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The Secret Evening.....


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If that's true I'll be rather peeved at a wasted evening...

Can't remember exactly what I heard but the announcer made some comment about Thursday & City2000 etc.

To be honest, I'm not inclined to go now. Whilst I have no real problem with the 2000 scheme, I'd rather put my cash in to the Supporters Trust.

The City2000 scheme was/is not a bad thing though. It helps generate money for the Academy, participants stand a chance of winning some cool cash prizes and members also get priority on ticket sales after season ticket holders. For as long as much of these incentives remain, it will be a good scheme for some fans to join. I withdrew my support from this scheme for 2 reasons. 1) They stopped offering a 5% discount on my season ticket cost and 2) I wanted to invest my money in the Trust instead.

I wish the Club all the best for the relaunch of this scheme and I hope that it has appeal.

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I would be very surprised if there is not a lot more to it than that.........my guess would be stadium related or a substantial investor

I'd be surprised if it's to do with an investor due to the fact that it's season ticket holders being invited rather than shareholders. I'd have thought that would be more a meeting to announce to the latter?

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My guess, based on the fact that tickets aren't being sold in the EE for the Meatloaf concert, plus Mike Lewis's reference to a change in City 2000, is that the new stand is going ahead in the summer. In order to help pay for it, the focus of City 2000 is changing, and instead of funding the academy, it will be widened into a funding vehicle for stadium redevlopment.

This is just a hunch, based on no prior knowledge of anything whatsoever. If it is a new stand, then let's have it named after a former player. I opt for the Bell End.

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My guess, based on the fact that tickets aren't being sold in the EE for the Meatloaf concert, plus Mike Lewis's reference to a change in City 2000, is that the new stand is going ahead in the summer. In order to help pay for it, the focus of City 2000 is changing, and instead of funding the academy, it will be widened into a funding vehicle for stadium redevlopment.

This is just a hunch, based on no prior knowledge of anything whatsoever. If it is a new stand, then let's have it named after a former player. I opt for the Bell End.

I thought that was the aim of the Man Yoo fans hijacking the vote on the Man City website a few years ago to name the new stand at the CoM stadium? Shame it ended up being a side stand really.....

I think you are spot-on with your assumptions about this evening Dave, unless of course you are privy to some insider information :ph34r:

My vote for the new stand name (if that is what this announcement turns out to be) is the Tinnion stand, purely because he was the most influential player I have watched during my 13 years as a City regular. I await the backlash... :innocent06:

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I would be very surprised if there is not a lot more to it than that.........my guess would be stadium related or a substantial investor

I hope it's very substantial investor and that GJ gets a striker before Sat :D

All joking apart, I'm not putting another penny into following Bristol City until we're in The Championship and I see real ambition & investment both in terms of facilities and playing staff.

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.In order to help pay for it, the focus of City 2000 is changing, and instead of funding the academy, it will be widened into a funding vehicle for stadium redevlopment.

Winning Promotion, playing better teams, with bigger away followings, will bring in the cash!!.

So all we have to do now is get Promoted!!,


I opt for the Bell End.

Now you are taking the "Mickey!!"


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Supporters should..... listen to & support whatever is proposed by the club (if acceptable)

....but push for a QUID PRO QUO deal - something for something - supporters backing the clubs ideas/club backing the supporters wishes -

The Club want supporters to actively support them....

- The Supporters want the Club to actively support & encourage maximum possible home usage of the EAST END - get something in return for your continued support - fairs fair - Quid Pro Quo..

Its not too much to ask is it??

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