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I knew it would happen


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& low and behold a fan comes on the radio and slates Lee Johnson what a f'ing surprise. Okay we lost but it was not down to LJ it was down to a poor performance by our X1 players from goalkeeper up to the strikers. But lets get hold of reality here, if someone offered you in August 2nd place and 4 points clear with 9 to go would we really not of taken it.

We are in a really strong position still and lets not forget we have taken 15 points from last 18 available that is a pretty decent return in my eyes. This is the time we need to stand together and the fans that stayed behind at the final whistle deserve real credit as there was an atmosphere I have not experienced for a while. That was the fans lifting the players and getting their heads up, that has to be applauded. For those of us going to Crewe lets get behind the boys from the first whistle and be the 12th man to take the 3 points.

We have 9 games left win 6 including Forest and Yeovil and that should about secure promotion, what we need to realise is that forest and yeovil need us to slip up but they also need to WIN their games and it wont be easy. So to GJ and the lads yes it was poor last night we all know that but for us we are truly and 110% know that you and us as a combined club will take us up.

sSo those at Crewe lets hear you 'COME ON YOU REDS' :goingup: :goingup: :goingup:

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& low and behold a fan comes on the radio and slates Lee Johnson what a f'ing surprise. Okay we lost but it was not down to LJ it was down to a poor performance by our X1 players from goalkeeper up to the strikers. But lets get hold of reality here, if someone offered you in August 2nd place and 4 points clear with 9 to go would we really not of taken it.

We are in a really strong position still and lets not forget we have taken 15 points from last 18 available that is a pretty decent return in my eyes. This is the time we need to stand together and the fans that stayed behind at the final whistle deserve real credit as there was an atmosphere I have not experienced for a while. That was the fans lifting the players and getting their heads up, that has to be applauded. For those of us going to Crewe lets get behind the boys from the first whistle and be the 12th man to take the 3 points.

We have 9 games left win 6 including Forest and Yeovil and that should about secure promotion, what we need to realise is that forest and yeovil need us to slip up but they also need to WIN their games and it wont be easy. So to GJ and the lads yes it was poor last night we all know that but for us we are truly and 110% know that you and us as a combined club will take us up.

sSo those at Crewe lets hear you 'COME ON YOU REDS' :goingup: :goingup: :goingup:

Great post mate, spot on, couldnt agree more. The fact that so many use LJ as a scape goat is unreal. We were poor all over the shop last night, but pick ourselves up and move on. We have an injury hit Crewe Saturday, if we can grind out 3 points there then were back on track.

Onwards and upwards i say

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Correct it was a team performance not one individual. If that was the case we could blame Basso for the 3rd goal as well. I was impressed with how some of the fans in the ayteo clapped off the team. We don't need to boo the players now but support them. Let Johnson sort them out his own way. I'm sure they will be in for extra training today. Yes it was disappointing but credit to Bradford who put on a great performance last night and Painters goal was the best Ive seen at the gate this season. We lost last night yes but it isnt the end of the world yet.

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yep, typical LJ bashers, he was no worse than anyone else last night

personally thought we missed Keogh and Carey at the back last night,

Wilson has been very good recently but also had a poor game and was non existenant on the left, maybe worth giving McAllister a go a left wing back,

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technically Lee Johnson can deliver a set piece and I would probably say he can hit a shot, but his overall contribution is limited. He has no physical impact in the midfield and his passing in normal play is inconsistent. If he had someone in midfield who would do his share of tackling it would be ok, but we don't have that either. I think Darren Way used to do it at Yeovil but russell, noble and skuse don't really play that way.


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For what its worth here is my thoughts

Basso - Poor Handling - bad day at the office so to speak, we all have them

Orr - Didnt do an awful lot wrong

Fontaine - Good Tackling but outpaced for the goal

McCombe - Bad game. Poor distribution and caught out of position

Betsy - Is this guy a winger? He didnt come out to the touchiline and drifted in to much. Very poor game

Wilson - Great crosser of the ball but scared to tackle and head, not a wing back.

Johnson - Couldnt see an awful lot wrong, was quiet by his standards and 1 or 2 passes went astray.

Skuse - Ran his socks off but to no avail

Noble - Cant fault this guy for effort, suprised when he came off

Enoch - doesnt play on the shoulders of defenders and seems to want to be a winger. Plays to far apart from jevons

Jevons - Scored

These opinions are based on what i saw from the dullmoan, I'm sure some of you will disagree or agree.We were really poor last night but its been comming if your honest with yourself. I'm just grateful it was our game in hand and not against one of the top sides chasing promotion. Last night is done, lets focus now on the games ahead. Thought the atmosphere was much better last night though!!

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For what its worth here is my thoughts

Basso - Poor Handling - bad day at the office so to speak, we all have them

Orr - Didnt do an awful lot wrong

Fontaine - Good Tackling but outpaced for the goal

McCombe - Bad game. Poor distribution and caught out of position

Betsy - Is this guy a winger? He didnt come out to the touchiline and drifted in to much. Very poor game

Wilson - Great crosser of the ball but scared to tackle and head, not a wing back.

Johnson - Couldnt see an awful lot wrong, was quiet by his standards and 1 or 2 passes went astray.

Skuse - Ran his socks off but to no avail

Noble - Cant fault this guy for effort, suprised when he came off

Enoch - doesnt play on the shoulders of defenders and seems to want to be a winger. Plays to far apart from jevons

Jevons - Scored

These opinions are based on what i saw from the dullmoan, I'm sure some of you will disagree or agree.We were really poor last night but its been comming if your honest with yourself. I'm just grateful it was our game in hand and not against one of the top sides chasing promotion. Last night is done, lets focus now on the games ahead. Thought the atmosphere was much better last night though!!

Agree except the Wilson part. I have not been impressed with him. He's almost as one footed as JMW! not a wing back, not a left sided player!!

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For what its worth here is my thoughts

Basso - Poor Handling - bad day at the office so to speak, we all have them

Orr - Didnt do an awful lot wrong

Fontaine - Good Tackling but outpaced for the goal

McCombe - Bad game. Poor distribution and caught out of position

Betsy - Is this guy a winger? He didnt come out to the touchiline and drifted in to much. Very poor game

Wilson - Great crosser of the ball but scared to tackle and head, not a wing back.

Johnson - Couldnt see an awful lot wrong, was quiet by his standards and 1 or 2 passes went astray.

Skuse - Ran his socks off but to no avail

Noble - Cant fault this guy for effort, suprised when he came off

Enoch - doesnt play on the shoulders of defenders and seems to want to be a winger. Plays to far apart from jevons

Jevons - Scored

These opinions are based on what i saw from the dullmoan, I'm sure some of you will disagree or agree.We were really poor last night but its been comming if your honest with yourself. I'm just grateful it was our game in hand and not against one of the top sides chasing promotion. Last night is done, lets focus now on the games ahead. Thought the atmosphere was much better last night though!!

perhaps you shopuld give marks for 1st and 2nd half :D as the team that was leading until the 42nd min bore little resemblance to the team that played the 2nd half.

By the way , Betsy was practically camped on the touchline for much of the game probably under orders after the brentford game wher he drifted in far too much... Youga had the legs of him however and his contibution was limited, skuse was my m.o.m and fontaine had an excellent half.

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Guest east_dundry_red

Johnson was rubbish simple as, he wasnt in the game on tuesday. I'm sick of people saying he's good, he hant shown it since middlesborough and its time he's dropped put in someon ecapable of doing a job week in week out not once a month like LJ.

My theory is that he play good once a month because at that time his misses is on so he's not getting any therefore need to take frustration out on somthing else.

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For what its worth here is my thoughts

Basso - Poor Handling - bad day at the office so to speak, we all have them

Orr - Didnt do an awful lot wrong

Fontaine - Good Tackling but outpaced for the goal

McCombe - Bad game. Poor distribution and caught out of position

Betsy - Is this guy a winger? He didnt come out to the touchiline and drifted in to much. Very poor game

Wilson - Great crosser of the ball but scared to tackle and head, not a wing back.

Johnson - Couldnt see an awful lot wrong, was quiet by his standards and 1 or 2 passes went astray.

Skuse - Ran his socks off but to no avail

Noble - Cant fault this guy for effort, suprised when he came off

Enoch - doesnt play on the shoulders of defenders and seems to want to be a winger. Plays to far apart from jevons

Jevons - Scored

These opinions are based on what i saw from the dullmoan, I'm sure some of you will disagree or agree.We were really poor last night but its been comming if your honest with yourself. I'm just grateful it was our game in hand and not against one of the top sides chasing promotion. Last night is done, lets focus now on the games ahead. Thought the atmosphere was much better last night though!!

Fontaine wasnt outpaced for the goal, it was betsy.

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Johnson was rubbish simple as, he wasnt in the game on tuesday. I'm sick of people saying he's good, he hant shown it since middlesborough and its time he's dropped put in someon ecapable of doing a job week in week out not once a month like LJ.

My theory is that he play good once a month because at that time his misses is on so he's not getting any therefore need to take frustration out on somthing else.

don't bother going to the rest of the games. I bet your one of the pathetic moaners who want to see champgn e football all the time! Personally, i thought Johnson was one of our best players last night. Ok, 1 or 2 passes were a little off target but so was everyone elses. We cant blame individuals!


Bradford's 1st and 3rd goals were flukes, 1 in 100. 1st goal, nearly everytime that goes high and wide adn the 3rd, Basso holds onto it the other 99 times. Just think how many games Basso has kept us in this season! If it hadnt been for him, we could be down with Crewe in mid-table with the amount of great saves and performances hes put in!

Get behind the lads not critcise them! 9 games to go. 5 wins, maybe 6 depending on results elsewhere and we are in the Championship!


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Guest east_dundry_red
don't bother going to the rest of the games. I bet your one of the pathetic moaners who want to see champgn e football all the time! Personally, i thought Johnson was one of our best players last night. Ok, 1 or 2 passes were a little off target but so was everyone elses.

He wasnt in the game simple as, he should of been taken off 10mins in to the 2nd half he was rubbish, he didnt chase the ball, MOST passess went astray he just wasnt good enouth to be on that pitch.

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Well my theory is that the entire City side got ahead of themselves with the early goal and took 3 points for granted at home to lowly opposition and began showboating before being out of sight (for which Johnson Jnr was a bigger culpret as anyone else). Bradford scored against the run of play and had a massive and unexpected boost to their confidence. City didn't know how to handle it, we were stung and crumbled, which is worrying.

I think LJ comes in for such personal criticism due to some obviously undearring character traits (being perceived as a short-arsed, cocky, mouthy, arrogant git mainly). This rubs lesser accomodating people up the wrong way and leaves him wide open for abuse when things go pear shaped.

The Johnson Snr/Noble issue helps the situation not, also.

Should have utilised Scott Brown alongside Noble/JJnr in a 4-4-2 imo.

Obviously badly miss a consistently inform and fit Brooker too.


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don't bother going to the rest of the games. I bet your one of the pathetic moaners who want to see champgn e football all the time!

Does it matter what he is. He pays his money and he is entitled to his opinion, just the same as you are.

Oh and if you want all the people that see it differently to you to stop going then get ready for the club to go out of business as we ALL think differently.

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