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Two Mistakes to Haunt GJ


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GJ has achieved a lot in the time he has been with us and transformed a struggling team to a promotion contender but i wonder whether his achilles heel is his inability to manage egos in the dressing room and whether that ultimately will be his downfall. Last nights performance illustrated two facts which have been apparent for a long time:

1. Basso is not an improvement on Steve Phillips and will always be a potential liability. Not only was the third goal his fault last night but a taller keeper would have saved the first one as well

2. We are lacking fit and consistent strikers thus making the transfer of Marcus Stewart to our promotion contenders unfathomable

No apologies for reopening two very old subjects but time has proven that GJ was wrong on both these issues and potentially this could cost us dear.

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Both the players you mention were a bad influence in the dressing room and needed to be removed at all costs. Any player undermining the manager are only going to go one way.

Spot on city kev, this is a ridiculous post. Stewart has one goal since signing permantly with yeovil, jevons has at least four league goals since then. Phillips plays for a joke side who have been in the bottom half of the bottom division for 5 straight years.

Neither player would get in our squad let alone the team.

I reckon we should get andy cole, tinnion and taylor back. Just as ridiculous.

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Spot on city kev, this is a ridiculous post. Stewart has one goal since signing permantly with yeovil, jevons has at least four league goals since then. Phillips plays for a joke side who have been in the bottom half of the bottom division for 5 straight years.

Neither player would get in our squad let alone the team.

I reckon we should get andy cole, tinnion and taylor back. Just as ridiculous.

A joke side who beat us on a home and away basis........

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GJ has achieved a lot in the time he has been with us and transformed a struggling team to a promotion contender but i wonder whether his achilles heel is his inability to manage egos in the dressing room and whether that ultimately will be his downfall. Last nights performance illustrated two facts which have been apparent for a long time:

1. Basso is not an improvement on Steve Phillips and will always be a potential liability. Not only was the third goal his fault last night but a taller keeper would have saved the first one as well

2. We are lacking fit and consistent strikers thus making the transfer of Marcus Stewart to our promotion contenders unfathomable

No apologies for reopening two very old subjects but time has proven that GJ was wrong on both these issues and potentially this could cost us dear.

Wait for the insults........but not from me !

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A joke side who beat us on a home and away basis........

Yeah valid, but we don't have a team designed to compete with kick and rush football. I am certain that this team will do well in the league above when you get more time to play, and not so many people kicking lumps out of you!! Bet you we get 4 points minimum out of crewe/donny...

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1. Basso is not an improvement on Steve Phillips and will always be a potential liability. Not only was the third goal his fault last night but a taller keeper would have saved the first one as well

2. We are lacking fit and consistent strikers thus making the transfer of Marcus Stewart to our promotion contenders unfathomable

I agree Basso isn't an improvement on Philips but he's gone, so #### him. I'd say over the course of the season to date Basso has improved a great deal. Seaman & James always made errors that stand out - doen't make them bad keepers.

MS wasn't consistent with us so what are we missing? He ain't all that for Yeovile at the moment anyway.

Both dead wood and well rid.

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a taller keeper would have saved the first one as well

Strongly disagree. I don't think many keepers in the world would have saved that. It was hit at pace with swerve and dipped very late. I wouldn't attach any blame to Basso . Clearly the third one was his mistake, but if he didn't make the odd cock up he wouldn't be playing third division football. As for Phillips, in terms of ability I don't think there's much to choose between him and Basso. Sadly Mr Gas has a Downs League attitude and I'm glad to see the back of him.

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I have to smile when Steve Philips is portrayed as a clown. Basso's jumping up and down waving his arms in the air is very comical. If either keeper is a clown....

'Success' in cup competitions drains players. They pick up injuries/cards and bigger squads are needed if teams want success in both League and Cup competitions. Losing to Rovers must have hurt the players and they will have niggling doubts in their heads when it comes down to th crunch.

If I had to nominate two main reasons behind Yeovil's success this year, I'd go for their new, improved manager and Steve Mildenhall.

I think City will take the 2nd automatic promotion place and I'm sure Yeovil's board will be happy with a place in the play-offs - a great achievement. Arguably, a greater achievement than a much larger club gaining promotion from a division that they should never have been in.

I am rubbish at predictions.



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GJ has achieved a lot in the time he has been with us and transformed a struggling team to a promotion contender but i wonder whether his achilles heel is his inability to manage egos in the dressing room and whether that ultimately will be his downfall. Last nights performance illustrated two facts which have been apparent for a long time:

1. Basso is not an improvement on Steve Phillips and will always be a potential liability. Not only was the third goal his fault last night but a taller keeper would have saved the first one as well

2. We are lacking fit and consistent strikers thus making the transfer of Marcus Stewart to our promotion contenders unfathomable

No apologies for reopening two very old subjects but time has proven that GJ was wrong on both these issues and potentially this could cost us dear.

A taller keeper etc etc. You're 'aving a laugh. I texted my dad to say "1 - 1 Wonder Goal". I think that sums up their first goal quite succintly.

We are lacking fit and consistent strikers. I'm not sure I see the link to Marcus Stewart.

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GJ has achieved a lot in the time he has been with us and transformed a struggling team to a promotion contender but i wonder whether his achilles heel is his inability to manage egos in the dressing room and whether that ultimately will be his downfall. Last nights performance illustrated two facts which have been apparent for a long time:

1. Basso is not an improvement on Steve Phillips and will always be a potential liability. Not only was the third goal his fault last night but a taller keeper would have saved the first one as well

2. We are lacking fit and consistent strikers thus making the transfer of Marcus Stewart to our promotion contenders unfathomable

No apologies for reopening two very old subjects but time has proven that GJ was wrong on both these issues and potentially this could cost us dear.

time has proven him to be spot on with regard to those decisions......neither has done anything of note since leaving or would do anything to improve the current squad,

saying that though Phillips on lower wages would be decent cover for Basso & Weale, but as he said he didn't want to be a 3rd choice keeper at city

as for Stewart, less said the better as you have clearly contradicted yourself

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I agree with those who suggest that time has proven GJ right on both subjects. Seeing Phillips celebrating the Gas win as if it was all about him was actually rather sad. Especially seeing as he had bugger all to do and the win was down to the outfield players in the main. That photo of him 'mooning' to the camera sums it up really. Not just ungracious in victory but self-centred - just the sort of person who would undermine the sort of ethic GJ builds his team around.

If you offered me Phillips and Stewart back for nothing now, I wouldn't take them. We have players who take pride in wearing the shirt, who show a 100 per cent commitment to the cause and who work together as a team. Yes, they have off days. But it's not through lack of caring. And I notice the stories of players out boozing at inappropriate times seem to have dried up in the last year or so. You can't have a disciplined squad if the manager allows those who lack discipline to prosper. The message had to be sent out, and it seems to have got through.

As things stand, it looks like City will be in the Championship next season, Stewart will be in Division One and Phillips will be in the basement. Ask yourself who will be having the last laugh then. It's a ridiculous situation because both have the ability to be in the Championship next season. What they lack is the right attitude. Both seem happy to be playing in a comfort zone.

Well let them waste their talent. But I don't want any player pulling on a City shirt and seeing it as a comfort zone. I'm sick of it - we've had it for years and thank God GJ has finally got rid of it.

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Now had this thread allured to the missing target man and defensive midfield lynchpin, I might have sympathy with the notion of 2 haunting mistakes.

However, Stewart and Phillips!!!????? Sorry can't see the relevance.

Stewart, aged journeyman

Phillips arrogant turncoat.

Now why did we release Mark McGhee and not sign Trevor Francis??? I blame Alan Dicks :whistle2:

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Why are we looking to find GJ mistakes , I'm not his greatest fan at times but we sit second in the league with 9 games to go , a play off place virtually assured and automatic promotion a very real target and in our own hands .

If at the start of the season Id have been told that Brooker/Showomni/Murray etc would have missed chunks of the season injured (not to mention Keogh falling ill when he was playing superbly) and we would have spent alot of time with JMW and Jevons as our strike force and been in this position I would have taken it like a shot.

GJ deserves alot ofcredit for this with some great signings who have proven their worth (McCombe,Mcallister,Showomni) and others who are slowly proving it .His mistake is the wing back system which ruins some players just to accomodate others .

On the last point, I would struggle to name a keeper in the world who would have saved the first goal , Basso was in the right position , just a great dig , the highht or otherwise of the keeper is irrelevant

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