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Reasons to be positive ..........


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Having watched City for years now I said to a mate last night ( whilst enjoying a natch or 2 ) that we will soon see how far our club has come - the City of old would loose tonights game !! I get right naffed off with thinking about teams like Watford, West Brom, Blackburn, Bolton etc - all the teams we used to play week in week out - theyve all had a chance at the big time and yet we have stayed in the same division for donkeys years - bar the odd one seaason - and last night showed why - when the pressure is on we fail to live with it and last night has left me completely and utterly fed up !

However looking on the positive side - and there has to be one - City of old and new play well against good teams - maybe just maybe we will see our team beat the likes of Forest,Yeovil and Swansea at home and still secure the promotion dream - on last nights standard of play we couldnt beat a downs league team but then we have to believe in the team and keep our faith - we've all been here before lets just hope the ending is different !

Oh and one other thing - don't go blaming Basso for the 3rd goal - 5 defenders should have stopped that shot before he was allowed to line it up - just like the first goal - Basso has been great recently so I'm sure it was a one off.

Stay positive and believe - we will get there eventually ............. :fingerscrossed:

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can't argue with any of that. Walking away from the ground and into the car, It felt like we were 4 points from avoid relegation rather than promotion. I'd never felt more gutted and upset walking away from ashton gate since the Tinnion era.

But this morning, i'v had time to dwell over it and at the end of the day. We our still 4 points clear (feels like 5 because of goal difference) of 3rd place. I don;t know about you lot at the moment. But that still makes me feel great about City at the moment.

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Totally agree - its not panic stations in the least.

My only concern is, can we pick our form up ahead of the games against Crewe and Doncaster. If we get 3 points on saturday and Forest don't we'll all be smiling again. Lets not forget out away form is very good at present.

For the neutral this ding dong battle of 1st/2nd/3rd is great - for those involved its horrid!!

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