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Wedlock's petition


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I have posted this on the thread on Social City board but there has been no response as yet (there is probably more chance of someone reading it if I had posted it on jadegoodyfanclub.co.in rather than the Social City board!).

Anyway, with regard to the Wedlocks campaign, is this really the best use of ST resources? I declined to sign the petition on Saturday as I do not think it is.

There is a reason why the breweries do not want to invest and keep The Wedlocks as a pub and that is because it is not viable.

The pub needs a massive investment (where is this money going to come from?) to bring it up to standard and it will only be busy every second saturday during the football season. It did not and will not make money.

I agree that it is a bit of BCFC history but lets not waste time and money for nostalgic purposes.

There must be better ways that the ST could spend their time that directly benefit BCFC and supporters. I do not think that this campaign benefits either and, frankly, if I was an ST member I would be a bit peeved that resource is being used in this way.

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I have posted this on the thread on Social City board but there has been no response as yet (there is probably more chance of someone reading it if I had posted it on jadegoodyfanclub.co.in rather than the Social City board!).

Anyway, with regard to the Wedlocks campaign, is this really the best use of ST resources? I declined to sign the petition on Saturday as I do not think it is.

There is a reason why the breweries do not want to invest and keep The Wedlocks as a pub and that is because it is not viable.

The pub needs a massive investment (where is this money going to come from?) to bring it up to standard and it will only be busy every second saturday during the football season. It did not and will not make money.

I agree that it is a bit of BCFC history but lets not waste time and money for nostalgic purposes.

There must be better ways that the ST could spend their time that directly benefit BCFC and supporters. I do not think that this campaign benefits either and, frankly, if I was an ST member I would be a bit peeved that resource is being used in this way.

Fair play for your comments. Just out of interest, what would you rather see the ST doing at the moment?

We're aware that not everyone supports the Wedlocks campaign - that's the beauty of the petition: If you don;t agree, don't sign it.

The peitition alone won't prevent anything from happening. This is why we have sought the expretise and advice from people who are working in an industry that may help with this campaign. We have local community groups, architects and a chartered surveyor looking at the proposed plans & (hopefully) drawing up a viable alternative to demolision. The amount of man hours being used by Trust members is not nearly as much as it could be thanks to those that have volunteered & provided their expert knowledge.

There are other projects on the go within the Trust too. We are currently planning the next annual newsletter, helping with the End of Season Player Awards, we're about to launch a survey for City fans, we're looking to reintroduce the U-16's away travel to name but a few.

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Fair play for your comments. Just out of interest, what would you rather see the ST doing at the moment?

We're aware that not everyone supports the Wedlocks campaign - that's the beauty of the petition: If you don;t agree, don't sign it.

The peitition alone won't prevent anything from happening. This is why we have sought the expretise and advice from people who are working in an industry that may help with this campaign. We have local community groups, architects and a chartered surveyor looking at the proposed plans & (hopefully) drawing up a viable alternative to demolision. The amount of man hours being used by Trust members is not nearly as much as it could be thanks to those that have volunteered & provided their expert knowledge.

There are other projects on the go within the Trust too. We are currently planning the next annual newsletter, helping with the End of Season Player Awards, we're about to launch a survey for City fans, we're looking to reintroduce the U-16's away travel to name but a few.

Thanks Jay.

To answer your question, I don't know what other things the ST could be doing. I will put some thought into it and see if I can come up with some (sensible) suggestions.

I understand that the petition is (of course) optional and I applaud the ST for many things but its the wording of the petition that makes me feel like its a bit irresponsible. I remember it being something like trying to get planning permission refused on the online petition with no other information, it would be daft to stop anything happening if it is just going to remain derelict.

When the information is available I would be interested in learning about the proposed alternatives. It would be a shame if they knocked down the building if it can be converted as it is much nicer than a modern block of flats!

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There is a reason why the breweries do not want to invest and keep The Wedlocks as a pub and that is because it is not viable.

The pub needs a massive investment (where is this money going to come from?) to bring it up to standard and it will only be busy every second saturday during the football season. It did not and will not make money.

I agree that it is a bit of BCFC history but lets not waste time and money for nostalgic purposes.

In fairness to you, I thought a similar way to you a year or so ago when the Trust started to look into the position with Wedlock's. One of the Trust board members (Dave Hedges) was determined to try to get it running as a pub again and I was sceptical about whether it was viable. Like you I saw a pub that appeared to be reliant on match day trade 23 days a year and suspected it had been shut for a while because it couldn't make money. However, I now realise I didn't know much about the building's historical relevance and that I was wrong about its prospects as a pub.

Dave applied to Punch Taverns (who owned the pub) to be the manager and was successful in getting through a telephone interview. It was on being informed his telephone application was successful that he was also told that the Wedlock's had been sold to a property developer. In addition to applying directly Dave also spoke with other interested parties who might be willing to buy the pub from Punch outright. We know that at about this time one individual made an offer to buy it and run it as a pub that was 1% below the offer eventually accepted by Punch. I know now therefore that there were parties who were keen to be involved in running the Wedlock's as a pub and have every reason to believe it should be considered viable today.

It would be difficult for Punch to argue that by selling the Wedlock's to someone who was not going to use it as a pub that the other half a dozen or so pubs they own around Ashton Gate would be the beneficiaries of increased footfall on match days.

In addition to believing that Wedlock's has a future as a going concern, you're right that there are issues related to our heritage that make it important for us to protect it. Billy "Fatty" Wedlock was arguably our greatest ever player (certainly up there with John Atyeo) who was capped 26 times by England as a City Player. When he finished football he took over the running of the Star Inn and it stayed in the Wedlock's family until the 1950s. A subsequent landlord re-named it Wedlock's in his honour.

Not only does the building therefore have strong historical relevance that our community should want to see protected, but we should all care that generation upon generation of City fans have had the Wedlock's as part of the ritual of match days for over 100 years (Ashton Gate was opened in the 1896/7 season, the Wedlock's was built in 1900 and City played at the new Ashton Gate from 1904).

The issue about whether the Trust should spend time campaigning to protect Wedlock's was discussed at the Trust's AGM last May. It was unanimously agreed that this was a cause that the Trust should pursue.

The Trust has three core aims built around Fans Representation, Fundraising and Community. Campaigning for the Wedlock's is very much about community, both the Bristol City community and the local neighbourhood. As part of this process, James Nicholls (the Trust's Community Officer) has been heavily involved in meetings with the local community. It's clear from discussion with Friends of Greville Smyth [Park], the Greater Bedminster Community Partnership and with councillors that the Wedlock's is a valued part of that area. It is felt that by involving local residents there will be an improved demand for using the pub if it can be saved. Many residents highly value Greville Smyth Park and feel that Wedlock's could serve as a cafe for families using the Park by day and as a 'restaurant' and pub by night.

As for the wording of the petition, the advice we received is that the petition has to be clear. Right now, what we want is for the local council to reject the developers plan to demolish the building. As part of our application we will be expanding on the role we believe the Pub can continue to have in the future if the local council agree that this historic building that has served its community as a pub for over 100 years is given a fair chance to continue.

So I've changed my mind about the Wedlock's and I hope you will too. If you have, the link to say 'no' to property developers demolishing part of our history is here.

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Anyway, with regard to the Wedlocks campaign, is this really the best use of ST resources? I declined to sign the petition on Saturday as I do not think it is.

The Wedlocks Pub, is part and parcel of BCFC as is Bovril and Pies!!.

You don't have to use it to appriciate it.

Would be like saying you wouldn't sign a petition for anything to do with the Atyeo Stand, because you sit in the Dullmoan Stand.

As for the Supporter's Trust, this is what they are about.....



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There is a reason why the breweries do not want to invest and keep The Wedlocks as a pub and that is because it is not viable.

The pub needs a massive investment (where is this money going to come from?) to bring it up to standard and it will only be busy every second saturday during the football season. It did not and will not make money.

As a member of CAMRA, and a supporter of the Local Works Sustainable Communities Bill,

you have to look at the whole picture with regard to the viability of the Wedlock pub.

Is it viable?.

In the right hands, Yes!!.

Are breweries ready to splash the cash? No!!.

You need to look at what the Wedlock's stood for before closure,

a pub mainly for City supporters.

What would it need to be to survive??.

A community local, that caters for both local residents seven days a week, and fans on match days, and

to be welcoming, without intimidation for Away fans to have a friendly pint or two before

and after the match.

It could be a real pub with a heart, in need of much TLC, but the real problem is

that we all know, hand on heart, that the pub would be used by those fans who want to

kick off at the slightest sniff.

And that's why no brewery would want to put it's name to the pub!!.

Negative publicity sticks in the mind more than positive publicity!

I for one would love to see the Wedlock's stay as a pub,

a pub for the local community, and for football fans of all teams to enjoy!!.




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Is it viable?.

In the right hands, Yes!!.

Are breweries ready to splash the cash? No!!.

As you quite rightly state hard cash would be required to turn it into a venue that would attract any weekday business and I imagine that the breakeven requirements would be outside the most optimistic projections making it less viable. They are going to be able to get a good return on the land and property that would far exceed any return on a continued operation.

I commend the work of CAMRA and was disapointed that great pubs such as the Albert closed before there was a huge influx of the sort of people who might have gone there (even the squaters managed to get a full pub for it's send off). I am lucky in that my local is a well established well run real ale pub that thrives.

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Why was Patchway not in the list?

Bristol City Council should be able to answer that one. It looks like all of the areas of Bristol listed are wards (voting areas) in the Bristol area.

Just had a look at the online petition. Support from local councillors and City fans from quite literally the other side of the world.

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Important bit of not only BCFC & National Footballing heritage - also for traditional local public houses being lost throughout the UK to property developers quick buck big profit housing projects that increase local populations whilst conversely diluting local communities/facilities ... (how many 'village pubs' have disappeared in recent years - ripping the traditional hearts from their communities?..)

Wedlocks MUST be saved as a community facility & the fact it is so historically important to Bristol City's heritage increases that sentiment by at least 1000 % in my opinion..!

So come on you Reds .. take two minutes to sign the petition, - you know it makes sense !

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You can directly put your views / objections on the council planning application.

The suits have to discuss every objection obtained. More of a pain for them as the petition would just be seen as 1 item.

Application Ref 07/00433/F

Ward. Southville

Hope the link works


Well in. Individual letters and comments on the website will be more powerful than signatures on the petition but every little helps.

You were right with the application reference but unfortunately the link you provided was to a different planning application. The correct link is here

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A good suggestion would be for teh club itself to buy the pub, run it as a match day only venue and turn it into a Bristol City museum/theme pub, not much revenue in fact probably just enough to pay the staff who run it on match days but a nice attraction so close tot he ground, especially if we were to win promotion this year . . . mayble outside in front of the steps is the place to put a permanent stature of 'fatty' himself looking at the ground . . . superb gesture by club gratefully received by fans

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I just want to pay tribute to Billy Wedlock and his pub and our beloved East End now known as the 'Wedlock Stand' in Billy's honour..........


Easily the greatest Bristolian footballer that ever lived? Billy Wedlock was born in Bedminster Bristol in 1880. William 'Billy' John Wedlock was also known as "Fatty" or the "India Rubber Man" and he played for the mighty Bristol City FC in 1900-01 and from 1905 until his retirement in 1921. He was a centre-half whose skill outweighed his short and stout stature. He won twenty-six England caps between 1907 and 1914 and our very own East End at Ashton Gate is named the Wedlock Stand in his honour. :englandflag:

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I just want to pay tribute to Billy Wedlock and his pub and our beloved East End now known as the 'Wedlock Stand' in Billy's honour..........


Easily the greatest Bristolian footballer that ever lived? Billy Wedlock was born in Bedminster Bristol in 1880. William 'Billy' John Wedlock was also known as "Fatty" or the "India Rubber Man" and he played for the mighty Bristol City FC in 1900-01 and from 1905 until his retirement in 1921. He was a centre-half whose skill outweighed his short and stout stature. He won twenty-six England caps between 1907 and 1914 and our very own East End at Ashton Gate is named the Wedlock Stand in his honour. :englandflag:

What were his Political thought's then Gobby?

Do ya reckon he whacked his fist to his chest as a proud English man should during his National Anthem at the beginning of those 26 caps?.... or do you reckon he was too busy engaging in slightly less conventional anthem's such as : ''She's a Whore'' ? for example.....

...just a queery, like.

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What were his Political thought's then Gobby?

Do ya reckon he whacked his fist to his chest as a proud English man should during his National Anthem at the beginning of those 26 caps?.... or do you reckon he was too busy engaging in slightly less conventional anthem's such as : ''She's a Whore'' ? for example.....

...just a queery, like.

WTFiGO!?!, I responded to this thread to pay tribute to Billy Wedlock as Bristol's greatest ever footballer. 26 consecutive full international appearances for England was a fantastic achievement for any international footballer of any country at that time. I used to stand on the East End terrace - now known as the 'Wedlock's Stand' and I used to drink in the Wedlock's pub when it was open. My grandfather was proud to tell me of watching the great Billy Wedlock play for Bristol City FC.

Now I find your post on here whose origins bear remarkable resemblance to a post made about me by a known son of a Royalist Gestapo Policeman in the Red Goblin birthday thread. Go ahead and do your 'patriotic' duty to your Queen if you must and join her hopelessly corrupt Gestapo Police. I hope you're not a grass.

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