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don't Tell Me we are 4 points clear

Guest ashtonyate

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Guest ashtonyate

We started of so well got an early goal then we could not kill of Bradford. We rarely looked like scoring Showumni played on the wing as usual no one holding up play the same as Saturday.

Bradford hit a wonder goal I don't blame Basso for it.

Second half Bradford's confidence grew with two more goals and we were always chasing the game.I think this pattern will happen at a few home games before the season ends.

As people say we can't sign any one so I think are only hope of going up as right is Brooker getting fit. When I seen Smith I thought he look not bad but after watching him again he runs around like a headless chicken not good enough for this league anyway

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We will still be second whatever happens on Saturday. We are where we are on merit, losing a game hasn`t changed that ,yet.

Brooker and Murray are still here and yes we could do with them both back.

We will not give up our 4point advantage without a fight, not time to throw in the towel yet. :city:

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