tell you to ease up on the swearing if kids don't want to hear it. I have a family who sit by me in the williams, but cos the kid is ten years old I monitor what I say, cos its niave to think 'oh, hes a kid, he won't mind.' Theres someone who sits behind who constantly swears and has been told a number of times to watch his language and he has because frankly why should he ruin the game for someone else, because of his dislike at the game.

I don't really care if you don't think i've got a point. I'm certainly not saying there should be no swearing at football, all i'm saying is you should be aware of the people thats around you before doing it.

Totally agree.

Whether it's at a football match or anywhere else, it's about respect for everyone else.

And that's from someone who probably swears more than most!

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