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now you have got to give us it back


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well well well lets not fill the east end with ours , just give it to the bradford 68.if we were all in there tues night i just wonder , wots your thoughts mr lansdown, sexton n co ..... o and by the way remember when swindon gave up the town end , how long for ummmmmmmmmmmmm months yes it was and now there all back in there lets help the team not hinder em. :englandsmile4wf:

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well well well lets not fill the east end with ours , just give it to the bradford 68.if we were all in there tues night i just wonder , wots your thoughts mr lansdown, sexton n co ..... o and by the way remember when swindon gave up the town end , how long for ummmmmmmmmmmmm months yes it was and now there all back in there lets help the team not hinder em. :englandsmile4wf:

Suprisingly I`ll go with that ; give it back in time for the big games; give the away fans and teams no advantage; we NEED EVERYTHING we have got :city:

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brentford had a cracking atmosphere but tuesday night was terrible and what a waste of a stand that

city fans wanted to go in...

todays EP..

The Wedlock Stand will be open for the Forest visit as an overflow facility, as is likely to be the case for all of the remaining home matches, meaning there will be Robins fans in all four sections of the ground.


this game will sell out no matter what, however

it's nice that it's open but it should be on sale for those who really want to go in that stand

and not just for those 5 big game a season fans to go in who can't get tickets for the

other parts of the gate, it can't be like brentford for atmosphere if the fans in the EE

don't understand why die hards want it open.

put the stand on general sale and season ticket swaps so those who want to be there

will go there and the fill up fans can go in the stands they wanted in the first place

and it will have a cracking atmosphere becuse lets be honest tuesday night was awful

off the pitch as much as it was on it, it felt like a reserve game, you could hear a pin drop

in GJ hand grenade.....

first come first serve for real eastenders.

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I don't know why i bother going to home games, every single game bar the brentford one ive come away with "Why do i bother coming when its no fun at all".

I wouldnt mind city losing as long as i have a good time but it never happens. Tuesday night we could of all been in the east end enjoying ourselves even though we were 3-1 but its better to let 180 bradford fans have a 5500 seat stand.

Well Lansdown and co don't bother with rewarding the loyal fans, who go week in week. Well done in saying the East End is only going to be a overflow for the rest of the season, you have really made my day.

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I don't know why i bother going to home games, every single game bar the brentford one ive come away with "Why do i bother coming when its no fun at all".

I wouldnt mind city losing as long as i have a good time but it never happens. Tuesday night we could of all been in the east end enjoying ourselves even though we were 3-1 but its better to let 180 bradford fans have a 5500 seat stand.

Well Lansdown and co don't bother with rewarding the loyal fans, who go week in week. Well done in saying the East End is only going to be a overflow for the rest of the season, you have really made my day.

Maybe i'm in a minority here, but so long as i get to see my boys in action i couldn't give two hoots which stand i watched it in! For me, watching the team comes first and the atmosphere and location i watch it from comes a very distant second. :dunno:

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Maybe i'm in a minority here, but so long as i get to see my boys in action i couldn't give two hoots which stand i watched it in! For me, watching the team comes first and the atmosphere and location i watch it from comes a very distant second. :dunno:

I still think half the problem is that those who enjoy singing have taken too much notice of the away fans. When we first had the Atyeo stand the crowd sang as they had always done, it was fine and the players always mentioned the backing they got at home. Then fans from other clubs starting saying (through this, other forums and on the radio) that "they couldn't hear us" "City fans were quiet" etc and the fans took notice and stopped trying to make a noise. It shouldn't matter that the away fans can't hear you, the players can hear you that's what matters.

Ask yourself whether we have been scammed into silence by the visiting supporters? I wouldn't be at all surprised....

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Maybe i'm in a minority here, but so long as i get to see my boys in action i couldn't give two hoots which stand i watched it in! For me, watching the team comes first and the atmosphere and location i watch it from comes a very distant second. :dunno:

Each to his/her own; the matchday experience has been ground down and away by the P.C brigade. It returned v Brentford and it was a joy to go, didnt want to leave; the players,manager and S.L NOTICED THE DIFFERENCE;

Sorry but my toys are well out the pram and my £50 a game has and will be spent on other things :disapointed2se:

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I don't know why i bother going to home games, every single game bar the brentford one ive come away with "Why do i bother coming when its no fun at all".

I wouldnt mind city losing as long as i have a good time but it never happens. Tuesday night we could of all been in the east end enjoying ourselves even though we were 3-1 but its better to let 180 bradford fans have a 5500 seat stand.

Well Lansdown and co don't bother with rewarding the loyal fans, who go week in week. Well done in saying the East End is only going to be a overflow for the rest of the season, you have really made my day.

so being in the east end would have made the game better? do y u actually go to watch the football or to just have a laugh with your mates?

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Home games should be fun to go and watch, how was seeing city lose 3-1 to bradford entertaining?

A home game for once was fun against brentford, everyone showed they we well behaved and there wasn't any trouble in there at all and the club doesn't reward listen to the fans, or even Gary when he said he likes to have a stand where singers can go.

All I'm saying is i find home games very boring as there is no atmosphere to them its a bit like watching city on sky.

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Guest North Street
do y u actually go to watch the football or to just have a laugh with your mates?

Both, not too much to ask for my £325 is it a season?

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well well well lets not fill the east end with ours , just give it to the bradford 68.if we were all in there tues night i just wonder , wots your thoughts mr lansdown, sexton n co ..... o and by the way remember when swindon gave up the town end , how long for ummmmmmmmmmmmm months yes it was and now there all back in there lets help the team not hinder em. :englandsmile4wf:

Tell you what Angus, there no doubting a good home following in the East End tues would helped the lads on.

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so being in the east end would have made the game better? do y u actually go to watch the football or to just have a laugh with your mates?

You can watch football on the telly, you go to games for the atmosphere and a good afternoon out, if the footies good as well thats a bonus; it aint about just sitting there in your squashie seat only moving to give polite applause.

Being in the E.E. would certainly have made it better for the fans in there and probably the players as well.

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so being in the east end would have made the game better? do y u actually go to watch the football or to just have a laugh with your mates?

watch the football whilst having a laugh with your mates! whats so hard to understand? you can actually do both ya know.... it's just a little harder to do it at bristol city.

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